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Julie Winter Sub Degree Programme Coordinator 2 nd July 2010 Higher National Engineering programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Julie Winter Sub Degree Programme Coordinator 2 nd July 2010 Higher National Engineering programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie Winter Sub Degree Programme Coordinator 2 nd July 2010 Higher National Engineering programmes

2 Edexcel Teesside University is a licensed provider and as such has autonomy as far as the HN programmes are concerned. We will not be using directly the Edexcel unit specificatons. We will not be using the directly the programme structures for the HN programmes We can refer to them for guidance

3 New HN structure HNC 125 credits 8 modules HND 245 credits 16 modules Project module 20 credit

4 Overall Grade There will be an overall grade for the HNC and HND based on a points system for individual module grades This will be calculated by the University SITS system

5 Modules L4 underpinning knowledge such as: Analytical Methods for Engineers Engineering Science L5 further development such as: Mechanical Principles Project

6 Core Modules Recommended 4 modules Must include 20 credit Project module

7 Example: HNC Mechanical Engineering Core Modules L4 Analytical Methods for Engineers Engineering Science L5 Mechanical Principles Project

8 Elective Modules HNC Maximum of 3 L5 HND Minimum of 8 L5 To tailor HNC/D to suit local industry needs

9 Example HNC Mechanical Engineering Core L4 Analytical Methods for Engineers Engineering Science L5 Mechanical Principles L5 Project L5 Plus 4 modules from electives (max of 1 additional L5 ) Elective L4 Application of Pneumatics & Hydraulics Heat Transfer & combustion Fluid Mechanics Materials Engineering Mechatronics Systems Principles L5 Engineering Design Business Management Techniques Plant Services

10 HNC Mechanical Engineering 1 st year 1.Analytical Methods for Engineers L4 2.Engineering Science L4 3.Heat Transfer & Combustion 4.Applications of Pneumatics & Hydraulics L4 2nd year 5.Mechanical Principles L5 6.Materials Engineering L4 7.Project L5 8. Business Management Techniques L5 8. Fluid Mechanics L4

11 Approval Process Subject group meetings – Choose core and electives Module specifications – School guidelines Module approval event Critical read Sub Degree provision Programme approval event

12 Approval Documents Module Specifications Programme specification Programme Handbook Programme Evaluation Document

13 Module Specification School guidelines Utreg form Common modules Specific modules

14 Assessment Strategy Maximum of three elements of assessment per module Learning outcomes mapped to assessments Assessments detailed Address actions recommended by External Examiners

15 Programme Specification Common programmes Specialist programmes Must include: All delivery patterns All delivery locations

16 Programme Handbooks Generic school document with college specific additional information Programme structure Staff Profiles and Photographs Student Profiles & Quotes Academic misconduct Sample assessment Schedule

17 Programme Handbooks

18 Programme Evaluation Document (PED) Each college will produce own PED Informs overall Sub Degree Provision PED

19 Any Questions?

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