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March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 1 Dimitrios Katsaros Yannis Manolopoulos Data Engineering Lab Department of Informatics.

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1 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 1 Dimitrios Katsaros Yannis Manolopoulos Data Engineering Lab Department of Informatics Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece Caching in Web Memory Hierarchies

2 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 2 reverse- proxy cache Origin server proxy caches Web performance: the ubiquitous content cache cooperating hierarchical

3 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 3 Web caching benefits Caching is important because by reducing the number of requests –the network bandwidth consumption is reduced –the user-perceived delay is reduced ( popular objects are moved closer to clients) –the load on the origin servers is reduced ( servers handle fewer requests)

4 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 4 Content caching is still strategic Is the optimization of fine tuning of cache replacement a “moot point” due to the ever decreasing prices of memory? Such a conclusion is ill guided for several reasons : First, studies have shown that the cache HR and BHR grow in a log-like fashion as a function of cache size [3]. Thus, a better algorithm that increases HR by only several percentage points would be equivalent to a several-fold increase in cache size Second, the growth rate of Web content is much higher than the rate with which memory sizes for Web caches are likely to grow Finally, the benefit of even a slight improvement in cache performance may have an appreciable effect on network traffic, especially when such gains are compounded through a hierarchy of caches

5 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 5 Web cache performance metrics Replacement policies aim at improving cache effectiveness by optimising two performance measures: the hit ratio: the cost savings ratio: where h i is the number of references to object i satisfied by the cache, r i is the total number of references to I, and c i is the cost of fetching object i in cache. The cost can be defined as: the object size s i. Then, CSR coincides with BHR (byte hit ratio) the downloading latency c i. Then, CSR coincides with DSR (delay savings ratio)

6 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 6 Challenges for a caching strategy Several factors distinguish Web caching from caching in traditional computer architectures (a)the heterogeneity in objects' sizes, (b)the heterogeneity in objects' fetching costs, (c)the depth of the Web caching hierarchy, and (d)the access patterns, which are not generated by a few programmed processes, but mainly originate from large human populations with diverse and varying interests

7 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 7 What has been done to address them? (1) The majority of the replacement policies proposed so far fail to achieve a balance between (or optimize both) HR and CSR: The recency-based policies, favour the HR, e.g., the family of GreedyDualSize algorithms [3, 7] The frequency-based policies, favour the CSR (BHR or DSR), e.g., LFUDA [5] Exceptions are the LUV [2] and GD* [7], which combine recency and frequency. The drawback of LUV is the existence of a manually tunable parameter λ, used to “select” the recency-based or frequency- based behaviour of the algorithm. GD* has a similar drawback, since it requires manual tuning of the parameter β

8 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 8 What has been done to address them ? (2) Regarding the depth of the caching hierarchy: Carey Williamson [15] Proved an alteration in the access pattern, which is characterized by weaker temporal locality Proposed the use of different replacement policies (LRU, LFU, GD-Size) in different levels of the caching hierarchies This solution though is not feasible and/or acceptable: the caches are administratively independent the adoption of a replacement policy (e.g., LFU) at any level of the hierarchy favours one performance metric (CSR) over the other (HR)

9 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 9 What has been done to address them ? (3) The origin of the request streams received little attention It is (in combination with the caching hierarchy depth) responsible for the large number of one-timers, objects requested only once Only SLRU [1] deals explicitly with this factor: –Proposed the use of a small auxiliary cache to maintain metadata for past evicted objects This approach: –needs to heuristically determine the size of the auxiliary cache –precludes some objects from entering into the cache. Thus, it may result in slow adaptation of the cache in a changing request pattern

10 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 10 Why do we need a new caching policy? Need to optimize not only one of the two performance metrics in a heterogeneous environment, like the Web. We would like a balance between HR and CSR (balance between the average latency that the user sees and the traffic performance) Need to deal with the weak temporal locality in Web request streams Need to eliminate any “administratively” tunable parameters. The existence of parameters whose value is derived from statistical information extracted from Web traces (e.g., LNC-R-W3 [14] or LRV [12]) is not desirable due to the difficulty of tuning these parameters Our contribution: CRF, a new caching policy dealing with all the particularities of the Web environment

11 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 11 CRF ’s design principles: BHR vs. DSR The delay savings ratio is affected very much by the transient network and Web server conditions Two more reasons bring about significant variation in the connection time for identical connections –The persistent HTTP connections, which avoid reconnection costs, and –Connection caching [4], which reduces connection costs We favour the size (BHR) instead of the latency (DSR) of fetching an object as a measure of the cost

