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An online photo browsing system Carrie Burgener Andrea Nelson Scott Fisher Mike Wooldridge

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Presentation on theme: "An online photo browsing system Carrie Burgener Andrea Nelson Scott Fisher Mike Wooldridge"— Presentation transcript:

1 An online photo browsing system Carrie Burgener carrie@sims Andrea Nelson andrea@sims Scott Fisher sbfisher@sims Mike Wooldridge mikew@sims

2 PhotoCat: Before the Heuristic Evaluation User could navigate time by selecting a range of time (month, day, year) A User could move through time by clicking on Previous/Next or clicking the yellow links on the target Larger thumbnail with metadata would be displayed when a user rolled over one of the images on the bulls eye Single click of a picture on the target added a copy of the image to the Photo Bin Buttons associated with the bin to: share, album, print a grouping of pictures Filters to remove pictures from the current bulls eye based on where you were or who was around

3 Heuristic Evaluation: Overview 24 Violations 0 ~ Level 4 11~ Level 3 11~ Level 2 1~ Level 1 Worst Categories were Visibility of System Status (9) Match Between System and Real World (5) Consistency and Standards (5)

4 Heuristic Evaluation: Lessons Learned The bulls eye view needs better labeling Where am I? How are the segments laid out? How do I find a specific day? Not obvious what selecting week, month, or day does. Where does this take me? Empty sets were returned frequently. No way to find a week, month, day with pictures in it. The user had to move sequentially through time Are albums displayed in the bin when they are returned? How do I find an album once I created it? Shouldn’t double clicking the picture open the full size version? Not just clicking it when it has been added to the bin

5 Current Prototype: Bulls Eye view New labels on the bulls eye Implemented a new Grid View Developed a new date selection calendar. Bolded dates are those that include at least a single photograph Rollover still shows metadata about a single photograph. Single click adds the picture to the bin. Double click displays a full size version of the photo Added a view album button. Changed labeling from “Create Album” to “Save bin as Album”

6 Current Prototype: Grid view Grid view uses the similar controls and actions as the bulls eye view Grid view displays photos in a reverse chronological order. Coloring the background based on date and location. White vertical breaks mark the start and end of a date.

7 PhotoCat: Interactive Prototype II Demo Lets Twirl Some Photos!

8 Pilot Study: Test Measures Number of times subjects used features. Which features were obvious or useful? 10 times0 times Time spent completing tasks and using views. Was one view used more than the other? BULL’S EYEGRID 3:39/task3:06/task

9 Pilot Study: Qualitative Comments Users expected descriptive categories such as "outdoors" and "home" to appear in the Locations drop-down menu Static "Click to add to bin" instructions in mouse-over were confusing (one subject tried to click the text to add a photo to the bin) Users would like to share directly from grid view

10 Pilot Study: More Qualitative Comments Thumbnail images in the bull’s eye are too small for users to see what is in the picture Users employed grid view to see larger thumbnails when browsing for images Users wanted to be able to click and drag to move images to the bin Clustering of images on bull’s eye made it difficult to select a specific picture

11 Most Useful Lessons Learned Pilot testing suggests that a user can use the bull's eye and grid in tandem to complete tasks. Time measurements can tell you different things depending on the task. Users carry experiences and expectations from other application interfaces to PhotoCat.

12 Plans for Final Iteration Add click-and-drag feature for moving photos to photo bin Update bull’s eye backgrounds to aid understandability Add single-image share link in the grid view Change placement and color of date hyperlinks on the bull’s eye Create separate demo interface that addresses overlapping thumbnails

13 Thank You!

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