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Math Management tips to help you: STRESS LESS and Succeed!

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Presentation on theme: "Math Management tips to help you: STRESS LESS and Succeed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Management tips to help you: STRESS LESS and Succeed!

2 Start your class off with the tone you want… What can you do to engage students right from the start? –Warm-ups –Entry slips –Others?

3 Diagnostic Testing a few questions may tell you a lot about your students Can the students read? Can students demonstrate mastery of basic skills? Are students proficient with mathematical properties? Pre/post testing How long does a test need to be?

4 Focus on Objectives Think…”What do I want the students to know as a result of teaching this lesson.” Backwards design

5 Grading What makes sense? –What do you need to see to know what your students know? –Rubrics –

6 What about behavior? What do you do with students who disrupt the learning environment?

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