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Title: SimpleSecure planning Date: 20 August 2009 Paul Dunphy & Patrick Olivier.

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2 Title: SimpleSecure planning Date: 20 August 2009 Paul Dunphy & Patrick Olivier

3 Culture Lab: interdisciplinary research

4 Newcastle expertise: security  Graphical passwords:  Draw-a-secret  Recognition-based graphical passwords  Gestural & multi-touch passwords  Usability and security:  Memorability  Interference  Description  Shoulder surfing  Security & user experience (biometric daemon)

5 Newcastle expertise: HCI  Technology  Mobile interaction design  Pervasive environments (e.g. Ambient Kitchen )  Situated interaction (e.g. tabletops)  Methods:  Participatory design (e.g. with older people)  Creative practice in design  Film in design (e.g. VJs and artists)  Cultural probes (e.g. digital jewellery)  Ethnography (with collaborators)

6 Newcastle: SimpleSecure interests  Requirements capture (ethnography)  Participatory design methods:  In particular with older people  Technology development:  Pervasive environments in the home  Mobile security  New (and old) methods for situated interaction  Evaluation with large numbers of users

7 Newcastle: resources  £12M Digital Economy Research Hub  UKRC funded from 2009-2014 (EPSRC)  Newcastle (core) + Dundee universities  24 multidisciplinary post-doctoral researchers (5 years)  Years Ahead: older people’s forum  User Pool of 3,000 people  older people  people with disabilities  excluded young people  Building 20 Ambient Kitchen environments in real users homes – opportunity for evaluating pervasive security

8  Questions

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