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Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 1 6/21/2015 Lecture #15, May 22, 2007 Project 3 C calling convention The IA32 module Translating
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 2 6/21/2015 Project #3 In class today we describe project #3 It is due Thursday, June 7, 2007 at 5:00 PM –this is in 17 days. –In order to get the course graded, there will be no extensions Final exam will be week of June 11 –Monday June 11
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 3 6/21/2015 Properties of the X86 translation In project 3 we translate IR1 to x86 assembly. Because of the sparseness of the X86 register set we assume variables all live in memory. We have a number of types of variables –local variables (VAR n) –instance variables (MEMBER(address,n)) –parameters (PARAM n) –temporaries (TEMP n) How do we access these variables? Where in memory do they live?
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 4 6/21/2015 C calling convention Callers Job –Before the call »Save any registers that might be needed later »push the n arguments in reverse order –call the function –after the call »remove the arguments from the stack »restore any saved registers –return value is in register %eax Callees Job –Set up the framepointer (%ebp) –allocate space for local variables on the stack –reset the old framepointer –put return value in %eax –return
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 5 6/21/2015 The X86 stack Our translation is faithful to the calling convention of the GNU compiler. The stack on entry to a function looks as follows: return address arg 0 arg 1... arg n higher addresses → %esp
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 6 6/21/2015 Allocating room for locals and temps Temporaries and locals are treated identically One exception locals may have some initialization code Everything is reachable via the frame pointer (%ebp) old %ebp return address arg 0... arg n higher addresses → var 0 var 1 temp 1 return address4(%ebp) arg0 8(%ebp) arg112(%ebp) var0-4(%ebp) var1-8(%ebp) %esp %ebp
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 7 6/21/2015 Procedure Call Has 4 parts –Precall –Postreturn –Prolog –Epilog prolog precall postcall epilog prolog epilog Call Return
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 8 6/21/2015 Caller - Precall Save registers that need it –write them to memory –save them on the stack Push arguments on the stack –pushL arg2 –pushL arg1 –pushL arg0 call the function –call _malloc
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 9 6/21/2015 Caller - Postcall Remove n arguments from stack –addl$(4*n), %esp Pop saved registers if any
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 10 6/21/2015 Callee -- Prolog Set up the framepointer (%ebx) –pushL %ebp # save the old framepointer –movl%esp,%ebp# initialize new framepointer allocate space for local variables on the stack –subl$(n*4),%esp#subtract from spackpointer return address arg 0 arg 1... arg n higher addresses → %esp
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 11 6/21/2015 Callee -- Epilog put return value in %eax –movL ans,%eax reset the old framepointer –movl%ebp,%esp –popl%ebp return –return old %ebp return address arg 0... arg n higher addresses → var 1 var 2 temp 1 %esp %ebp
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 12 6/21/2015 The IA32 module We build some data structures to represent IA32 code as SML data. Registers –represent the machine registers Modes –represent the addressing modes Instructions –represent instructions –every instruction has room for a label and a comment
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 13 6/21/2015 Registers datatype Register = eax (* Accumulator *) | ebx (* Base *) | ecx (* Count *) | edx (* Data *) | esi (* Source index *) | edi (* Destination index *) | ebp (* Base pointer *) | esp (* Stack Pointer *) | eip (* Instruction pointer *) | eflag (* Flags *)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 14 6/21/2015 Modes type Label = string; datatype Mode = Mem of string (* top *) | % of Register (* %eax *) | $ of int (* $12 *) | & of (int * Mode); (& n(%eax) *)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 15 6/21/2015 Instructions datatype IA32 = Movl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Xchgl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Addl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Subl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Imull of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Andl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Orl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Xorl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Cmpl of (Label * Mode * Mode * string) | Idivl of (Label * Mode * string) | Negl of (Label * Mode * string) | Notl of (Label * Mode * string) | Incl of (Label * Mode * string) | Decl of (Label * Mode * string) | Pushl of (Label * Mode * string) | Popl of (Label * Mode * string) | Jmp of (Label * Label * string) | Jz of (Label * Label * string) | Jnz of (Label * Label * string) | Jl of (Label * Label * string) | Jnl of (Label * Label * string) | Jg of (Label * Label * string) | Jng of (Label * Label * string)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 16 6/21/2015 lower case instuctions fun movl (m1,m2) = Movl("",m1,m2,""); fun xchgl(m1,m2) = Xchgl("",m1,m2,""); fun addl (m1,m2) = Addl("",m1,m2,""); fun subl (m1,m2) = Subl("",m1,m2,""); fun imull(m1,m2) = Imull("",m1,m2,""); fun andl (m1,m2) = Andl("",m1,m2,""); fun orl (m1,m2) = Orl("",m1,m2,""); fun xorl (m1,m2) = Xorl("",m1,m2,""); fun cmpl (m1,m2) = Cmpl("",m1,m2,""); fun idivl(m1) = Idivl("",m1,""); etc
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 17 6/21/2015 Adding Labels fun addLabel l x = case x of Movl (_,m1,m2,s) => Movl (l,m1,m2,s) | Xchgl(_,m1,m2,s) => Xchgl(l,m1,m2,s) | Addl (_,m1,m2,s) => Addl (l,m1,m2,s) | Subl (_,m1,m2,s) => Subl (l,m1,m2,s) | Imull(_,m1,m2,s) => Imull(l,m1,m2,s) | Andl (_,m1,m2,s) => Andl (l,m1,m2,s) | Orl (_,m1,m2,s) => Orl (l,m1,m2,s) | Xorl (_,m1,m2,s) => Xorl (l,m1,m2,s) | Cmpl (_,m1,m2,s) => Cmpl (l,m1,m2,s)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 18 6/21/2015 Adding Comments fun addComment s x = case x of Movl (l,m1,m2,_) => Movl (l,m1,m2,s) | Xchgl(l,m1,m2,_) => Xchgl(l,m1,m2,s) | Addl (l,m1,m2,_) => Addl (l,m1,m2,s) | Subl (l,m1,m2,_) => Subl (l,m1,m2,s) | Imull(l,m1,m2,_) => Imull(l,m1,m2,s) | Andl (l,m1,m2,_) => Andl (l,m1,m2,s) | Orl (l,m1,m2,_) => Orl (l,m1,m2,s) | Xorl (l,m1,m2,_) => Xorl (l,m1,m2,s) | Cmpl (l,m1,m2,_) => Cmpl (l,m1,m2,s)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 19 6/21/2015 Translation scheme Translate every IR.Exp into a IA32 list Simple translation scheme Every translation of an Expression leaves the answer in the %eax register.
