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Oracle Purchasing Supplier

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Presentation on theme: "Oracle Purchasing Supplier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oracle Purchasing Supplier

2 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

3 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

4 Purchasing Concept Purchasing Overview Oracle ERP Overview
Purchasing Process Purchasing Integration

5 Purchasing Overview 公司主要的業務功能之一,通常所包含的責任是取得組織所需的材料、服務以及設備。 上游廠商 顧客 供應商
企業 Supply chain

6 Purchasing Overview 合理降低採購成本 提高及穩定採購品質 控管交貨期限 減少庫存,降低資金負擔
採購管理是公司為了在生產活動的流程中達成生產計畫,而從適當的供應商中,在確保適當的品質之下,於適當的時間,用最小的費用,獲取生產所需的適當數量。 所謂的適當的價格,是希望在一定品質、數量及交期下,能夠持續購得,同時不超過競爭對手的採購價格。

7 Purchasing Overview 採購 買多少? 多少錢? 何時可交貨? 向誰買? 品質如何? 買什麼東西?
為了進行合理的採購,在採購前要先確立基本的方針,包括購買的東西(種類、品質),數量、時間、價格及交易對象,這所有的環節都與採購業務息息相關,所以在進行採購時,應先謹慎考慮,並應與各部門人員達成共識,如此才是最佳的採購。 (1)買什麼東西-一個良好的採購人員必須具備專門的知識,對於要採買的商品、原料、成份都應該設法了解,

8 Oracle ERP Overview 總帳系統 GL 庫存 Inventory 客戶訂單 SO 主生產排程 MPS 粗略產能 規劃
RCCP 物料需求 計劃 MRP 請購作業 PR 採購作業 PO 收料作業 Receiving 生產指示 Discrete Repetitive Flow Project Process 生產發料 Issue 生產控制 製程移轉 SFC 生產入庫 Transfer 出貨作業 Picking Shipping 細部產能 CRP 應付帳款 立帳 Invoice 付款作業 Payment 票據管理 成本管理 Costing 主需求排程 MDS 固定資產管理 Assets 供應鍊管理 最佳化排程 APS 銷售預測 FCST 統一發 票管理 收款作業 Receipts 應收帳款

9 Purchasing Process 自動產生訂購單 核 准 AutoCreate PO Approval 應付帳款成立 發票處理
定義企業流程 收料控制 核准及安全管制 交貨來源 採購預算管制 異動處理方法 存貨狀況 Inventory MRP需求 在製品WIP External System 核 准 Approval 請購單處理 Requisition 手開請購 Manually 自動產生訂購單 AutoCreate PO 各種採購單 PO 標準式Standard 合約式Contract 概括式Blanket 計劃式Planned 核 准 Approval 列印/EDI 發 放 Release 內部轉移Inventory 供應商交貨Supplier 收 貨 (料) Receipt 判 退 Reject 退 貨 Return 允 收 Accept 檢 驗 Inspection 異動處理 收貨 Receipt 調撥 Transfer 運送 Deliver 應付帳款成立 發票處理 應付帳款對帳 總帳科目更新 應計作業 暫記項目 傳票 月結 詢價RFQ (選擇性項目) 報價單收集 Quotation 供應商挑選 Sourcing Rule

10 Purchasing Integration
EDI Gateway Oracle Quality Oracle Inventory Oracle Payables Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP Oracle General Ledger Oracle Order Entry Oracle Supplier Scheduling Oracle Work in Process Oracle Assets Oracle Purchasing Oracle Human Resources Oracle Bill of Material Oracle Project Accounting Oracle Cost Management

11 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

12 Create Supplier Data Looking for Supplier
Create New Supplier Information Site-Specific Information Supplier Site Information Supplier Lists Oracle System Operation

13 Looking for Supplier Purchase requisition 請購 Payment 付款 Supplier
Request for quote (RFQ) 詢價 Receipts 收貨 Quotation 報價 Returns 退貨 在Oracle Purchasing系統中供應商資料是最重要的組織中樞。所以在執行Oracle Purchasing系統大部分行為前必須要先將供應商的資料建立好。 收集符合採購需求相關的供應商資料〈尋找供應商〉 你需要對符合你需求的供應商提出詢價〈詢價〉 你對於選定的供應商提出報價〈報價〉 你需要供應商的資料以便提出採購訂單〈訂單〉 你會從供應商那裡得到貨物或服務〈收貨〉 你會退貨給供應商〈退貨〉 當收到貨物時你必須付款給供應商〈付款〉 Purchase order 採購

14 Create New Supplier Information
Paris Chicago Washington, D.C. Supplier Supplier sites Contact 34

15 Site-Specific Information
Performance 執行績效 Paris Chicago Washington, D.C. Payment method 付款方式 Online review 線上查詢 Terms and conditions 期限和條件 Automatically defaults 自動內定 Override these defaults 取消或更改這些內定值 assign each site different criteria 分別對於每個地區的商業設定不同的標準 使該系統採購時,能配合公司的貿易需要來執行 Designate 指定 Certified 認定 Set a date to inactivate the supplier Performance 執行績效 Shipments Invoice varlance 發票錯誤 / 不一致

16 Supplier Site Information
Washington, D.C. Chicago Paris Terms and conditions 期限和條件 Payment method 付款方式

17 Oracle System Operation




21 You use Type to group suppliers
Not expect to do repeat business Standard Industry Classification









30 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

31 Supplier Merge Washington, D.C. site Chicago site Paris site
Supplier XYZ Paris Washington, D.C. Chicago Supplier ABC Old supplier XYZ merged with supplier ABC Merge





36 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

37 Supplier Query Supplier Record Supplier Reporting

38 Supplier Record You have two options to find a supplier’s record
Use the Find window Execute a Query Data entry

39 Use the Find window



42 Execute a Query




46 Supplier Reporting Has this supplier been added already?
Is this supplier a subsidiary company of another supplier ? Do two similarly named suppliers have the same site location ? Pay Site, RFQ Only Site,and Purchasing Site,and what are the payment terms ? Access supplier detail reports.

47 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

48 Evaluation Supplier Performance
Overdue shipments 裝運延遲 Invoice variance 交貨清單不一致 Paris Washington, D.C. 供應商績效評估 Returns 退貨 Cost 成本 Chicago





53 Outline Purchasing Concept Create Supplier Data Supplier Merge
Supplier Query Evaluation Supplier Performance Create Approved Supplier List

54 Create Approved Supplier List
Approved Supplier List Concept Sourcing Rules Approved Supplier List Statuses Creating an ASL Entry ASL Query

55 organization or global organizations Approved Supplier List
Approved Supplier List Concept Ship-to organization or global organizations Commodity Approved Supplier List Items Supplier site

56 Sourcing Rules Sourcing rule Effective from 1/1/97–12/31/99 Buy from
Supplier A 50% of the time Rank 2 Supplier B 50% of the time Rank 1



59 Approved Supplier List Statuses


61 Creating an ASL Entry 料號必須在庫存時建立


63 ASL Query


65 Practice Create a New Supplier Data Query a supplier’s record
Creating an ASL Entry

66 References Oracle Purchasing R11:Volume 1,student Guide

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