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By Kirstin Mahoney and Laura Norton. What Is Slingbox?Slingbox Slingbox allows you to watch a household’s TV programs, on laptops and compliable phones.

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1 By Kirstin Mahoney and Laura Norton

2 What Is Slingbox?Slingbox Slingbox allows you to watch a household’s TV programs, on laptops and compliable phones Anywhere in the world = wherever there is a decent internet connection

3 Basics of Slingbox Streams both live TV, content and the interface from a connected DVR, DVD player, VCR and other set-top boxes Costs $250 for Basic Slingbox Targets goldbricking office workers and frequent travelers who can’t wait to watch local programming The quality of video is surprisingly clear, particularly when viewed in the default window size.  TV News looks the best  Quick-moving sports is less clear


5 SlingBox Home Installation  Requires some familiarity with the output and input ports on the set-top boxes to be controlled by Slingbox Fortunately the fold-out startup guide is clear and there is a Slingbox technical help website Controlling a TiVo or a digital TV box requires a bit more work  Slingbox has to be connected between the TV and the device

6 SlingPlayer Software The viewer software is straightforward and responsive.  Sling Media says its planning to release software for handheld computers and smart phones. Slingplayer software lacks pause and record buttons, so now short breaks from viewing a program and you can’t copy it to your hard drive (offline viewing) Sling Media says they didn’t include these features because of “legal issues”

7 Sling Media’s Newest Products Have just introduced three new models (initially only to the US) one of which includes  A high-def-ready model  Compatibility with Macs (originaly didn’t have)

8 Competition Beyond TV and Orb  Slingbox doesn’t require a PC to be running at home while the user is watching TV Sony’s LocationFree Player is the same concept  Slingbox users are not required to obtain or pay for a new license, in order to stream to another computer Slingbox

9 Limitations Controlling your TiVo on your lap top means home will be seeing the same thing on the connected TV  Copyright concerns and bandwidth limitations If your home isn’t wired for Ethernet  Need some sort of network adapter such as WiFi-to- Ethernet bridge to get the Slingbox online Some office firewalls will block remote viewing

10 Selling Places Circuit City Office Depot Dell Home Depot J & R / Comp – u – Plus Target

11 Legality Sling Media license agreement prohibits you from logging in to somebody else’s Slingbox or putting your Slingbox in somebody else’s house (software doesn’t enforce either rule) Originally thought that it was caused lots, and Hollywood would “sue the company’s pants of”.  So far nothing has happened… MLB has publicly grumbled about Slingbox

12 Are they hitting the big time? Now part of EchoStar Communications  The company behind the Dish Network satellite servce  EchoStar paid $380 million for the company  What does this mean for those who use their Slingbox with Dish’s archrival, DirecTV?

13 Sources Washington Post  dyn/content/article/2005/07/16/AR2005071600110.html dyn/content/article/2005/07/16/AR2005071600110.html Sling Media Homepage  PC World  Fox News ,2933,175216,00.html,2933,175216,00.html Youtube

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