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1 Understanding Cataloging with DLESE Metadata Katy Ginger ( Holly Devaul ( Karon Kelly ( Tammy Sumner ( Melissa Dawe (
2 Workshop Goals Become familiar with the DLESE metadata structure Catalog a resource with “required metadata” & be able to catalog at this level (and more?) at home Receive feedback on the MECCA tool Increase awareness of critical metadata, cataloging and collection issues: Design process including collection efforts Variability and consistency Controlled vocabularies and applying filters Collection assessment and scope
3 Presentation Outline 1. Metadata: Who, What, Why Metadata Partnerships Key Tasks of Metadata Working Group Metadata Group Design Collection Operational Collection Efforts 2. Metadata: The How DPC Cataloging Process 1. Discover Resources 2. Become Familiar with Resource 3. Apply Filters 4. Prepare to Catalog 5. Catalog Resources 6. Quality Review and Inventory 7. Ingest Metadata Records MECCA-Lite Will Support MECCA-Lite Won’t Support 3. Metadata Framework Community Desired Metadata IMS Standard DLESE Metadata Framework Proposed Metadata Levels Metadata Fields for the Levels Metadata Defined Categories Metadata Tree Structure Metadata and the Computer Metadata in XML Metadata Within the Library Next Framework Developments Cataloging at Home 4. Individual Fields Described Cataloging Mantra Sending XML Records to DPC
4 Metadata Partnerships Design : Framework development and interpretation Proposed levels of cataloging (3 R’s) MECCA development Authority and controlled vocabularies Research on community generated metadata Production: Creating Metadata for Operational Collections Collections - Kastens WES - Geary NASA - Olds COMET DPC UCAR. Community contributors Connections: Informing the design and production processes Characteristics of collections and user needs Standards and best practices
5 Key Tasks of Metadata Group 1. Develop and interpret a metadata framework 2. Identify resources to test the metadata framework 3. Develop controlled terminologies 4. Implement community search ideas and assessment techniques into the DLESE metadata framework 5. Catalog enough resources to test the metadata framework 6. Develop MECCA (Metadata Entry for Community Centered Assets), a user-friendly cataloging tool 7. Provide cataloging and metadata support to groups involved in the DLESE collection efforts.
6 Metadata Group Design Collection Laboratory Exercises Conceptual Images Pedagogy Tutorials Case Studies/ Virtual Field Trips Student Portfolios Tools (e.g. Calculators) Scientific Papers Professional Opportunities Problem SetsTheme or Portal Sites CoursesLesson Plans/ Syllabi Images, Animations, Video (observed) Large Data Sets History of Geoscience Assessment Tools/ Rubrics Animations, Applets, Models (simulations) Large Data Set Tools
7 Operational Collection Efforts 1.Collections Proposal (Kim) 2.NASA Educational Materials (Shelley) 3.DLESE Geo Proposal (Dave) 4.K-12 Water in the Earth System Group (Ed) 5.COMET Multimedia Elements (Katy) 6.JESSE (Martin)
8 COMET Multimedia Collection COMET (Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training) is a UCAR program like DLESE Creating their own library possibly with SCORM metadata (Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model) COMET plans on using SDLIP; so DLESE will be able to search their collection Contains about 10,000 elements, most of which have some metadata information (Dublin Core type fields) Mostly multimedia elements used in graduate instruction of operational weather forecasters in the National Weather Service Universities LOVE and USE COMET stuff
9 COMET Sample: Bow Echoes
10 DPC Cataloging Process 1.Discover resources 2.Become familiar with the resource to catalog 3.Apply filters 4.Prepare to catalog 5.Catalog resource 6.Quality review and inventory controls 7.Ingest metadata record This represents a point in time of an evolving process.
