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MQ-1 Predator / MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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1 MQ-1 Predator / MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Jeffrey W. Eggers, Col Director, UAS Transformation Air Force Combat Support Office 8 Feb 2008

2 One Man’s Vision “We have just won a war with a lot of heroes flying around in planes. The next war may be fought by airplanes with no men in them at all. It certainly will be fought with planes so far superior to those we have now that there will be no basis for comparison. Take everything you’ve learned about aviation in war, throw it out of the window, and let’s go to work on tomorrow’s aviation. It will be different from anything the world has ever seen.” Gen Hap Arnold, USAAF VJ Day, 1945

3 Large/Theater Capable
AF Family of Systems Low Capability High Capability Micro Man-Portable Small Large/Theater Capable Multi-Mission - Battlefield Air Targeting Micro Air Vehicle (BATMAV) and Raven-B are flown by any AF Specialty in addition to their regular duties (primarily Security Forces and Special Operators) - The ScanEagle UAS is completing an Operational Utility Assessment with the 820th Security Forces Group at Moody AFB, GA -- As of 8 Nov 07, there are five enlisted pilots (Security Forces) and one 2d Lt (Intel Officer) that have completed initial qualification training -- The primary duty of these pilots is to fly ScanEagle and are part of an aviation flight -- Mission Qualification Training is being developed and administered by AFSOC - The MQ-1, MQ-9, and Global Hawk all fly in Class A airspace under IFR, direct and employ fires, and are complex aircraft that integrate with manned aircraft in the battlespace Small UAS Operators Rated Aviators

4 Predator/Reaper System
Aircraft Predator Primary Satellite Link (PPSL) Ground Control Station (GCS) Operations Center 14

5 MQ-1/MQ-9 Comparison MQ-1 Predator MQ-9 Reaper C-172 Size A-10 Size
4 x Hellfire 2 x Hellfire Endurance: 24 Hrs Max Speed: 120 Kts Max Altitude: 25,000 Payload: 300 Lbs Endurance: 24 Hrs Max Speed: 240 Kts Max Altitude: 50,000 Payload: 3000 Lbs 2 x 500 lb bombs

6 Total Combat CAPs - Predator: 20 Reaper: 2
Current Combat CAPs Total Combat CAPs - Predator: 20 Reaper: 2

7 Remote Split Operations
Ku Satellite Creech AFB In Theater GCS Ops Ctr Fiber Optics PPSL LOS Only LMA – Link Manager Assembly – the satellite “modem” ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode DATMS – DISN ATM System DISN – Defense Information System Network Predator Video Network Mission Control Element Launch & Recovery Element

8 Current Operations

9 MQ-1B Tactical Systems IR Marker Multi-spectral Targeting System
Laser Designator IR Marker EO & IR Camera AGM-114P Hellfire

10 Target Coordination Laser Rangefinder Designator* For guiding weapons
Laser Target Marker* Visible in NVGs Mensurated Target Coordinates ROVER Video Direct to JTAC Tactical Datalink Link-16 and SADL Standard J-CAS and J-Fire Procedures Target Designator for Laser Guided Bombs and Missiles ROVER video shows target Target Marking Laser for NVGs JTAC * Predator cannot see LRDs or LTMs from other providers.

11 Close Air Support - Raid

12 Close Air Support – An Najaf
Friendlies Sniper

13 Close Air Support – An Najaf

14 Disaster Relief

15 Dept Homeland Security
Relief Operations MQ-1 to provide full motion video at USNORTHCOM’s direction in the event of CONUS catastrophe Commercial Satellite Creech AFB GCS* FMV Fiber Optics ROVER Feed LRE* Network Ops Cell Katrina New Orleans USNORTHCOM Dept Homeland Security POTUS GCS: Ground Control Station LRE: Launch and recovery element Relief Personnel