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 20 6/21/2015 Getting started fun compileE exp = case exp of BINOP(ADD,x,y) => let val xCode = compileE x val yCode = compileE y in xCode @ [ pushl(%eax) ] @ yCode @ [ popl(%ebx), addl(%ebx,%eax) ] end | CONST(s,typ) => let val n = valOf(Int.fromString s) in [ movl($n,%eax) ] end | NAME s => [ movl(Mem s,%eax) ]
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 21 6/21/2015 Translating function calls fun compileE exp = case exp of | CALL(NAME f,args) => let fun pushargs [] = [] | pushargs (x::xs) = (pushargs xs) @ (compileE x) @ [ pushl (%eax) ] val n = length args in (pushargs args) @ [call f] @ [addl($(wdsize*n),%esp)] end
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 22 6/21/2015 Translating Statements fun compileS x = case x of MOVE(dest,src) => (compileE src)@ [pushl (%eax)]@ (address dest)@ [popl (%ebx),Movl("",%ebx,&(0,%eax), sSTMT x)] | JUMP n => [Jmp("",label32 n,"")]
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 23 6/21/2015 Translating addresses fun address (VAR n) = [movl(%ebp,%eax), addl ($(~(n + wdsize)),%eax)] | address (PARAM n) = [movl(%ebp,%eax),addl ($( 2*wdsize + n),%eax) ] old %ebp return address arg 0... arg n higher addresses → var 1 var 2 temp 1 %esp %ebp
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 24 6/21/2015 Translating Function definitions fun compileFunc (FUNC(nm,_,vs,ss)) = let fun size((typ),x) = ProgramTypes.typeSize typ + x val n = foldr size 0 vs in [ Pushl(nm,%ebp,"Entering "^nm), movl (%esp,%ebp), subl($ n, %esp) ] @ (compileSS ss) @ [ Movl("",%ebp,%esp,"Default Epilog"), popl (%ebp), return() ] end; Prolog Epilog
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 25 6/21/2015 Example class T { int instance2 = 0; public int f(int j) { int k = 1; return (j+k); }
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 26 6/21/2015 IR1 code ================================= The Class Table with inherited instance variables: class Object has vars: class T has vars: 0: int instance2 := 0 ================================= T_f(int P1) int V0; V0 := 1 return MEM(P1) + MEM(V0)
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 27 6/21/2015 IA32 code T_f: pushl %ebp # Entering T_f movl %esp,%ebp subl $4,%esp movl $1,%eax pushl %eax movl %ebp,%eax addl $-4,%eax popl %ebx movl %ebx,0(%eax) # V0 := 1 movl %ebp,%eax addl $12,%eax movl 0(%eax),%eax # P1 pushl %eax movl %ebp,%eax addl $-4,%eax movl 0(%eax),%eax # V0 popl %ebx addl %ebx,%eax movl %ebp,%esp # Epilog popl %ebp return movl %ebp,%esp # Default Epilog popl %ebp return
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 28 6/21/2015 Using the assembler We will write some code in class.
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 29 6/21/2015 What to turn in You should hand in the module Phase3.sml It should include a function compileFunc :: IR1.FUNC list -> IA32.IA32 list You should also write a function toplevel :: string -> string -> unit –toplevel src dest – parses and compiles src to IA32 list – Then prints it out as assembly code to file dest
Cse322, Programming Languages and Compilers 30 6/21/2015 The template I will supply a template. The template will provide drivers and a complete solution to projects 1 and 2. I will supply a file runtime.c –you will link your code with this file You may ask for the template by emailing me. I have posted the IA32 code on the web page.
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