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Organizational Communication

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1 Organizational Communication
Human Resources Approaches Chapter 3

2 The Human Resources Approach see workers as Assets
Have you ever heard of human assets? Human Resources includes human assets which are people. People are a company’s greatest asset. For example: Teachers – are the biggest asset of an educational institution but also important are the clerical staff, the administrators, the maintenance workers, and the student assistants. All work in helping the “wheels” turn. How about Politicians, police, pilots, administrative assistants, farm laborers…the list could go on and on. All play vital roles in the success of their individual organization or public agency. Human Resources Approaches

3 Human Resources Approach
The Human Resources Approach combines both the Classical Approach and the Human Relations Approach. Good Job ! Well Done The Human Resource Approach combines both the Classical Approach and the Human Relations Approach…Like putting chapters 1 and 2 in a big pot, stirring it up, and serving Chapter 3 Perhaps you may recall from Chapters 1 and 2 The Classical Approach expects employees to provide physical labor – sometimes referring to the machine metaphor, whereas, The Human Relations Approach sees workers as individuals motivated to do a good job. Human Resources Approaches

4 Human Relations Principles
If an employee is satisfied, he/she should work more productively Work Factors Satisfaction of Higher-Order Needs Job Satisfaction Productivity Do Human Relations Principles work? If an employee is satisfied, he or she should be more productive. It looks intuitively appealing, It assumes good things about employees, It treats employees well by enriching and challenging their jobs, It fulfills needs for esteem and self-actualization, It generates a climate of worker satisfaction, and in the end Productivity flourishes So, work factors influence satisfaction of higher order needs which leads to job satisfaction which equals productivity. Job characteristics can serve as motivators, but different aspects of motivation may vary. For example, some employees may be motivated by extra break time or extra time for on-the-job-training whereas others may be motivated by something else. Can you think of something that may motivate workers? Job characteristics can serve as motivators, but aspects to motivate may vary. Human Resources Approaches

5 Early Fundamental Aspects of the Human Resources Approach
Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Likert’s System IV The three Early Fundament Aspects include: Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Likert’s System IV Let’s start by talking about Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Human Resources Approaches

6 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Found on Page 52 of Organizational Communication
9 Country Club Management (1, 9) Team Management (9, 9) Concern for People Middle-of-the-Road Management (5, 5) 1 Impoverished Management (1, 1) Authority-Compliance (9, 1) Concern for Production Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid can be found on page 52 of the textbook. You can see that it concentrates on how managers can combine the values of the human relations school – the concern for people and the classical school - the concern for production into a style that works well with both. As you can see: Impoverished Management (1, 1) Has a Low concern for people and low concern for production Country Club Management (1, 9) Has a High concern for people and low concern for production Authority-Compliance (9, 1) Has a High concern for production but a low concern for people Team Management (9, 9) Seems to be the best – it has a High concern for people and a high concern for production; and Middle-of-the-Road Management (5, 5) This one attempts to balance concern for people and production without causing any waves. Human Resources Approaches

7 Human Resources Approaches
Likert’s System IV System I The Exploitive Authoritative Organization System II Benevolent Authoritative Organization System III The Consultative Organization System IV A Participative Organization The Exploitive Authoritative Organization, System I Uses threats and fear for motivation, communication is usually top down, Decision making and control are at the top-level where Orders are given The Benevolent Authoritative Organization, System II Uses rewards are for motivation but communication is limited Decision making and control is at the top-level Orders and comments are used for goal setting, and Managers believe this styles is best for workers The Consultative Organization, System III Is a little better than the other two systems. Decision and control is at the top-level, but, employees are consulted and their views are considered and then goals are set and there is a high level of communication at all levels Participative Organization, System IV This system is clearly the best. Decision making is performed by all employees, Goals are set by work groups, all levels of the organization are consulted and control includes all levels. Communication and interaction is extensive at all levels of the organization Human Resources Approaches

8 Human Resources Approaches
Comparison of the Three Approaches Found on Page 57 of Organizational Communication Classical Approach Human Relations Approach Human Resources Approach Communication content Task Task and social Task, social, and innovation Communication direction Vertical (downward) Vertical and horizontal All directions, team-based Communication channel Usually written Often face-to-face All channels Communication style Formal Informal Both, but especially informal You can find this chart on page 57 of your text. This chart shows a comparison of the different approaches we have talked about so far. As you may recall from chapter 1, the classical approach is task oriented with vertical downward communication with a written channel of communication and all members are addressed formally. The Human Resources Approach combines the best of the Classical and Human Relations Human Resources Approaches

9 The “What” of Human Resources
Team Management and Employee Involvement Designed to encourage all workers to participate in the organization’s success The goal is to create a “knowledge-enabled organization” Employee participation The What of Human Resources deals with Team Management and Employee Involvement This is designed to encourage all workers to participate in the organization’s success with the goal to create a “knowledge-enabled organization” using employee participation through group activities Human Resources Approaches

10 Human Resources Approaches
Summary The Human Resources Approach came to be out of dissatisfaction for the Human Relations theories. This was because principles failed to accumulate widespread empirical support, and Some Human Relations ideas could be instituted in half-hearted and manipulative ways. Also, As a brief recap, the human resources approach sprang from dissatisfaction of human relations theories because principles failed to accumulate widespread empirical support, and some human relations ideas could be instituted in half-hearted and manipulative ways. Human Resources Approaches

11 Human Resources Approaches
Summary The Human Resources approach tries to maximize both organizational productivity and individual employee satisfaction. These accomplishments occur through the creative uses of the Human Resources Approach. The human resources approach tries to maximize both productivity and employee satisfaction. This is accomplished through the creative uses of human resources. Human Resources Approaches

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