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Agenda Item 4: Activity Report – Progress since the last meeting of the Group Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor X Aristotle University.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Item 4: Activity Report – Progress since the last meeting of the Group Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor X Aristotle University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Item 4: Activity Report – Progress since the last meeting of the Group Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor X Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Egnatia Str., 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece, tel.+30 2310 996154, fax +30 2310 996030, Website: 6 th Meeting of the Working Group for the improvement of border crossings along the Pan-European Corridor X Athens, 15 February 2008

2 Item 7: Coordination of further activities of the Minutes of the 5 th meeting   Composition of a letter with the results of the meeting to the Serbian member of the Steering Committee for Pan-European Corridor X.   By July 15 th 2007: Submission of data by Serbia and Croatia. A relevant letter will be sent to the Serbian member of the Working Group.   Analysis of the information collected.   Development of the common time measurement tool.   Definition of the target groups for training activities. Last (5 th ) W.G. meeting Decisions

3 Letter to Serbian member of the Steering Committee sent on 26/6/2007. Data provided by Croatian delegation as planned (mid July 2007). Data yet not provided by Serbian delegation. Analysis of information made for countries that submitted data (Serbian input pending). Development of a time measurement tool. Basic considerations made for the definition of the target groups for training activities on time measurements. Activities since the last W.G. meeting

4 The Republic of Serbia has 8 border stations (4 road and 4 rail) on Corridor X. Therefore, it should have a crucial and central role in the work of our Working Group. However, the response from Serbian side has not been as anticipated (No data provided within one year and no representation at the last two WG meetings in the row). The revised (in the last meeting) Action Plan needs further consideration:   What is the meaning of implementing it without our Serbian partners? Comments on progress made (or not...)

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