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PARTNERSProject Technical Committee Technical Manager: John Taylor (KCL) ALTEC SA Sotiris Pavlopoulos, George Malinescos IVML-NTUA Stefanos Kollias, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis University of Milan Bruno Apolloni, Dario Malchiodi Kings College of London Stathis Kasderidis Imperial College Eric Yeatman, Tim Green
Executive Summary Executive Summary Executive Summary Problems to be Solved Problems to be Solved Problems to be Solved –Attention Attention –Data Fusion Data FusionData Fusion –Emergence Emergence Architecture and partners' tasks Architecturepartners' tasks Architecturepartners' tasks –Diagram Diagram –Module Explanation Module ExplanationModule Explanation Feature Extraction through Signal Modelling Methods for State mappings Methods for State mappings Methods for State mappings –CAM/SPM CAM/SPM –PAC Meditation / Fuzzy Relaxation PAC Meditation / Fuzzy RelaxationPAC Meditation / Fuzzy Relaxation Demo 1 Demo 1 Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 2 Demo 2 Data Collection Data Collection Data Collection –Laboratory Studies –Car Driving Simulator –Linguistic Rules MicroPower Generation – Wireless Communication MicroPower Generation – Wireless Communication MicroPower Generation – Wireless Communication
Executive Summary
Scope/Aims Create a guidance system for humans, for more efficient and less hazardous living and interacting with their environment, through a set of decision-making facilities embedded in the environment and suitably adapted to the particular user Investigate enabling technologies for DC in the form of energy harvesting and low power wireless communications
Inputs Low level sensorial data –Physiological class of sensors –Environmental class of sensors –Other Symbolic knowledge, a priori available (linguistic rules) Subsymbolic knowledge, constructed based on numerical data (Input/Output pairs) Attention-based functionality, inspired from brain operation
Outputs Decisions Actions on behalf of the user for: –Managing repetitive and trivial jobs, –Providing indication of abnormal user activity and state, –Providing planning facilities, –Providing information filtering facilities, Maintaining good user state (physiological, psychological, etc)
Key Properties Autonomy Responsiveness Robustness
Approach Develop a multi-level attention-based agent architecture adapted to solve decision /guidance problems arising from sensors of various types, some worn by humans, others in devices (such as cars) being used by the humans. The decision/ guidance response of an agent is as to what is the state of the human, given the sensor data, or what is optimal continued use of the device on the basis of joint sensor data arriving at the agent for a given user from all sources Develop multi-agent systems that handle data available, also, from a set of agents (from interacting users), providing for decision/guidance as to overall optimal (best) use, and ranking of the users as to which needs further analysis
Problems to be solved
Attention Data Fusion Emergence
Problems to be solved: Attention
OUTPUTS Artefact INPUTS Attention Controller The input signals have irregular patterns… Data History My batter y is low! Self Evaluator Attention Signal I shouldn’t produce these outputs, with these inputs… Irregular inputs Hardware failure Self-evaluation error
Problems to be solved: Data Fusion
“Clever Space” Artefact data Which of these data shall I need? Intelligent Artefact You can make use of the two bottom Artefacts “WORLD MODEL” AGENT
Problems to be solved: Emergence
AGENT Artefact “Clever Space” Artefact I need to use these! And I need to use these! I’ll take these! HEY,I SAW THEM FIRST! WHY NOT BE MINE? THESE ARE MINE! How much are you willing to pay for the services?
Architecture of a single Agent
Overall View
Level 1: Sensors Data Content: Classes of signals used by higher levels (Level 2-4) –Data collection (KCL-QUB, ALTEC) –Synthetic data generators (NTUA, UM, KCL) Sensor autonomy –Efficient energy harvesting (ICSTM) Communication links –Low power consumption (ICSTM)
Level 2: Preprocessing Signal preprocessing (NTUA, KCL) –Noise Reduction –Buffering –Transforms Feature extraction –Which features? (ALTEC, KCL-QUB) –How? (NTUA, KCL) Modeling signals –Extraction of hidden parameters (UM)
Level 3: Domain Experts – State Representation Architecture of a single Agent
State Mappings ANN Hourglass –Subsymbolic state representation (UM, NTUA) Neurofuzzy –Symbolic state representation (NTUA, UM)
Action Module Stores the ‘response’ of the system. Three levels of sophistication: –No real action. –Simple suggestive actions/messages. –Simple action sequences. Responsible Partners: KCL, NTUA, UM
Rules Module Consists of three components: –World Model. Contains all the information needed for forming useful functionalities and maintaining a set of artefacts. –Autonomic. Maintains rules that are necessary for the robust run-time behaviour of the system. –Other. Aids the implementation of alternative (to the ones implemented in the State module) decision-making systems. Responsible Partners: KCL, NTUA, UM
Goals Module This module includes three parts: –Values. Is closely associated with the World Model (in the Rules module) to provide default (universal) values for the various thresholds and triggers present in the architecture. –User Profile. Provides specific user deltas (i.e. deviations from the default values defined in the Values part). –Services. Includes a catalogue of services that are offered by the artefact. Responsible Partners: KCL, NTUA, UM
Monitor Module Creates an error signal level after comparing the current State with a Historic State. It fulfils two basic requirements: –Universal definition of an error function. Independent of the output of State Module (UM, NTUA, KCL) –Standard definition of an error function. Context sensitive, seamless knowledge of state representation (UM, NTUA, KCL)
Attention Controller This module is inspired from motor control systems in the brain as well as from engineering control ideas. It operates in two modes: –Feedforward mode. The controller sends a signal, governed directly by the Goal module, to produce a desired response from the action module (KCL) –Feedback mode. Feedback information from the Monitor module is used as a feedback component (KCL)
Level 4: Agent Construction Combination of conceptual blocks Agent Formation Data Fusion Overall system training Reinforcement signal production/handling Attention Control Responsible partner: KCL
Feature Extraction through Signal Modelling
E(w) = e(y1,..., yT) Integrated by a fourth order Runge-Kutta method DYNAMICS HYBRID TRAINING Symbolic health diagnosys SIGNALS FROM BODY ECG
Methods for State Mappings: CAM/SPM Module
Overall View
CAM Module
Scope The Connectionist Association Module (CAM) provides the system with the ability of grounding the symbolic predicates Using the CAM, the set of features is associated with the set of evaluated symbolic predicates (partitioning the input space)
Why Neural Network? Generally the internal state defined by the neural network output is not so simple to be considered as a simple fuzzy partitioning; Instead the neural network performs the appropriate data clustering to provide the evaluation of the required symbolic predicates based on numerical data
Diastolic Pressure Example
Attention Signal Handling To which input elements have to be concentrated on?
