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MYBODY campaign and the EUROPEAN SISTERS activity Anneke Wensing Saskia Vonk.

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Presentation on theme: "MYBODY campaign and the EUROPEAN SISTERS activity Anneke Wensing Saskia Vonk."— Presentation transcript:

1 MYBODY campaign and the EUROPEAN SISTERS activity Anneke Wensing Saskia Vonk

2 Discussion topics on mobilising public support: - How to develop a message that is comprehensible for the public as well as for decision-makers? - How to work with partners and create mutual ownership without losing the ability to move quickly and be outspoken?

3 MYBODY logo and pay-off

4 MYBODY – brand Target group Women 30+ Strategy Free publicity Goodwill ambassadors Media campaign Networking + personal presentations Involvement / participation

5 Link MYBODY and WPF MYBODY is not a legal entity MYBODY is presented as an initiative of the World Population Foundation MYBODY is only for the Dutch charity market

6 MYBODY website

7 MYBODY newsletter

8 Goodwill Ambassadors Nada van Nie – TV host Kathalijne Buitenweg – MEP Chantal Gill’ard – Dutch parliamentarian Angela Groothuizen- TV host

9 Media – campaign Free advertisements Paid advertisements in women’s magazines Radio commercial Online – bannering



12 INVOLVEMENT/ PARTICIPATION Volunteer-programme MYBODY parties Sport-events Private initiatives Public advocacy actions

13 Results 2006 Exposure! 86 x MYBODY in news articles 50.000 website visitors 750 registers on e-mail magazine 3% aided name awareness No. of private donors doubled Cooperation with leading women’s magazines MYBODY-song

14 European sister action Kathalijne Buitenweg at WOMEN INC + Brussel-declaration action

15 Target group Audience at Women Inc Dutch public European Public Aim : 10.000 signatures

16 Communication channel Attractive Low threshold Viral marketing


18 European partners EuroNGOs Members Website link5? Mailing to own network * 2 * DSW mailed to 3700 people of which maybe 50 visited the website..

19 Dutch public Women and LGBT organizations and networks International women's day –Special postcards for offline signatures (Free) banners Press release

20 European sisters Preparation time : 1 month Costs : € 8.000,- Results: 2 (Dutch) press items 3500 signatures (60% Dutch)

21 Lessons learned Technical implications of using website (flash/statistics) ‘What if…?’ scenario’s are necessary More online marketing Ownership European partners Advocacy-message in public language

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