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Dynamically Allocated Arrays May 2, 2011. Quiz 5 Today.

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1 Dynamically Allocated Arrays May 2, 2011

2 Quiz 5 Today

3 Intro to Pointers A pointer is a variable that holds an address Declaration uses * int* p; int i; & is “Address of” operator. Gets the address of a variable. p = &i;

4 Intro to Pointers * is used to dereference a pointer: *p = 15; Above is that what p points to is assigned the value, 15. pointers.cpp

5 Arrays Are Pointers In a program, an array, a, and a pointer, p, are the same kind of pointer. int* p; //p is an int pointer int a[10]; They both point at an int.

6 Arrays Are Pointers p can get the address that a is pointing at. p = a; It is illegal to change a. a = p; Once p is assigned the value of a it can be used like an array variable. arrayPtr.cpp

7 Dynamically Allocated Arrays Sometimes the amount of memory needed by an array can vary greatly.  e.g. Number of campers in Ponderosa park in January vs. August. To save memory, use dynamic array.

8 Dynamically Allocated Arrays Declare using a pointer Can return to memory Can vary size //allocate array with 20 ints int *pt = new int[20];

9 Initialize Array double *buff = new double[10]; for (int i=0; i<10; i++)‏ { *buff = 100.0; buff++; }

10 Initialize Array Alternative double *buff = new double[10]; for (int i=0; i<10; i++)‏ { buff[i] = 100.0; }

11 Release memory delete []pt; delete []buff; If an array is no longer needed this can free up memory for other programs.

12 NULL Can assign a pointer to a NULL value, which is pointing to nothing.

13 Memory Leak void myfunction( ){ int *pt; pt = new int[100];. //no delete } //in main: while(cond.)‏ myfunction();

14 Destructors Return data memory  When object goes out of scope. Look at messageDest.cpp

15 Copying Objects with Dynamic Arrays Assignment Operator copies objects  message2 = message;  Copies a pointer, not the array Example in message.cpp  Messy error.

16 Copying Objects with Dynamic Arrays Deep Copying  Create a new array and copy contents to the array messageFixed.cpp  copyFrom function fixes

17 Overload == To make sure no problems happen, overload == Do deep copy when an assignment is done.

18 Copy Constructor Copying of objects occur:  Passing a copy of an argument using pass-by- value.  Returning an object from a function: return msg1; By default these are shallow copying. Better to provide a copy constructor that does a deep copy. messageCopyConstr.cpp

19 Copy Constructor Odd things can happen without copy constructor. If two objects point to same array, something done to one object effects the other.  Like the problem with message

20 Next Time Review For Final  Info is on website.  Topics don't include linux, vim nor hardware.

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