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TFI-ICCC Objectives The main objectives of the TFI sub-programme “Interaction between Climate Change and the Cryosphere” (ICCC) are to reinforce Earth System research cooperation in the Nordic region and beyond, improve our understanding of the cryosphere stability and dynamics, specify cryosphere parameters in the Earth System models, and support science driven questions of high interest to society, science, industry and/or national infrastructure.
TFI-ICCC The centre will pool the efforts of institutes and research groups in the Nordic countries to create a Nordic platform for joint field studies, analyses, sharing of methodologies, researcher training and reporting of scientific results regarding terrestrial ice in the North-Atlantic area. The NCoE is a formal consortium that rests on three pillars: It is a Nordic forum for reseach and reporting about the status of the cryosphere in the North-Atlantic area, for coordination of measurements and monitoring, for analyses with a N-Atlandic rather than national scope, and for systematic application of advanced technologies for investigation of the state of the cryosphere in this area. It is a Nordic platform for the creation and management of PostDocs positions and education of PhDs with he aim that the scope of their research work transends national boundaries. The NCoE is a vehicle for wider international collaboration within cryosphere research in the Nordic countries.
TFI-ICCC Umfang Hugsanlegt umfang verka á Íslandi. 15 mNOK per theme 10 mNOK per country - 250 - 50 millj. ísl. kr. á ári 30-35 millj. ísl. kr. í laun á ári, 15-20 í kostnað við mælingar og aðra starfsmenn/starfsemi launakostnaður við PostDoc eða PhD, e.t.v. 6 á ári ==> 3-5 starfsmenn heildarfjöldi ársverka á Íslandi kann því að vera um 20
TFI-ICCC Verk á Íslandi á JVS/VÍ. Hugleiða þarf framlag/skilyrði/fóstrun ungra vísindamanna/...: glacial river hydrology (ein staða/PhD?, VÍ) baseline/recent-past/remote-sensing/SPOT5/SAR/... (PostDoc, JVS) basal hydrology, m.a. með borunum (PhD, samstarf um hliðstæðar rannsóknir á Svalbarða ) Ísflæðilíkanreikningar (PhD: ice-streams/effect of basal water pressure,...) samstarf við Ólaf Ingólfsson samstarf um landlyftingu o.þ.h. við Freystein og GPS-félaga tengsl við CIA/... tengslu við Landsvirkjun, Vegagerð,
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