16 Mission Collaboration
How the Mission Gets Done Aircrew collaborates real time with end user, intel analysts, cmd elements, airspace ctrl, other aircraft, ground forces Secure UHF/VHF/FM radio and secure computer chat SA provided on FalconView w/ airspace diagrams, Link-16, target sets, tgt imagery, weather, msn planning data… Mission integration screens NOT tied into gnd ctrl station! Army TOC DCGS ASOC CAOC LRE CRC SOF TOC SIPR SA & Comm JWICS SA & Comm all pads, 13K [02:17]<QueenTk>Dy01 Clrd KB07 pad K avoid Betty [02:18]<Deadly01> c, kb01 pd1-6 13k, betty hot—tks [02:17]<Kelt_PM>QueenTK, stardust RTB 0215 NSTR [02:18]<QueenTK> c, stardust, clrd hammond [01:57]<CJTF-2>sb, I’ll see if it is ready [02:11]< CJTF-2 >n2s [02:10]<Deadly_MC>got it. start from north or by #? [02:05] <CJTF-2> target deck sent to your JWICS [02:21]<DGS_2> 3 pax sw [02:20]<Deadly_MC> on tgt 2140Z support rqd att [02:11]<ASOC_3>TIC03 activated N W [02:10]<MNCG_2>Reported shots fired sect 23d [01:33]<ASOC_3>c, rock. [02:13]<MNCG_2>mortar poo [02:13]<ASOC_3>Strike 44 enroute tic 03, QT pls activate betty sfc to 180 [02:22]<Deadly01> LRE, were low on gas, expect 0330 handback [02:25]<LRE_P1>Deadly, we can handle that, just don’t be late or you’ll bump hamer22 [02:22]<LRE_P1> sb, let me check [02:25]<Deadly01> copy, we can make it all pads, 13K [02:17]<QueenTk>Dy01 Clrd KB07 pad K avoid Betty [02:18]<Deadly01> c, kb01 pd1-6 13k, betty hot—tks [02:17]<Kelt_PM>QueenTK, stardust RTB 0215 NSTR [02:18]<QueenTK> c, stardust, clrd hammond [01:57]<CJTF-2>sb, I’ll see if it is ready [02:11]< CJTF-2 >n2s [02:10]<Deadly_MC>got it. start from north or by #? [02:05] <CJTF-2> target deck sent to your JWICS [02:21]<DGS_2> 3 pax sw [02:20]<Deadly_MC> on tgt 2140Z support rqd att [02:11]<ASOC_3>TIC03 activated N W [02:10]<MNCG_2>Reported shots fired sect 23d [01:33]<ASOC_3>c, rock. [02:13]<ASOC_3>Strike 44 enroute tic 03, QT pls activate betty sfc to 180 [02:13]<MNCG_2>mortar poo [02:22]<Deadly01> LRE, were low on gas, expect 0330 handback [02:25]<LRE_P1>Deadly, we can handle that, just don’t be late or you’ll bump hamer22 [02:22]<LRE_P1> sb, let me check [02:25]<Deadly01> copy, we can make it JTAC AIRCREW

17 Pilot’s Mission Integration Screen
killbox [02:16]<QueenTk>SE31, sb coordinating [02:16] ]<Deadly01> QT, rqst kp01 all pads, 13K [02:17]<QueenTk>Dy01 Clrd KB01 pad K avoid Betty [02:17]<Kelt_PM>QueenTK, stardust RTB 0215 NSTR [02:18]<Deadly01> c, kb01 pd1-6 13k, betty hot—tks [02:18]<QueenTK> c, stardust, clrd hammond [01:55]<Deadly_MC>c, sb [01:57]<Deadly_MC>eta 0220, do you have target list? [01:57]<CJTF-2>sb, I’ll see if it is ready [02:05] <CJTF-2> target deck sent to your JWICS [02:10]<Deadly_MC>got it. start from north or by #? [02:11]< CJTF-2 >n2s [02:20]<Deadly_MC> on tgt 2140Z [02:21]<DGS_2> 3 pax sw support rqd att [01:33]<ASOC_3>c, rock. [02:10]<MNCG_2>Reported shots fired sect 23d [02:11]<ASOC_3>TIC03 activated N W [02:13]<ASOC_3>Strike 44 enroute tic 03, QT pls activate betty sfc to 180 [02:13]<MNCG_2>mortar poo N W [02:14]<QueenTk>rgr, ROZ Betty active sfc-180 ufn your clrd Golf sector 12K, ready to handover [02:21] ]<MAC_P1>got it thanks, copy 12 [02:22]<Deadly01> LRE, were low on gas, expect 0330 handback [02:22]<LRE_P1> sb, let me check [02:25]<LRE_P1>Deadly, we can handle that, just don’t be late or you’ll bump hamer22 [02:25]<Deadly01> copy, we can make it UNCLASSIFIED

