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AgendaAgenda Examining Use Behaviors Phishing Quiz Threats to Information Security Practicing Avoidance Behavior Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "AgendaAgenda Examining Use Behaviors Phishing Quiz Threats to Information Security Practicing Avoidance Behavior Resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 AgendaAgenda Examining Use Behaviors Phishing Quiz Threats to Information Security Practicing Avoidance Behavior Resources

3 Examining Use Behaviors

4 Spends an hour instant messaging every night Clicks “remind me again later” when anti-virus update alerts appear on the screen Often downloads games that are available as freeware Scenario 1

5 Leaves browser open to monitor sales on Ebay Downloads *.pdf files while conducting research online Has latest versions of security software installed Scenario 2

6 Uses a neighbor’s wireless network for Internet access at home Always deletes old e-mail messages to maintain privacy Sometimes provides sensitive information to register with sites Scenario 3

7 What’s New Out There?

8 Worms and Instant Messaging Intended Effects: Clog network traffic May damage files on your computer May cause e-mail servers to crash A worm is a self-replicating program that takes advantage of e-mail or IM contact lists to spread from computer to computer.

9 What is a Bot? How it works: Computer is usually compromised by a ‘Trojan’ first Hacker sends commands to your computer through an open port, turning it into a ‘bot’ Uses the ‘bot’ to send large amounts of useless information to target and crash another site A ‘bot’ is a compromised computer that is controlled remotely and is used to attack other sites or to conduct other malicious/illegal activities.

10 Weather bug Stock updates Free instant messaging (“IM”) software Downloaded files from untrusted sources Music Games News ticker What’s on Your Computer

11 Good Habits Leave fields blank when possible Give fake information Don’t give sensitive information or information you want to keep private –date of birth –cell phone number Open a free e-mail account Use a guest log-in if available Avoid freeware from untrustworthy sources

12 Any information they can get! What are they after?

13 What is Freeware? Ring tones Screensavers Imoticons Wallpapers Games Informational programs: weather bug, stock ticker Software that is ‘free’ to download and install.

14 Freeware Reality Not really free May contain adware resulting in annoying and potentially dangerous pop-ups Often contains spyware, trojans, cookies, or other malicious software May not work if spyware or trojans are removed Vendor may sell your product registration information

15 Good Habits Say ‘no’ to attractive packaging Say ‘no, thanks’ to freeware from friends or family Start reading ‘Terms and Conditions’ before agreeing Stop downloading freeware from unknown or untrustworthy sites Stop giving sensitive information in product registrations

16 What is Malware? Malicious, self-replicating programs Trojans – Gather information or perform commands Worms – Spread through e-mail and IM links or attachments Viruses – Infect executable files (*.exe) and have the ability to modify other programs Sniffers – Intercepts routed data, searching for information (passwords, bank account numbers) transmitted in clear text

17 Good Habits Avoiding unsecure wireless networks Avoiding links sent via e-mail or IM Avoiding ads in the margin of legitimate sites Avoiding sharing your computer with unsupervised children/teens Keeping anti-virus software up-to-date and running Always scanning attachments before opening

18 Who’s Reading Your E-mail?

19 E-mail and IM transmissions are not secure Key-logging software may record what you type Your address is available for spamming, phishing, spoofing, and other scams

20 Good Habits Keep in mind that it could be read Break-up sensitive communications Delete old e-mails and scrub your computer if you’re discarding it ‘Log-out’ when using a shared computer to check mail Lock your computer when you’re away Share your computer wisely

21 Phishing Quiz

22 YES  The domains don’t match The ‘@’ in the link indicates a fake site Check the message header Is it Phish? YES

23 Practice Safe Browsing 1.Open a new browser. 2.Use a search engine to find the legitimate site address. 3.Don’t use third party links. Is it Phish? NO

24 Account number information is shown Do you have an account with this company? If not, it’s phish. Is it Phish?

25 YES Most charities don’t solicit donations through e-mail. If you want to help, contact the charity directly. Is it Phish?

26 Less bad grammar or misspellings Include legitimate logos Include authentic looking privacy or copyright information Mirror the appearance of legitimate sites to gain your confidence Phishing Gets Smart To report phishing or other fraud:

27 NUIT Bulk E-mail Archive If you have doubts about an e-mail, go to the source. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! 491-HELP

28 Threats to Information Security

29 According to Microsoft, an unprotected Windows PC will attract an unwelcome advance by a security threat within 23 minutes of connecting to the Internet. A 2000% increase in the number of threats detected for IM and peer-to-peer networks was reported between 2004 and 2005. Threats increasingly target mobile devices and are increasingly sophisticated. Threats to Information Security

30 Practicing Avoidance Behavior

31 Scan incoming attachments no matter who sends them Visit web sites directly—don’t use third party links Look for “https” in web addresses to know a page is secure Surf trusted sites Use different passwords for different classes of information Don’t log on to unsecure wireless networks Don’t disable your firewall for convenience Close your browser Keep Your Guard Up

32 Keep anti-virus software current and install definitions as they become available. Scan your computer frequently. Automate it and forget it! Take charge of your computer and your security! Take charge of your computer and your security!

33 Question: New sites New services Unusual ads and pop-ups Things that seem to good to be true E-mail with unusual or foreign characters in the heading Unexpected e-mail or IM Be a Skeptic Call 1-HELP if you have a question!

34 Warning Signs Unusual requests to transfer information through firewall Computer slowness Changes to your browser homepage Changes to your computer desktop Excessive pop-up ads Any behavior that makes you suspicious or uncomfortable

35 Symantec/Norton Anti-Virus dex.html Spybot spybot-install.html Fix It!

36 Security Awareness Tip of the Month month/index.html “Get Control” web site E-mail Defense System Computer and Network Security NUIT Resources

37 Next Tech Talk Laying Down the Law Illegal file sharing, copyright laws, and the Internet Understanding copyrights, software licenses, and more! Friday, November 11, 2005 Same locations, Noon – 1 p.m. Please register online:

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