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I Like This !!!!!!!!!!!!. Kennecott Copper Mine (North Zone) April 20, 2004 By: Ben Chadwick, Shweta Mehta, Purvi Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "I Like This !!!!!!!!!!!!. Kennecott Copper Mine (North Zone) April 20, 2004 By: Ben Chadwick, Shweta Mehta, Purvi Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Like This !!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Kennecott Copper Mine (North Zone) April 20, 2004 By: Ben Chadwick, Shweta Mehta, Purvi Patel

3 Site Location Located near the south shore of the Great Salt Lake Approximately 15 miles west of Salt Lake City Mine is located in the north end of the Oquirrh mountains Next to the community of Magna

4 Site Description Kennecott North Zone consists of 4 primary areas: Magna Great Salt Lake Park Tooele Valley West Valley City

5 Site Description Owned by Kennecott Copper Corporation Site involves smelting and refining of concentrated copper ore The mine is so big that it can be seen from the space.

6 Site History 1863 – Initial exploration and mining of mineral resources 1906 – Large scale open-pit mining begins 1930 – The “Hill” becomes the “Pit” 1945 – Mine produces 1/3 of copper used during World War II

7 Site History 1960 – $100 million modernization of the mine 1991 – EPA’s involvement at the site begins 1994 – Proposed for the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) 1995 – Kennecott, EPA & the State of Utah signed an agreement, saying that Kennecott will continue the cleanups.

8 Site Characterization Magna: Approx. 20,000 residents Primary airborne contaminants Arsenic Cadmium Site contains a 5,700 acre tailing pond

9 Site Characterization Cont….. Great Salt Lake Park: Occupies about 3½ miles of shoreline Approx. 700,000 visitors per year Recreation near the site includes lakeshore swimming, wading, sunbathing, & bird watching. Surface water and air contamination occurs from sludge ponds, slag piles, & other smelter waste.

10 Site Characterization Cont….. Tooele Valley: Tooele Valley extends between the Stansbury Mountains and Oquirrh Mountains. Population about 17,000 Airborne contaminants are released from the facility’s smelter stacks

11 Site Characterization Cont….. West Valley City: Located east of Magna It is considered an off-site area Approximate population 109,000 Potential route of exposure – Soil, Air

12 Data Collection & Evaluation Maximum concentration values were used for this risk assessment Contaminant concentration values came from EPA sampling data Heavy metals are of primary concern Particulates and Sulfur Dioxide were not considered in the risk assessment

13 Data Collection & Evaluation Chemicals of Concern (COCs) Carcinogens Arsenic Lead Beryllium Cadmium Non-Carcinogens Aluminum Copper Barium Manganese Vanadium Zinc Selenium

14 Exposure Assessment Exposure Routes: Ingestion Inhalation Dermal Contact Potential Receptors: Adult (workers/non-workers) Child

15 Exposure Assessment Cont….. Magna : Exposure Pathways PATHWAYAmbient AirSoil Source:Kennecott facilities, other emission sources Kennecott facilities, naturally occurring metals Medium:AirPrincipally soil Exposure Point:Magna vicinity, plus parts of Salt Lake and Tooele Counties Magna vicinity Exposure Route:InhalationIncidental ingestion, Dermal Contact Receptor Population:Residents (also transient workers and visitors) Residents (perhaps transient workers and visitors) Contaminants Selected for Detailed Evaluation: Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, zincAluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, copper, lead, manganese, vanadium, zinc

16 Exposure Assessment Cont….. Great Salt Lake Park : Exposure Pathway PATHWAYAmbient AirSurface Water--Great Salt Lake Source:Kennecott smelter stacks, plus other sources Principally geologic and evaporative processes. Some discharge from Kennecott via groundwater Medium:AirWater Exposure Point:Great Salt Lake Park vicinity Exposure Route:InhalationIncidental ingestion, Dermal Contact Receptor Population:Principally visitors, some workers Contaminants Selected for Detailed Evaluation: Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, zinc Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, selenium

17 Exposure Assessment Cont….. Tooele Valley : Exposure Pathways PATHWAYAmbient Air Source:Currently Kennecott, plus other sources; in the past, also the former International Smelter Medium:Air Exposure Point:Tooele Valley and elsewhere Exposure Route:Inhalation Receptor Population:Residents, transient workers and visitors Contaminants Selected for Detailed Evaluation: Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, zinc

