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Sudoku Game Design Language (SGDL) Sijue Tan Rongzheng Yan Yu Shao Yigang Zhang William Chan.

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Presentation on theme: "Sudoku Game Design Language (SGDL) Sijue Tan Rongzheng Yan Yu Shao Yigang Zhang William Chan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sudoku Game Design Language (SGDL) Sijue Tan Rongzheng Yan Yu Shao Yigang Zhang William Chan

2 Sudoku Game & Grid Games

3 Introduction Overview Language for Sudoku fans and Programmer Generate Sudoku games Or any Grid games Motivation To present a language that can define rules of Grid game and generate the game. To attract people into a logic-reasoning way of thinking Features What we can do What we cannot do

4 Introduction

5 Architecture

6 Tech we used

7 Programming Language perspective Stack and Grid (value, bool) [“0”] 81 30 2048

8 Sample Generate random Sudoku whole solution Cover some number of the grid

9 Sample Program Array num; /*global variable declaration*/ main() /*Entry point of SGDL program*/ begin int i; int j;int k; int a; int col; int ran; /*Local declaration*/ string s; Array tempt1; num ~ [|1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9|]; /*Assignment*/ for (i~1;i<10;i++) begin Grid.Cell(1,i) ~ generateNum(1,i); /*Grid object*/ end printg(); print(Grid.Cell(1,1)); for(j~2;j<10;j++) /*Nested for loops*/ begin for (k~1;k<10;k++) begin

10 Sample Program if(k=9) /*If condition statement*/ begin Grid.Cell(j,9) ~ Grid.Cell(j-1,1); end else begin Grid.Cell(j,k) ~ Grid.Cell(j-1,k+1); end tempt1 ~ Grid.Row(2); /*row exchange*/ Grid.Row(2) ~ Grid.Row(4); Grid.Row(4) ~tempt1; printg(); /*print out the whole grid*/

11 Developing Process-- Tools

12 Developing Process Test Different aspects Operators +-*/ ~ Functions Data structures array grid Sample program Auto test Makefile Problems and Solutions

13 Developing Process

14 What we will do User input User interface Other grid game Cross word Non-rectangle grid

15 Lesson Learned Team cooperation share ideas Team schedule Or any Grid games O’caml is different but it is fun to study! Tools for software developing Google Docs Google Codes (SVN)

16 Another Attempt Java AST Generate java code


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