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Reducing the Military Death Rate Potential Research Program Outline For Discussion Only.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing the Military Death Rate Potential Research Program Outline For Discussion Only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing the Military Death Rate Potential Research Program Outline For Discussion Only

2 Objective and Significance n Objective: Reduce the death rate (deaths per 1000 people) in the military n Significance: –In war, the side with the lower death rate has an advantage –In humanitarian operations (e.g., Somalia), reducing death rate reduces political embarrassment. –Transition to civil sector reduces danger of CBW

3 Why DARPA n Vital for National defense n Technical Challenge –NIH has spent billions, but hasn’t reduced death rate at all –Approaches combine information, biological, and physical sciences

4 Approach Overview Three complementary approaches, with different associated risks / benefits. n Bionic replacement n DNA Modification n Uninteruptible Life Systems (ULS)

5 Bionic Replacement (Low risk / low gain) n Replace worn/damaged parts as needed –Builds on DARPA work in: Micro/nano technology Medical information systems Logistics systems –Requires: Incremental advances in replacement part engineering (more organ types) Work with DLA to assure availability

6 DNA Modification (Moderate risk / moderate gain) n Use Human Genome information to provide total regenerative capability n Focus on mechanisms for “un- shedding” of telomeres –Aging related to loss of telomeres on DNA –Assumption -- full complement of telomeres is “stem cell” -- capable of regenerating any tissue. –Develop mechanisms for adding telomeres as needed Finding lost telomeres and reattaching Regenerating

7 Uninteruptible Life Systems (ULS) (Highest risk / highest gain) n All cultures have myth of “undead” n Approach: –Find members of class –Characterize biological and psychological differences from general population –Conduct experiments to determine which characteristics prevent death.

8 Evaluation Criteria n Speed of replacement / regeneration n Short-term death rates n Long-term death rates (50, 100, 500 year follow-ups)

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