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מודלים של חיבורי ביניים מודלים חשמליים של חיבורי ביניים עבור מעגלי VLSI פרופ ’ יוסי שחם המחלקה לאלקטרוניקה פיזיקלית, אוניברסיטת ת ” א.

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Presentation on theme: "מודלים של חיבורי ביניים מודלים חשמליים של חיבורי ביניים עבור מעגלי VLSI פרופ ’ יוסי שחם המחלקה לאלקטרוניקה פיזיקלית, אוניברסיטת ת ” א."— Presentation transcript:

1 מודלים של חיבורי ביניים מודלים חשמליים של חיבורי ביניים עבור מעגלי VLSI פרופ ’ יוסי שחם המחלקה לאלקטרוניקה פיזיקלית, אוניברסיטת ת ” א.

2 Device scaling laws

3 Interconnect scaling laws

4 Example: Al and oxide technology Typical scaling factor over 4 years are: S=0.6, f=2, D=1.3, Since the metal and the dielectric materials are the same: r loc =2/3, r=1, k=1. The intrinsic gate delay drops by a factor of 0.6The intrinsic gate delay drops by a factor of 0.6 The local interconnect delay drops by 2/3The local interconnect delay drops by 2/3 The global interconnect delay increases by krD 2 /S 2 =4.69The global interconnect delay increases by krD 2 /S 2 =4.69

5 Example: Switching to Cu and low-k technology Typical scaling factor over 4 years are: S=0.6, f=2, D=1.3, The metal and the dielectric materials have been changed, The local interconnect technology has not changed: r loc =2/3, r~1/2, k~1/2. The intrinsic gate delay drops by a factor of 0.6The intrinsic gate delay drops by a factor of 0.6 The local interconnect delay drops by 1/3The local interconnect delay drops by 1/3 The global interconnect delay increases by krD 2 /S 2 =1.17The global interconnect delay increases by krD 2 /S 2 =1.17

6 The signal propagation effect The signal can not propagate faster than the speed of the electromagnetic wave: V c The speed of the electromagnetic wave: V c is proportional to 1/(LC)  The inductance L is constant while the capacitance is proportional to k. Therefore:

7 Clock frequency increases The global interconnect delay becomes dominant Coupling capacitance becomes important Inductance becomes an issue Clock skew variations limits the clock frequency Effect of scaling on Timing

8 Gate and Interconnect delays

9 1. Cross talk - signal propagation to neighboring wires 2. Simultaneous switching noise on the power line 3. Charge sharing effects - affects mostly dynamic logic 4. Leakage current - affects DRAM and switch capacitor filters. Effect of scaling on noise

10 1. Higher frequency - higher power dissipation (P) 2. Lowering VDD is a solution - limited by noise margins. 3. Higher capacitance increases P 4. Lowering threshold improves margins but increases the leakage current 5. Higher CMOS transition current and dissipation Effect of scaling on the power

11 1. Higher power per unit area  higher working temperature 2. Higher current density  higher electromigration 3. Higher interconnect stress levels  stress voiding Effect of scaling on the reliability

12 Interconnect models Resistors: R=  L/A At higher frequency the skin effect reduces the interconnect cross section. The skin depth, , is defined by the penetration distance at which the current density drops by 1/e: Where f is the frequency,  is the resistivity and  is the magnetic permeability

13 Interconnect models Capacitors: C=     A/d Inductors: Inductors are more difficult to calculate. Some models will be described I the next lecture.

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