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UL Careers Service Educational Guidance Career and Life Review.

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Presentation on theme: "UL Careers Service Educational Guidance Career and Life Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 UL Careers Service Educational Guidance Career and Life Review

2 UL Careers Service Overview of Today’s Tutorial Registration Educational Guidance & Career Development Modules – an overview Introductions My life as it is now

3 UL Careers Service Educational Guidance Module Career and Life Review The Career Planning Process Life as a Mature Student Investigating courses Giving presentations Two assignments: 1: A Personal Career/Life Profile, Due….. 2: A Course Investigation, Due…… Also a 5-10 min presentation on course of choice or your own career/life to date

4 UL Careers Service Career Development Module Mature Graduates and the Workplace Skills and Interests Career Investigation CVs and Covering Letters Application Forms Interviews Two assignments: – A Career investigation – CV & Cover letter

5 UL Careers Service My life as it is now With partner: Interview each other (five minutes each) Story of your life Include: you, family, jobs you’ve had(loved, hated!) Why you applied for this course Favourite song, film, book? Each person to introduce other to group.

6 UL Careers Service Next Week The Career Planning Process (think about a holiday you’ve planned or would like to plan) Assignment 1- A Personal Career/Life Profile Presentations – Look out for examples of good and not so good public speakers (television characters, politicians, tutorials, former teachers etc)

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