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1 清除宿便、洗腸、輔助食品... 這些都是將腸道徹底清除乾淨的方法。的確,做完腸內洗淨療程之後, 可以明顯看出腸道內部變成乾淨的粉紅色, 沒有任何便便。 但這種做法是否真能讓腸道變乾淨(?) ~ 藤田紘一郎 ~ 藤田紘一郎 《大便書 – 邁向優質便便的幸福生活》 ( UNCOCORO for NATURAL UNCO LIFE ) p152
2我們將便便隱藏在地底,增建漂亮的大樓,讓街道變得乾淨亮麗。然後再使用抗箘產品殺死細箘。... 過度地清除細箘,保持徹底乾淨的狀態, 或許會不自覺導致最壞的結果。 ~ 藤田紘一郎 《大便書 – 邁向優質便便的幸福生活》 ( UNCOCORO for NATURAL UNCO LIFE ) p152
3我們拚命追求一個「光鮮整潔的社會」,但卻沒發現這樣的社會,其實污染了整個地球環境。 ~ 藤田紘一郎 《大便書 – 邁向優質便便的幸福生活》 ( UNCOCORO for NATURAL UNCO LIFE ) p163
4我們大多數的影片少有真實的東西。我們因為害怕被檢查和禁映,故長久地違背了真實的生活。 - 山姆高德溫( 1950 ),轉引自《看不到的電影》,梁良, 2004 )
5 By “morality,” one means a set of values and rules of action that are recommended to individuals through the intermediary of various prescriptive agencies such as the family (in one of its roles), educational institutions, churches, and so forth. ~ Michel Foucault “The Use of Pleasure” p25
6 “arts of existence”… are those intentional and voluntary actions by which men not only set themselves rules of conduct, but also seek to transform themselves, to change themselves in their singular being, and to make their life into an oeuvre that carries certain aesthetic values and meets certain stylistic criteria. ~ Michel Foucault “The Use of Pleasure” pp10-11
7 All the time [people] need not to be killed, assaulted, or arbitrarily interfered with. … Obligation works to secure reliability, a state of affairs in which people can reasonably expect others to behave in some ways and not in others. … It is one that tries to produce an expectation that through an expectation of. These kinds of obligation very often command the highest deliberative priority and also present themselves as important … ~ Bernard Williams “ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy ” pp186-187
8 … repression operated as a sentence to disappear, but also as an injunction to silence, an affirmation of nonexistence, and, by implication, an admission that there was nothing to say about such things, nothing to see, and nothing to know. Such was the hypocrisy of our bourgeois societies with its halting logic. …The brothel and the mental hospital would be those places of tolerance ~ Michel Foucault “The History of Sexuality Vol 1 – An Introduction” p4
9 It will be no good if moral value is merely a consolation prize you get if you are not in worldly terms happy or talented or good-humoured or loved. It has to be what ultimately matters. ~ Bernard Williams “ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy ” p195
10... morality makes people think that, without its very special obligation, there is only inclination; without its utter voluntariness, without its utter voluntariness, there is only force; without its ultimately pure justice, there is no justice. Its philosophical errors are only Its philosophical errors are only the most abstract expressions of a deeply rooted and still powerful misconception of life. ~ Bernard Williams ~ Bernard Williams “ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy ”, p196
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