SPM Module
Scope It implements a semantically rich reasoning process. It takes as inputs a set of features and gives a set of recognised situations. It performs the conceptual reasoning process that finally results to the degree of which the output situations are recognised
Why Neurofuzzy? Fuzzy relational systems represent symbolic knowledge in a formal, numerical framework. On the other hand, neural networks are typical learning systems that work in a numeric framework.
Rule Insertion Rules describing situations are based on linguistic terms and are generally of the form If fuzzy_predicate(1) and fuzzy_predicate(2) then output(3) ” Each rule consists of an antecedent (the if part of the rule) and a consequence (the then part of the rule)
Rule Insertion The antecedent part of the rule is used to create the weight matrix of the first layer The consequence part of the rule is used to create the rule matrix of the second layer The antecedent of all the rules existed is the set of the fuzzy predicates describing the system The consequence of all the rules is the set of the recognised situations of the system
Rule Insertion (Example) Layer 1 Layer 2
Methods for State Mappings: PAC Meditation / Fuzzy Relaxation
PAC Meditation mapping formula fitness ok? n y fitness formula fuzzy relaxation end formula final formula n y prejudice
PAC Meditation 0-level inner border 0-level outer border 1-level inner border 1-level outer border
Fuzzy relaxation SA Algorithm CurrentState := InitialState CurrentTemperature := InitialTemperature Repeat GetTemperature(CoolingSchedule) ProposedState := SelectNeighborState ProposedCost := EvaluateCost(ProposedState) If (Accepted(ProposedState, ProposedCost)) Then CurrentState := ProposedState Until StoppingRule Return(CurrentState)
DEMO 1: Health Monitoring
DEMO 2: Car Hazard Avoidance
Description This demo includes the ability to generate a set of events in the environment, driver, or car. Environmental effects include shocks in the visibility (fog) and the temperature. In this category also the appearance of ice patches in road segments and existence of other cars in the same or opposite lane is included as well
Aims To validate the ORESTEIA Architecture To test the integration of the work of the partners To offer another context for testing the adequacy of the State mapping methods To search for the existence of common design principles in the various contexts
Data Collection
Laboratory Studies Car Driving Simulator Linguistic Rules
Data Collection: Laboratory Studies
Aim Experiment design for collecting ECG, Respiration Rate (RSP), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and Skin Temperature (SKT) in laboratory conditions for abnormal physiological and psychological state prediction
ECG Signal
RSP Signal
GSR Signal
SKT Signal
Data Collection: Car Driving Simulator
Aim Experiment design for collecting ECG, Respiration Rate (RSP), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and Skin Temperature (SKT) while driving a car simulator (for abnormal physiological and psychological state prediction)
Car Driving Simulator
Data Collection: Linguistic Rules
Physiological Features The system takes as inputs a set of medical features and gives a set of recognised situations. The input features are the values of RSP, BT, HR, PS, PD, and the derived features from the ECG
Inputs RSP: Respiration BT: Body Temperature HR: Heart Rate PS: Systolic Blood Pressure PD: Diastolic Blood Pressure ECG: Electrocardiogram
Outputs Normal: some features are not perfect Warning: stop and rest until you get normal Urgent: stop and call medical centre Emergency: very urgent
Definition of Symbolic Predicates The term predicate refers to the partition of the input features Predicates are characterised as Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium Low (ML), Medium High (MH) High (H), and Very High (VH) Some features are characterised as Normal (N) and Abnormal (A)
Rule Extraction Rules describing situations are based on linguistic terms and are generally of the form “if predicate(1) and predicate(2) then output(3)” In order to detect the recognised situations, we must first define the rules that describe these situations
A Subset of the Rules
MicroPower Generation and Wireless Communication
Aims Development of artefacts that –Are autonomous –Have a long lifetime without maintenance Development of sources that can scavenge energy from the local environment Electromechanical energy conversion using MEMS
Analysis of micro-power generator topologies Detailed investigation of the operation of various different inertial generator topologies The parametric generator is optimal when the input movement is greater than the dimensions of the device by a factor of ~10 or more
Fabrication and test of an initial prototype generator Cross-section of prototype generator Photograph of fabricated device
Fabrication and test of an initial prototype generator Experimental setup for charge transfer experiments Typical discharge transient
Analysis of wireless communication schemes Comparison of near- field transmission (at 50 MHz) with far-field transmission (at 470 MHz) for a distance of 50cm, varying the near and far-field antenna dimensions (shortened to NF and FF respectively on the axis labels)
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