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Earthship Design By: Ben Brown, Nikola Janjic, Joe Risi.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthship Design By: Ben Brown, Nikola Janjic, Joe Risi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthship Design By: Ben Brown, Nikola Janjic, Joe Risi

2 Earthship Design History Michael Reynolds a Southwestern US architect is credited with building the first Earthship. Earthship 101 Defined Heat and cool themselves naturally via solar/thermal dynamics Collect their own power from the sun and wind Harvest their own water from rain and snow melt Contain and treat their own sewage on site Produce food in significant quantities Utilize materials that are reused byproducts of modern society like cans, bottles and tires

3 Earthship Design Construction

4 Earthship Design Construction

5 Earthship Design Finished Product Interior

6 Earthship Design




10 Additional Examples

11 Sources htm

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