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Computational biology seminar

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1 Computational biology seminar
micro RNA’s Computational biology seminar Ariel Jaimovich November 17th 2005

2 The central dogma of biology
Transcription RNA Translation Protein This is not always the case: First ‘life forms’ viruses

3 Dioxy ribo

4 Rna performs many functions
Ribosomes tRNA Nuclear detaining RNAi

5 Micro RNA ~22nt rna Precursor stem& loop Post-transcription regulation


7 miRNA History Lin-4 inhibits LIN14, but no LIN 4 protein was found (1993)

8 miRNA appear in many organisms
Highly conserved, many ‘copies’ in each organism 4 paralogs of let7 4 in c elegans 15 in human 1 in drosophila

9 miRNA Genes ~1/3 Reside inside introns
~ 2/3 independent transcription units Often in clusters. Many times near the genes they regulate or inside them.

10 Expression Stage\tissue specific
Large number of copies (robust transcription \ slow decay)

11 miRNA – biogenesis Highly conserved in evolution

12 Plants Vs Animals

13 miRNA - function

14 Sequence recognition Positions 2-8 are most important How do we know
Why ?

15 Base pairing  Function
How do we know which process is active ?

16 Function (cont) Plants vs animals Number of target seq. on 3’ utr ?
Some miRNA target the same mRNA in different sites Protein coding rna 3’ utr

17 siRNA vs miRNA Genomic origin – miRNA from genes
siRNA from mRNAs, transposons, viruses... Synthesis One siRNA duplex  many siRNA Conservation

18 miRNA vs siRNA

19 miRNA in plants Near-perfect complementarity
mRNA cleavage, usually of TF’s related to developmental processes Conservation between Arabidopsis and rice Defend against viruses

20 miRNA in animals mRNA cleavage or translational silencing
Conservation is also high (?) Different numbers of paralogs

21 Identification of hundreds of conserved and nonconserved human microRNAs
Isaac Bentwich, Amir Avniel, Yael Karov, Ranit Aharonov Shlomit Gilad, Omer Barad, Adi Barzilai, Paz Einat, Uri Einav, Eti Meiri, Eilon Sharon, Yael Spector & Zvi Bentwich Nature genetics - June 2005

22 Find new human micro RNAs
Goal Find new human micro RNAs

23 Motivation Current gene search techniques: Hairpins Conservation
Try to search with a wider scope

24 Search algorithm

25 Prediction (1) Fold the genome ~ 11 milion hairpins Magic box

26 Magic box Structure features Sequence features Build a classifier
Hairpin length Loop length Stability score Free energy per nucleotide Matching pairs Bulge size Sequence features Sequence repetitiveness Regular internal repeat Inverted internal repeat Build a classifier

27 Prediction (2) ~ 430,000 hairpins conserved Non- conserved sample
800 clustered 3000 non-clustered 1500 clustered 7500 control sample

28 Micro array in five tissue cultures Validate (clone and sequence)
Prediction (3) 800 clustered 3000 non-clustered 1500 clustered 7500 control Micro array in five tissue cultures 886 confirmed miRNA 69 ‘adjacent’ miRNA Sample 359 miRNA Validate (clone and sequence)

29 Prediction (3) 69 ‘adjacent’ miRNA 359 miRNA
Validate (clone and sequence) 89 (33 ‘adjacent’) cloned and sequenced NEW miRNA Of these: 1 from the control list 36 conserved miRNA’s (32 validated in other experiments) 43 in two new clusters

30 New cluster

31 The cluster conatin a few ‘seeds’

32 Results summary


34 Goal Location on chromosome Expression ?

35 Creating miRNA micro array

36 Design microRNA chip Normalization by synthetic samples
Melting temperature

37 Array Results

38 Is Expression correlated with distance between microRNA’s?

39 Is expression of micro RNA’s correlated with host genes ?

40 Caveats Conclusions Numbers of pairs ?
Quantitative comparison with host genes Conclusions Some miRNA are arranged in genes miRNA that are located inside introns are expressed similarly to their hosts

41 Points for thought Is miRNA regulated ? On which levels ?
Is there a regulation on the RISC ‘loading’ Why is so many annotated miRNA related to differentiation ? mRNA can be passed on during mitosis and need to cleaved Control leaky transcription ?

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