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State of the Region Overview of APR Issues for the Western Region Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 November 1-3, 2010 San Francisco, California.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Region Overview of APR Issues for the Western Region Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 November 1-3, 2010 San Francisco, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Region Overview of APR Issues for the Western Region Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 November 1-3, 2010 San Francisco, California

2 Trends in Data Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

3 Broad trends in data: Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 Data on compliance indicators generally positive Generally struggling more with performance indicators (esp. proficiency-related indicators)

4 Broad regional trends in data: Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 Data on compliance indicators generally positive Generally struggling more with performance indicators (esp. proficiency-related indicators) Other trends more difficult to identify Differences in standards for assessment, differing rationale for positive or negative performance

5 … what is the role of the APR in your state or jurisdiction? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

6 How comprehensive is the APR’s representation of work being done in your state? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

7 Inherent Challenges There is an inherent gulf between APR data and the complex system that the data attempts to distill. How wide is the disparity? What isn’t the distillation capturing? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

8 Inherent Challenges Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 measurement of performance (primarily for external accountability) measurement for performance (primarily for internal management) v.

9 Inherent Challenges Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 measurement of performance Q: Do you have the data needed to accurately respond to APR questions? measurement for performance Q: Do you have the data needed to adequately inform an internal improvement process? v.

10 How does your state confront these challenges with respect to the APR? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 Systemic Issues Measurement APR

11 Scenario 1: Put the APR to one side Generate solutions outside of the APR and attempt to align (or even shoehorn) the results with APR format afterwards. Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 Systemic Issues Measurement APR

12 Scenario 2: Reactive approach develop data-driven solutions without framing them in a broader context. Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 APR Systemic Issues Measurement

13 Scenario 3: Attempt to bridge the gulf Use APR to inform and align planned improvement measures and priority setting with APR requirements. Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010 APR Systemic Issues Measurement

14 Questions for Discussion: How does your state currently view the APR? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

15 Questions for Discussion: How does your state currently view the APR? What is the degree of congruity between the conclusions drawn in your APR and conclusions drawn through other formal (or informal) state assessments? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

16 Questions for Discussion: How does your state currently view the APR? What is the degree of congruity between the conclusions drawn in your APR and conclusions drawn through other formal (or informal) state assessments? What is the current role of the APR in your state’s improvement planning, program implementation, and priority setting? Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

17 As you discuss these things: Hold off on brainstorming solutions Avoid categorizing your perceptions as being positives or negatives, if you can Goal: Compare mental notes so that you can approach the rest of the day with a shared perspective. Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

18 Works Consulted Frederick M. Hess, 2009. The New Stupid. Educational Leadership, December 2008, 12- 17 Western Regional Resource Center APR Clinic 2010

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