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Chapter 15 Stress and Counseling.

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1 Chapter 15 Stress and Counseling

2 Extreme Products of Stress
EMPLOYEE STRESS • What Stress Is Stress • Resilience Extreme Products of Stress • Burnout • Trauma • Workplace trauma • Layoff survivor's sickness • Workplace violence • Post-traumatic stress disorder Causes of Stress • Stressors

3 Figure 15-2 A model of causes, types, and consequences of stress
EMPLOYEE STRESS Figure 15-2 A model of causes, types, and consequences of stress

4 • Job-Related Causes of Stress •
EMPLOYEE STRESS • Job-Related Causes of Stress Frustration • Defense mechanisms • Types of Reactions • Sources of Frustration • Hassles • Marginalized employees • Incivility spiral • Frustration and Management Practice Stress and Job Performance • Stress-performance model

5 Figure 15-4 EMPLOYEE STRESS A stress- performance model depicting two

6 • Stress Vulnerability
EMPLOYEE STRESS • Stress Vulnerability Stress Threshold • Perceived Control • Type A and Type B People Approaches to Stress Management • Social Support • Relaxation • Biofeedback • Sabbaticals • Personal Wellness

7 • What Counseling Is Need for Counseling EMPLOYEE COUNSELING •
- Characteristics of people with good mental health 1. Feel comfortable about themselves 2. Feel right about other people 3. Are able to meet the demands of life Need for Counseling

8 • What Counseling Can Do
EMPLOYEE COUNSELING • What Counseling Can Do Counseling functions 1. Advice 2. Reassurance 3. Communication 4. Release of emotional tension • Emotional catharsis 5. Clarified thinking 6. Reorientation The Manager’s Counseling Role

9 Figure 15-8 Types of counseling according to
amount of direction that counselors provide

10 • Directive Counseling •
TYPES OF COUNSELING • Directive Counseling Nondirective Counseling • Use by Professionals • Iceberg model of counseling • Limitations Participative Counseling A Contingency View

11 ? Questions

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