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J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 LCLS User Program J. Hastings SLAC/SSRL
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Outline The process Letters of Intent/review DOE Major Item of Equipment The results First experiments-SAC Response Theme area organization The challenges Schedule Detectors
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Letters of Intent Types Category A: Complete Endstation Category B: Specific Science Goals Category C: Technical Innovations Response Total of 32 received 256 Independent investigators 91 Institutions
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 200415-MarCall for letters of intent to be distributed widely 21-JunLetters of Intent due 8-9 JulySAC: review LOIs, review proposal guidelines 1-Aug LCLS/SSRL inform selected teams, move to proposal stage 20051-FebFull proposals due to LCLS/SSRL 15-FebSAC review of full proposals 1-MarProposals approved by LCLS/SAC 1-AprProposals submitted to funding sources 1-OctPlanned LCLS construction start 20081 OctPlanned LCLS operations start User Program Schedule Letters of Intent (as of Aug 04)
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 200415-MarCall for letters of intent to be distributed widely 21-JunLetters of Intent due 8-9 JulySAC: review LOIs, review proposal guidelines 1-Aug LCLS/SSRL inform selected teams, move to proposal stage 15-DecCD-0 for MIE 2005CD-1 for MIE; CD-2 and CD-3 for parts of MIE 1-OctPlanned LCLS construction start 1-OctPhase start of MIE 20061-OctAdditional starts for MIE 20081 OctPlanned LCLS operations start User Program Schedule Letters of Intent
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 LCLS SAC Roger Falcone - UC Berkeley, USA, Chairperson Nora Berrah - Western Michigan University, USA Phil Bucksbaum - University of Michigan, USA Robert L. Byer - Stanford University, USA Hans Frauenfelder - LANL, USA Wayne Hendrickson - Columbia University, USA Stephen R. Leone - UC Berkeley, USA Margaret Murnane - University of Colorado- Boulder, USA Jochen R. Schneider - HASYLAB, Germany Francesco Sette - ESRF, France Sunil Sinha - UCSD, USA Dietrich von der Linde - University of Essen, Germany
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 LCLS SAC Response Draft Final Report Identified 5 Thrust Areas Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Pump/probe high-energy-density (HED) physics Nano-particle and single molecule (non-periodic) imaging Pump/probe diffraction dynamics Coherent scattering at the nanoscale
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 LCLS SAC Response (cont’d) All LoI’s were reviewed and fit into thrust areas Supported Short pulse (beyond baseline) R&D Will enable new science LCLS efforts in AMO and detector development (endstation systems) important for early turn on
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Femtochemistry Pump/probe diffraction dynamics Nanoscale Dynamics Coherent scattering at the in Condensed matter nanoscale Atomic Physics Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Plasma and Warm Dense Matter Pump/probe high-energy- density (HED) physics Structural Studies on Single Nano-particle and single Particles and Biomolecules molecule (non-periodic) imaging FEL Science/Technology Program developed by international team of scientists working with accelerator and laser physics communities SLAC Report 611 First Experiments-SAC Response
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Thrust areas: SSRL/LCLS Contact (1) Coherent scattering at G.B. Stephenson* S. Brennan the nanoscale K. Ludwig (2) Pump/probe diffraction K. Gaffney* A. Lindenberg dynamics D. Reis J. Larsson (3) High energy density R. Lee* J. B. Hastings (HED) physics P. Heimann (4) Nano-particle/single J. Hajdu* J. Arthur molecule(non-periodic) J. Miao imaging H. Chapman (5) Atomic, molecular, L. DiMauro* J. B. Hastings and optical science N. Berrah * Team leader
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Funded thru BES Science community develops the science case, provides the specifications The project engineering and management is the responsibility of SLAC/SSRL Full rigor of DoE review is in place Insures compatibility, common design, ease of maintenance Major Item of Equipment
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Permits common CD-0, CD-1 for all instruments CD-0 Dec 2004 ?? CD-1 April 2005 ? Instruments to be commissioned sequentially LCLS goal is initial phase of 2-3 complete instruments by CD-4
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Challenges: Schedule 200420052006200720082009 Now LCLS CD-4 LCLS Commissioning Start Earliest MIE Construction Start
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Detectors 2 dim. X-ray detectors 120 hz read out Low noise, << 1 photon Reasonable dynamic range ~ 500 x 500 pixels, ~ 100 x 100 µm pixel size Used for the following themes: AMOS cluster experiments HEDS shock experiments Pump-probe dynamics Nano and single particle imaging
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Time schedule By Oct. 15, 2004 Specifications to LoI groups Dec. 15, 2004 Detailed proposals due addressing: R&D Construction Integration (software and hardware) Jan-Feb 2005 Review by external advisory committee
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Detector Advisory Committee Advise both LCLS and the MIE on detector development Meets on a regular basis to evaluate progress on R&D and construction Membership Dr. Gareth Derbyshire, RALChair Prof. Y. Amemiya, Univ. of Tokyo Prof. Dr. A. Walenta, U. of Siegen Prof. Dr. L. Strüder, MPG Dr. E. Eikenberry, PSI
J. B. Hastings LCLS User October 12-13, 2004 Summary Strong science drivers We recognize that the endstations and source intimately coupled A lot of work and a short time to meet the LCLS CD-4 date with a 2-3 instruments ready to take data in a first phase
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