11 1. Discover Resources Use resources from Metadata Working Group Design Collection Use community suggested URLs from Check for duplicate and similar URLs
12 2. Apply Filters 2a. Relevance Filter: Professional expertise in K-12 arena Staff and organization science expertise 2b. Integrity Filter: Personal knowledge (use or creation of resource) Correspondence with resource providers Reliance on review by trusted organizations Resource works (i.e. links work, applets run) 2c. Access (Copyright) Filter: Freely available or at very low cost Digitally available with a web-based presence No copyright and use restrictions in an educational setting
13 3. Become Familiar with Resource Decide what to catalog and how (granularity) Create single records for resources as a whole Create additional records if individual parts of resource differ substantially in technical requirements, descriptions and educational data Create relationships between resources using the fields of description, learning resource type and relation Strikes a balance between supporting resource discovery with reasonable user effort yet avoids potential user frustration with retrieving to many redundant records Community developed collections may have varying levels of granularity
14 4. Prepare to Catalog Browse the resource noting required metadata information (plus more) Multiple windows open Browser open to the resource XML editor open to metadata record Browser open to the best practices (or hardcopy)
15 5. Catalog Resources Make informed decisions about content, pedagogy, and computer requirements based on best practices and cataloger expertise From experience, spend 30 to 60 minutes to generate required metadata for unfamiliar resources Manually catalog by cutting, pasting, and typing
16 6. Quality Review & Inventory Original cataloger reviews all fields A second cataloger review all fields Updates and changes are made and if necessary a third review is done by the original or second cataloger Assign inventory controls: DLESE Catalog Record Number Collection level (Broad or Reviewed) Collection group (e.g MWG)
17 7. Ingest Metadata Records Records are ingested into the library database Cataloger verifies new record is searchable
18 MECCA-Lite Will Support 1.Distributed cataloging 2.Duplication and similarity checks 3.Access filter by completing the cost and copyright metadata fields 4.Community completion of required metadata 5.Generation of the record in XML 6.Assigning the DLESE Catalog Record Number
19 MECCA-Lite Won’t Support 1.Application of the Relevance and Integrity filters since no metadata field is completed 2.Redistribution of record to gain more metadata past the required set 3.Quality review by additional catalogers 4.Ingest of the record into the library database 5.Re-edit of the metadata record within the tool.
20 Community Desired Metadata Incorporate the National Science Education Standards Indicate level of peer review and classroom testing Reference related resources (e.g. evaluation reports, other exercises or labs) Include instructor comments as annotations
21 IMS Standard Was a starting point from which to work Describes educational learning objects Permits multiple levels of granularity Supports extensibility Uses XML as a standard for portable data exchange in both content and structure
22 DLESE Metadata Framework Based on IMS Incorporates specific DLESE community requirements Is developing as a metadata standard for the Earth system and related sciences that could be used in NSDL Proposed levels of Required, Recommended and Robust metadata
23 Proposed Metadata Levels Required Metadata: Minimal metadata set to to identify the resource Provides some descriptive, educational and computer information. All resources would include this information Recommended Metadata: Includes all of the required metadata plus more fields that make the resource searchable both spatially and temporally Provides more technical, educational, and descriptive information for searching Robust Metadata: Includes required, recommended fields plus all other fields. Allows for DLESE community specific searches
24 Metadata Fields for the Levels Required Metadata: URL, copyright information Resource origin and cataloger information Learning resource type, learning context Cost, computer requirements Title, description Recommended Metadata: Includes coverage, keywords, more educational information Robust Metadata: Includes the National Science Education Standards, peer review, related resources, annotations and difficulty by grade level
25 Metadata Defined Categories 1.General: Context-independent features (e.g title) 2.LifeCycle: Features related to resource creators, publishers etc. 3.MetaMetaData: Who is the cataloger 4.Technical: Computer requirements 5.Educational: Educational or pedagogic features 6.Rights: Conditions of use 7.Relation: Relationships to other resources. 8.Annotation: Comments on the educational use 9.Classification: Specific characteristics that aid resource discovery. The characteristics may be features of existing classification schemes (e.g. National Science Education Standards) or may be defined by the user community (e.g. level of review, grade level, and learning styles).
