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Conflict Participation Frameworks Jim O’Driscoll University of Huddersfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict Participation Frameworks Jim O’Driscoll University of Huddersfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict Participation Frameworks Jim O’Driscoll University of Huddersfield

2 Assumptions about conflict Communication >>> situated A Conflict comprises multiple series of events (‘episodes’)

3 An approach to conflict Study its enactment (= micro-level analysis) An ‘episode’ as the primary unit of analysis Avoids abstraction Helps us to see who is really involved Helps us to see why conflict occurs

4 “The is a conflict in the Caucasus” Who are the opposing parties?

5 Goffman’s basic scheme Speaker(s)>>>>>>>>> animator, author, principal Recipient(s)Ratified >>> addressed, unaddressed Bystander>>> overhearer, eavesdropper

6 A MOMENT IN THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW BOYFRIEND principal, animator (co-author?) MUM addressed recipient Other Ratified (but with bystander qualities) DAUGHTER unaddressed recipient 1 KYLE unaddressed recipient 2 Bystanders (but with ratified qualities) LIVE AUDIENCE overhearers TV AUDIENCE eavesdroppers (overhearers?) PRODUCTION TEAM ‘special’ overhearers

7 “Fuck you, commie bastard” “Up yours, fascist pig”

8 MUTUAL INSULTS AT THE STUDENT SIT-IN 1 (ratified)(???)indirect addressees 2 (ratified)(unaddressed)addressees by proxy 3(unaddressed)speakers by proxy (principals) 4 (???) de-ratified recipients 5 (???)(overhearers) preferenced overhearers? 6 (bystanders)(overhearers) preferenced overhearers? 7 (bystanders)(overhearers) ‘genuine’ overhearers 8 (bystanders) (eavesdroppers) preferenced eavesdroppers?

9 … visit us and see for yourselfhow it would affect us. This issue will not affect any of you involved with the decision making and I ask you for a little empathy.

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