18 Exposure Assessment Cont….. West Valley City : Exposure Pathways PATHWAYAmbient AirSoil Source:Kennecott smelter stack facilities, other emission sources Kennecott facilities, naturally occurring metals Medium:AirPrincipally soil Exposure Point:West Valley City vicinity, plus parts of Salt Lake County West Valley City vicinity Exposure Route:InhalationIncidental ingestion, Dermal contact Receptor Population:Residents (also transient workers and visitors) Residents (perhaps transient workers and visitors) Contaminants Selected for Detailed Evaluation: Copper, leadAluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, copper, lead, manganese, vanadium, zinc

19 Kennecott Smoke Stack & Mine Vicinity

20 Toxicity Assessment Exposure Pathway: Inhalation (Air) SiteContaminant Maximum concentration(ug/m3) Comparison Value(ug/m3) Magna (Onsite) Arsenic0.220.0002 Cadmium0.0040.0006 Copper0.912.5 Lead0.310.125 Zinc1.110.25 West Valley City (Offsite) Copper0.161 2.5 Lead 0.060.125 Great Salt Lake Park (Offsite) Arsenic 0.178 0.0002 Cadmium 0.007 0.0006 Copper 1.21 2.5 Lead 0.786 0.125 Zinc 0.381 10.25 Tooele Valley (Onsite) Arsenic 0.0449 0.0002 Cadmium 0.0055 0.0006 Copper 0.1118 2.5 Lead 0.0378 0.125 Zinc 0.0427 10.25

21 Toxicity Assessment Cont….. Exposure Pathway: Ingestion & Dermal (Soil) Contaminant Maximum concentration (mg/kg) Comparison Value (mg/kg) MagnaWest valley Aluminum2010014,9002000 Arsenic41.620.50.4 Barium231197100 Beryllium1.40.810.2 Cadmium1.5ND1 Copper7164680 Lead56048.6NONE Manganese62557810 Vanadium35.725.6 6 Zinc510 87.9600

22 Toxicity Assessment Cont….. Exposure Pathway: Ingestion & Dermal (Water) SiteContaminant Maximum Concentration ( ug/L) Comparison Value ( ug/L) Great Salt Lake Park (Offsite) Arsenic 320 0.02 Cadmium 30 7 Copper 1,100 400 Lead 390 15 Zinc 825 3000 Selenium 0.5

23 Risk Characterization After collecting all the data, the risk characterization is conducted using SmartRISK SmartRISK Input: Chemicals of concerns Concentrations of COC’s Exposure routes & Scenarios Certain assumptions SmartRISK Output: Cancer & Non-cancer risks

24 Risk Characterization Cont….. Assumptions The values used for the RfD & SF come from SmartRISK Due to the unavailable data for lead, we made assumptions for the SF value For the Great Salt Lake Park, the below assumptions were made for recreation Ingestion rate =0.1 L/day EF = 12 days/year ET = 3 hours/day

25 Results: Cancer & Non-cancer Risk SiteScenario AdultChild CancerNon-CancerCancerNon-Cancer Magna Industrial4.12E-058.91E-02--- Residential1.88E-042.46E-011.54E-042.28E+00 Great Salt Lake Park Recreational1.43E-041.29E+001.78E-048.09E+00 Tooele Valley Industrial4.13E-061.46E-08--- Residential2.08E-056.14E-081.16E-051.72E-07 West Valley City Residential1.85E-051.48E-013.43E-051.37E+00

26 Results: Bar Chart Magna: Cancer (residential, adult)

27 Results: Bar Chart Great Salt Lake Park: Non-cancer (recreational, adult)

28 Results: Bar Chart Tooele Valley: Cancer (residential, adult)

29 Results: Bar Chart West Valley City: Non-cancer (residential, child)

30 Risk Assessment Summary Approximately 98% of cancer risk comes from Arsenic The actual cancer risk < calculated risk because high dose animal CSF data has been used for low dose exposure in humans. The higher risk values found in the Great Salt Lake Park are due to our conservative approach (assumptions). The greatest risk comes from ingestion of soil

31 Any Questions?

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