26 Metadata Tree Structure
27 Metadata and the Computer Metadata must be in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) XML is a markup language like HTML but designed to express tree structures XML is made of user defined tags (the metadata scheme) specified in a DTD file (Document Type Definition) Metadata records must validate against the DTD (this tests technical validity but not for metadata framework interpretation errors)
28 Metadata in XML
29 Metadata Within the Library 1. Gather metadata records from other libraries 2. Use SDLIP (Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol) to communicate Use SDLIP to search other libraries and for other libraries to search us (1st cut)
30 Next Framework Developments MECCA-Lite gathers required metadata from community Controlled vocabularies for subject keywords Vocabulary definitions Pedagogical information structures
31 Cataloging at Home To catalog Required metadata: Before 12/1/00: Use editor & send record to MWG After 12/1/00: Use MECCA (URL TBD) To catalog Recommended or Robust Contact MWG for further information about the DLESE metadata framework Before 12/1/00: Use editor & send record to MWG After 12/1/00: Use MECCA for required metadata; retrieve record from the MWG; use editor to add more information; send record back to MWG
32 Individual Fields Described Title Description Resource Origin Cataloger Location (URL) Requirements Type Requirements Name Learning Resource Type Learning Context Cost Copyright
33 Title Field Definition: The name given to the resource by a creator, publisher or cataloger. XML Tags: English Title Goes Here French Title Goes Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust Vocabulary: None
34 Title Field Technical Tips: The Title tag set can occur 1 time within the General tag set. Title has a Langstring element of 1024 characters max. Langstring can occur 8 times within each Title tag set to indicate 8 different languages for the metadata (not resource). Langstring can occur only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
35 Title Field Creation Tips: Use the title displayed on screen to the user, not the title in a browser's title bar. Capitalize first letter of each word. Specify subtitles within Title. Spell out acronyms in titles. If the creator or publisher does not supply a title, the cataloger can add a title to describe the overall content of the resource. Indicate when a cataloger has added a Title or enhanced an existing Title. Do this by including the following in Title: "(title provided or enhanced by cataloger)". If a resource has a version number as part of the title, include it in Title and then enter it in category LifeCycle, field Version.
36 Description Field Definition: Narrative describing the content, purpose, organization, or goal of a resource. XML Tags: First English Description Goes Here First French Description Here Second English Description Goes Here Second French Description Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust Vocabulary: None
37 Description Field Technical Tips: Description tag set can occur 8 times within the General tag set. Description has a Langstring element of 2048 characters max. Langstring can occur 8 times within each Description tag set to indicate 8 different languages for the metadata (not resource). Langstring can occur only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc. Use a new tag set to specify additional English Descriptions.
38 Description Field Creation Tips: Use resource provided tables of contents, abstracts, outlines, indices and descriptions (re-format to reduce white space). When you are describing a model or simulation, include information about the input and output variables of the model or simulation. Emphasize contextual information and popular associations (people, places, events) of the resource. Use a creator's words if possible. Do not include resource version numbers. Do not describe techniques, materials, or media used in the creation of the resource.
39 Resource Origin & Cataloger Definition: The last name, first name, organization and email of a person involved in creating, publishing, implementing, or cataloging the resource. XML Tags: Origin of the resource is entered in the tag set while the cataloger of the resource is entered in. OR Creator for Metametadata; see Vocab for Lifecycle English First Name Goes Here English Last Name Goes Here English Orginization Name Goes Here Email Goes Here OR
40 Resource Origin & Cataloger Technical Tips: The Contribute tag set can occur 32 times within the Lifecycle tag set and 8 times within the Metametadata tag set. The Centity tag set can occur 8 times within the Contribute tag set for both Lifecycle and Metametadata. Centity has extensions (i.e. DLESE additions). The Extension sub-tag contains the extensions. The Centity tags themselves do not have any values; rather the sub-tags of Extension hold the values. The Extension tag set can occur 1 time within the Centity. Extension has sub-tags. The Extension tags themselves do not have any values; rather the sub-tags, FirstName, LastName, and Org hold the values. Each tag can occur 1 time.
41 Resource Origin & Cataloger Creation Tips: First Name is 32 characters max. First Name should be the formal name that a person uses when publishing rather than nicknames. If a formal name cannot be determined, the use the name provided by the resource. Last Name is 32 characters max. Last Name should be the formal surname that a person uses when publishing. Org is 256 characters max. Org should be the formal name of an entity like an organization or business and not a person. Org should have acronyms spelled out.