18 Operations Supervisor
Operations Center How the Missions are Managed Operations Center Manages sortie generation and crew assignment Provides msn comm and situational awareness (SA) to mission crews Distributes video and tactical data link tracks Provides weather and intel support to msns Supports aircraft emergencies and msn retaskings Air Crew Air Crew Air Crew Air Crew Army TOC DCGS Marine TOC DCGS SOF TOC DCGS SOF TOC DCGS Msn Coord Msn Coord Msn Coord Msn Coord Weather Operations Supervisor Senior Intel Manager CAOC LRE

19 Global Operations Concept
ND ANG MQ-1 Global Operations Center 15, 17 RS, 3rd SOS MQ-1 NY ANG MQ-9 42 ATKS 39 Sq (UK) MQ-9 Distributed Operations Centrally Coordinated Globally Applied CA ANG MQ-1 AZ ANG MQ-1 TX ANG MQ-1

20 Consolidation and Allocation of Critical Resources
Global Ops Center Matches dispersed resources to multiple combatant forces Preset allocations and alignment for normal ops Rapid reallocation for weather, equipment failures, combat surge needs Multi-Aircraft Control Station run from ops center to feed aircraft to flying units near the target area AOR 2 AOR 1 Global Operations Center AOR 3 Geographically Separated Stateside units

21 Predator Self Image

22 From Galileo to Predator
1609-Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter 1655-Lens used to discover Titan 2006-MTS-B Sensor Development of UASs will be a long and difficult process too! But we must lead the way.

23 Integration Collaboration
Why UAS? Missions That Need Now Integration Collaboration Persistence Was Missions That Are Tied-In Teamed-Up Tenacious Dull Dirty Dangerous

24 Concepts in Automation
The mission drives the automation design Automate to EMPOWER not replace aircrew Autonomous = BAD, Highly Automated = Good Hybrid Multi-Aircraft Control Multi-control for low-dynamic periods Single-control for high-dynamic periods

25 High Altitude ISR Ideal for Automation Example Scenario
Image predefined targets Occasional ad hoc targets Altitude above 60,000 ft Ideal for Automation Objectives clear and consistent Above most weather, other aircraft, mobile threats Notional: Real-world environments and missions can be much more complex

26 Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
Example Scenario Electronically detect and classify threat systems Predefined search area Predefined rule set for prioritizing and targeting But impacted by WX, other aircraft, threats Airspace control and WX reporting not yet automated all the way to the aircraft Challenging for Automation Many aspects can be automated, but some still cannot

27 Resistant to Automation Very difficult environment to codify
Close Air Support Example Scenario Fluid ground environment Continually changing objectives Difficult to ID friendly, enemy, and non-combatant Airspace and weapons deconfliction is complex Coordination by voice Results proportional to performance, division of attention can cost lives Resistant to Automation Very difficult environment to codify

28 Networked Multi-Aircraft Control
Networked-Control Allows all aircraft to be monitored and controlled from one or more “Multi-Aircraft Control Stations” (MACS) and rapidly switch to the Advanced Cockpit Control Station One Mind-One Mission The Advanced Cockpit provides an immersive environment providing full control of one or more aircraft coordinating on a single mission. Multi-Aircraft Manager A pilot who controls multiple aircraft en route to and from targets and manages static/ autonomous missions. Network Server Multi-Aircraft Control Stations Advanced Cockpit Control Stations

29 Automated Mission Integration
Weather Ground Forces Threats Predator Operations Center Blue Forces Voice Radio ROVER Video Video Distribution Msn Assignment Msn Coord Synthesis Target Coord Airspace Coord Scheduling Automation is not just for aircraft ctrl, but for mission management too Information is life! Build a virtual battlespace Info fusion--multiple domains, multiple security levels

30 Automation Conclusions
The Mission Drives the Automation One Mind – One Mission Automate to Empower not Displace Just say “No” to Autonomy Information is Life Network, Network, Network

31 Questions?

32 Concepts for Multi-Aircraft Control
One to Many Benign Ops Manager One to Many One to Many Cooperative Engagement Swarm

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