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Week 2 (Feb.1 st, 07) Agenda for today Intro to Windows Basics Nvu.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2 (Feb.1 st, 07) Agenda for today Intro to Windows Basics Nvu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2 (Feb.1 st, 07) Agenda for today Intro to Windows Basics Nvu

2 Basics of Window OS What is Windows? The most widely used operating system for desktop and laptop computers. Developed by Microsoft. Other OS include Mac OP, UNIX

3 Desk Top Magics

4 Desk Top Magics – Properties

5 Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Bar Main Window Task Bar

6 Internet Explorer (IE)

7 Practice – save, save as, document and program Task #1: Make a folder on the desktop. Create a.txt document and name it joke.txt and save it in the folder you just created. Task #2: Revise the document and save it again. Task #3: Rename that file into jokerevised.txt and save that document in your flash drive. Task #4: Delete the jokerevised.txt. Task #5: Get the deleted jokerevised.txt back to your flash drive

8 Showcase  What do you know about windows basics? Brainstorming and volunteer showcase.  Exploring in groups and showcase to the class what you just pick up from clicking the links below References: File Management Files and Folders! l l Basic Desktop Operations!

9 Next Week

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