12 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 12 CRF ’s design principles: One-timers We partition the cache space –Cache partitioning has been followed by prior algorithms, e.g. FBR [13], but not for the purpose of the isolation of one-timers –Only Segmented LRU [8] adopted partitioning for isolating one- timers. Experiments showed that (in the Web) it suffers from cache pollution The cache has two segments: R-segment and I-segment –The cache segments are allowed to grow and shrink deliberately depending on the characteristics of the request stream –The one-timers are accommodated into the R-segment. We do not further partition the I-segment since it makes very difficult to decide the segment from which the victim will be selected and it incurs maintenance cost for moving the objects from one segment to the other

13 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 13 CRF ’s design principles: Ranking (1) A couple of decisions must be made, which regard: the ranking of objects within each segment, and the selection of replacement victims These decisions must assure 3 constraints/targets: (a)balance between hit and byte hit ratio, (b)protect the cache from one-timers, but without preventing the cache from adapting to a changing access patterns, and (c)because of the weak temporal locality, exploit frequency- based replacement criteria

14 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 14 CRF ’s design principles: Ranking (2) Aim for the R-segment (one-timers): –accommodate as many objects as possible –exploit any short-term temporal locality of the request stream the ranking function for the R-segment: the ratio of object’s entry time over its size

15 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 15 CRF ’s design principles: Ranking (3) Aim for the I-segment (heart of the cache): –provide a balance between HR and BHR –deal with the weak temporal locality the ranking function for the I-segment: the product of the last inter-reference time of an object times the recency of the object –the inter-reference time stands for the steady- state popularity (frequency of reference) of an object –the recency stands for a transient preference to an object

16 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 16 CRF ’s design principles: Replacement victim (1) R-victim : the candidate victim from R-segment I-victim : the candidate victim from the I-segment t c : the current time R 1 : the reference time of the R-victim I 1 : the time of the penultimate reference to the I-victim I 2 : the time of the last reference to it δ 1 (= t c - I 2 ) : the reference recency of the I-victim δ 2 (= t c - R 1 ) : the reference recency of the R-victim δ 3 (= I 2 -I 1 ) : the last inter-reference time of the I-victim Estimate whether or not the I-victim loses its popularity and also the potential of the R-victim to get a second reference

17 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 17 CRF ’s design principles: Replacement victim (2) R-victim I-victim R-victim I-victim

18 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 18 CRF ’s pseudocode (1)

19 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 19 CRF ’s pseudocode (2)

20 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 20 CRF ’s performance evaluation Examined CRF against LRU, LFU, Size, LFUDA, GDS, SLRU, LUV, HLRU, LNCRW3 –GDS be the representative of the family which includes GDS, GDSF –HRLU(6) be the representative of the HLRU family –LNCRW3 implemented so as to optimise the BHR instead of DSR –LUV tuning: we tried several values for the λ parameter, and we selected the value 0.01, because it gave the best performance for small caches and the best performance in most cases Generated synthetic Web request streams with the ProWGen tool [15]

21 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 21 CRF ’s performance evaluation Input parameters to ProWGen tool

22 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 22 Sensitivity to one-timers : recency-based Left: Hit Rate Right: Byte Hit Rate

23 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 23 Sensitivity to one-timers : frequency-based Left: Hit Rate Right: Byte Hit Rate

24 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 24 Sensitivity to one-timers (aggregate) CRF’s gain-loss wrt one-timers

25 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 25 Sensitivity to Zipfian slope : recency-based Left: Hit Rate Right: Byte Hit Rate

26 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 26 Sensitivity to Zipfian slope : frequency-based Left: Hit Rate Right: Byte Hit Rate

27 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 27 Sensitivity to Zipfian slope (aggregate) CRF’s gain-loss wrt Zipfian slope

28 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 28 Conclusions We proposed a new replacement policy for Web caches, the CRF policy CRF was designed to address all the particularities of the Web environment The performance evaluation confirmed that CRF is a hybrid between recency and frequency-based policies CRF depicts a stable and overall improved performance

29 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 29 Thank you for your attention

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31 March 15, 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2004 31 9.R. Karedla, J.S. Love and B.G. Wherry. Caching strategies to improve disk system performance. IEEE Computer, 27(3):38–46, 1994. 10.N. Megiddo and D. S. Modha. ARC: a self-tuning low overhead replacement cache. Proceedings USENIX FAST Conf, 2003. 11.A. Nanopoulos, D. Katsaros and Y. Manolopoulos. A data mining algorithm for generalized Web prefetching. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 15(5):1155–1169, 2003. 12.L. Rizzo and L. Vicisano. Replacement policies for a proxy cache. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 8(2):158–170, 2000. 13.J. Shim, P. Scheuermann and R. Vingralek. Proxy cache algorithms: design, implementation and performance. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 11(4):549–562, 1999. 14.A. Vakali. Proxy cache replacement algorithms: a history-based approach. World Wide Web Journal, 4(4):277–297, 2001. 15.C. Williamson. On filter effects in Web caching hierarchies. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2(1):47–77, 2002. References (2)

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