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CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review. © Daniel S. Weld 2 Logistics Problem Set due at midnight Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30 Regular classroom Closed book.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review. © Daniel S. Weld 2 Logistics Problem Set due at midnight Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30 Regular classroom Closed book."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review

2 © Daniel S. Weld 2 Logistics Problem Set due at midnight Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30 Regular classroom Closed book Cover all quarter’s material Emphasis on material not covered on midterm Even more emphasis on material not on any PS

3 © Daniel S. Weld 3 Abalone

4 © Daniel S. Weld 4 Defining AI thought vs. behavior human-like vs. rational Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems that act rationally

5 © Daniel S. Weld 5 Goals of this Course To introduce you to a set of key: Paradigms & Techniques Teach you to identify when & how to use Heuristic search Constraint satisfaction Machine learning Logical inference Bayesian inference Policy construction

6 © Daniel S. Weld 6 Theme I Problem Spaces & Search How to specify PS? Two kinds of search?

7 © Daniel S. Weld 7 Learning as Search

8 © Daniel S. Weld 8 SUPPLE – Adapting UIs

9 © Daniel S. Weld 9 Adapting to Device Characteristics Func Interface Spec Device Model Custom Interface Rendering + Hierarchy of State vars + Methods Screen size Available widgets Interaction modes

10 © Daniel S. Weld 10 Interface Adaptation as Search Func Interface Spec Device Model Custom Interface Rendering +

11 © Daniel S. Weld 11 Theme II In the knowledge lies the power Adding knowledge to search?

12 © Daniel S. Weld 12 Heuristics How to generate? Admissibility?

13 © Daniel S. Weld 13 Constraint Satisfaction? How to Specify? Why Effective? SEND + MORE ------ MONEY

14 © Daniel S. Weld 14 Backjumping (BJ) Similar to BT, but more efficient when no consistent instantiation can be found for the current var Instead of backtracking to most recent var… BJ reverts to deepest var which was c-checked against the current var BJ Discovers (2, 5, 3, 6) inconsistent with x 6 No sense trying other values of x 5 Q Q Q Q Q

15 © Daniel S. Weld 15 Shuttle Repair Scheduling

16 © Daniel S. Weld 16 Probabilistic Representations How encode knowledge here? In the knowledge lies the power

17 © Daniel S. Weld 17 Theme III Importance of Representation Features in ML Reformulation

18 © Daniel S. Weld 18 Propositional. Logic vs. First Order Ontology Syntax Semantics Inference Algorithm Complexity Objects, Properties, Relations Atomic sentences Connectives Variables & quantification Sentences have structure: terms father-of(mother-of(X))) Unification Forward, Backward chaining Prolog, theorem proving DPLL, GSAT Fast in practice Semi-decidableNP-Complete Facts (P, Q) Interpretations (Much more complicated) Truth Tables

19 © Daniel S. Weld 19 Nested Quantifiers: Order matters! Every dog has a tail  x  y P(x,y)   y  x P(x,y)  d  t has(d,t)  t  d has(d,t) ?

20 © Daniel S. Weld 20 Logical Inference as Search

21 © Daniel S. Weld 21 Skolemization Existential quantifiers aren’t necessary! Existential variables can be replaced by Skolem functions (or constants) Args to function are all surrounding  vars  d  t has(d, t)  x  y loves(y, x)  d has(d, f(d) )  y loves(y, f() )  y loves(y, f 97 )

22 © Daniel S. Weld 22 Why is Learning Possible? Experience alone never justifies any conclusion about any unseen instance. Learning occurs when PREJUDICE meets DATA! Learning a “FOO”

23 © Daniel S. Weld 23 Planning Extend to Durative Actions Simultaneous actions Minimize make-span How??? ObOb OaOa OcOc

24 © Daniel S. Weld 24 Uncertainity Joint Distribution Prior & Conditional Probability Bayes Rule [Conditional] Independence Bayes Net Earthquake Burglary Alarm Nbr2CallsNbr1Calls Pr(B=t) Pr(B=f) 0.05 0.95 Pr(A|E,B) e,b 0.9 (0.1) e,b 0.2 (0.8) e,b 0.85 (0.15) e,b 0.01 (0.99) Radio

25 © Daniel S. Weld 25 Dynamic Bayesian Network State Estimation

26 © Daniel S. Weld 26 Specifying a MDP S = set of states set (|S| = n) A = set of actions (|A| = m) Pr = transition function Pr(s,a,s’) represented by set of m n x n stochastic matrices (factored into DBNs) each defines a distribution over SxS R(s) = bounded, real-valued reward fun represented by an n-vector

27 © Daniel S. Weld 27 Finding a Policy Value Iteration Policy Iteration Modified Policy Iteration

28 © Daniel S. Weld 28 Max Bellman Backup a1a1 a2a2 a3a3 s VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn Q n+1 (s,a) V n+1 (s)

29 © Daniel S. Weld 29 Q-Learning Maintain Q(a, s) for visited states, tried actions As execute actions, do backup on per-action basis Or compute weighted average over all future states (not just immediate successor) Do updates at end of epoch Approximating Q function

30 © Daniel S. Weld 30 And More Specific search & CSP algorithms Adversary Search Inference in Propositional & FO Logic Specific Learning Algorithms DT Induction, Ensembles, Naïve Bayes EM, DBNs Lots of details

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