42 Resource Origin & Cataloger LifecycleMetametadata AuthorCreator ContactEditor ContributorValidator Editor Principal Investigator Publisher Vocabulary: Restricted
43 Location (URL) Field Definition: The URL that resolves to the resource. Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust XML Tags: First URL Goes Here Second URL Goes Here Vocabulary: None
44 Location (URL) Field Technical Tips: The Location tag set can occur 8 times Location is a string of 1024 characters max Location does not have a Langstring element Creation Tips: List the most preferable location first Include http:// portion of the URL Indicate the URL down to a file name like index.htm
45 Requirements Type Field Definition: Type of requirement needed to access, interact with or execute the resource. XML Tags: English Type Goes Here English Name Goes Here </name Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust
46 Requirement Type Field Technical Tips: The Type tag set can occur 1 time within Requirements tag set. Type has a Langstring element of 32 characters max. Langstring can occur only 1 time within the Type tag set. Use Langstring only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
47 Requirement Type Field Creation Tips: Type generally refers to operating systems, browsers, plug-ins, subscriptions or memberships. If a resource can run on multiple platforms (e.g. Web, Windows or Unix), use the Requirements tag set multiple times to indicate that it works on multiple platforms. Vocabulary: Restricted: Operating System, Browser, Plug-in, Software, Subscription, Membership, Unknown
48 Requirements Name Field Definition: Name of the required item needed to access, interact with or execute the resource. XML Tags: English Type Goes Here English Name Goes Here </name Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust
49 Requirement Name Field Technical Tips: The Name tag set can occur 1 time within Requirements tag set. Name has a Langstring element of 1024 characters max. Langstring can occur only 1 time within the Name tag set. Use Langstring only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
50 Requirement Name Field Creation Tips: Name generally refers to the name of the operating systems, browser, plug-in, subscription or membership. If a resource can run on multiple platforms (e.g. Web, Windows or Unix), use the Requirements tag set multiple times to indicate that it works on multiple platforms. Vocabulary: Expandable: PC-DOS, MS-Windows, MacOS, Unix, etc. (see handout).
51 Learning Resource Type Field Definition: The educational type of the resource with regard to how the resource may be used in the classroom or professional development. XML Tags: First English Resource Type Goes Here Second English Resource Type Here 1st French Resource Type Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust Vocabulary: Restricted. See list on handout.
52 Learning Resource Type Field Technical Tips: The Learning Resource Type tag set can occur 8 times within the Educational tag set. Learning Resource Type has a Langstring element of 1024 characters max. Langstring can occur 1 time within the Learning Resource Type. Use Langstring only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
53 Learning Resource Type Field Creation Tips: Controlled vocabulary facilitates search & retrieval. Use Learning Resource Type as many times as needed (up to 8) to specify multiple instructional types like activity, simulation, or answer key.
54 Learning Context Field Definition: The typical kind of learner(s) or audience for whom the resource is intended. XML Tags: First English Context Goes Here Second English Context Goes Here First French Context Goes Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust
55 Learning Context Field Technical Tips: The Learning Context tag set can occur 8 times within the Educational tag set. Learning Context has a Langstring element of 128 characters max. Langstring can occur 1 time within the Learning Context tag set. Use Langstring only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
56 Learning Context Field Creation Tips: Use the controlled vocabulary. Use a new tag set for each new context. Vocabulary: Primary School (K-5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12) Undergraduate Lower Division (13-14) Undergraduate Upper Division (15-16) Graduate – Professional Informal Education Any Level NOTE: Robust metadata fine tunes to specific grade level
57 Cost Field Definition: Whether use of the resource requires payment. XML Tags: Yes, No, or Unknown Goes Here French Yes, No, Unknown Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust Vocabulary: Restricted: Yes, No, or Unknown
58 Cost Field Technical Tips: The Cost tag set can occur 1 time within the Rights tag set. Cost has a Langstring element of 8 characters max. Langstring can occur 8 times within the Cost tag set to indicate 8 different languages for the metadata not the resource. Langstring can occur only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
59 Copyright Field Definition: Conditions of use for the resource in a learning setting XML Tags: English Description Goes Here French Description Here Metadata Level: Required, Recommended and Robust Vocabulary: None
60 Copyright Field Technical Tips: The Description tag set can occur 1 time within Rights tag set. Description has a Langstring element of 1048 characters max. Langstring can occur 8 times within each Description tag set to indicate 8 different languages for the metadata not the resource. Langstring can occur only once for the English value. Since Langstring is defaulted to English, do not use the attribute lang="en". To specify other languages, use Langstring with the attribute lang="fr" etc.
61 Copyright Field Creation Tips: An example is "May be used in an educational setting as long as credit to NASA is given" Value of field should come directly from the resource, if possible Indicate copyright restrictions or lack thereof and/or whether the resource is free and clear for general use If the value of this field cannot be determined easily, enter "Copyright and Other Restrictions Information is Unknown" as the field value Do not include the URL that links to the resource’s copyright information because this URL may change and we do not want to have to update it
62 Cataloging Mantra Cataloging is FUN!
63 Sending XML Records to DPC Send completed XML file to Holly or Katy as an email attachment Holly or Katy will respond to you One of us with then become the contact person for that record The contact person will vary from record to record depending on the resource
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