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Snapshot of Photon + MET Trigger Studies On behalf of SUSY Photon+MET Group Bruce Schumm, SCIPP/UCSC SUSY Trigger Meeting 14 December 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Snapshot of Photon + MET Trigger Studies On behalf of SUSY Photon+MET Group Bruce Schumm, SCIPP/UCSC SUSY Trigger Meeting 14 December 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snapshot of Photon + MET Trigger Studies On behalf of SUSY Photon+MET Group Bruce Schumm, SCIPP/UCSC SUSY Trigger Meeting 14 December 2010

2 Neutralino NLSP Signatures For Bino, branching is 77% , 23% Z. For Wino, branching properties are switched. For Higgsino, no photonic decay, but actual NLSP may be Higgsino/Bino/Wino admixture

3 Bino-Like Neutralino Grid For Bino-like neutralino, two photons + MET is most promising but lose coverage if hadronic activity is required (jets, HT, etc.) No visible jet activity when M g ~ M  Desecrated plot thanks to Shih/Ruderman, ArXiv 0911.4130 Tevatron Limit  Require LOOSE photon trigger (control sample)

4 p T of Photons (Low  Mass) M bino = 200 GeV M gluino=400–700 GeV Et Cut 11 22 20362 25362356 30362351 35362 40362 50359 60353 70338 80320 90304 100295 Trigger Results for Events Passing Offline Selection 1000 SIGNAL EVENTS

5 Wino - like Neutralino: |M2|<<  and |M2| < |M1| Natural for photon+lepton analysis 2  trigger should suffice for  +e (probably…) mu20 probably fine for  +  (maybe…)

6 Higgsino-Like Admixture One H 0 -gravitino decay and one  -gravitino decay per event Efficiency low for 2  ; falling for g80_loose  jet trigger better if photon Et threshold can be lowered 11 22

7 Summary/Parting Thoughts Current experience suggests that any photonic trigger should be loose Bino-Like: 2  trigger appears more robust than 1  for events that pass offline cuts Wino-Like: 2  trigger should suffice for  +e; mu20 may suffice for  +  (more study needed) Higgsino Admixture: 1  efficiency marginal;  +jet helpful if it allows Et threshold to be lowered and… Non-Pointing Photons: EtCut (no shower shape), pure jet triggers under study. Might need to include MET?



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