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The K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (kNN) Erik Zeitler Uppsala Database Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "The K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (kNN) Erik Zeitler Uppsala Database Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 The K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (kNN) Erik Zeitler Uppsala Database Laboratory

2 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler2 Examination  Examination is split in two parts Solve the assignment Oral examination  During the oral examination The instructor validates your program using a script Non-working program  the examination ends immediately (“fail” grade is given)  you may re-do the examination later The instructor will ask questions  on your implementation  on the method itself All group members must take part in the solution.  Group members can get different grades on the same assignment.

3 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler3 Grades

4 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler4 Examination  Why do we have the oral part? Are we out to get you? The assignments cover a good part of the course  understanding them will help you. If you have problems solving the assignment, please ask during office hours.  The only way asking will affect your grade is that you might learn more. Different things! Solving assignments Understanding your own solution

5 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler5 What you need to do  Sign up for oral exam Groups of 2 – 3 students Forms are on my office door, P1320  Implement a solution Deadline: Submit by e-mail 24h before your oral exam 1, 2: 3, 4:  Answer the questions on the form Bring one form per student  Prepare for oral exam: Study the theory behind

6 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler6 K Nearest Neighbor  Basic idea: If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck  Then it must be a duck  So how do we know how a duck walks and talks? Either we ask the other ducks – or if they are unavailable – Look at who else is walking and talking this way.

7 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler7 Duck walking and talking  Assume that a duck has average step length 5…15 cm quacks at a frequency 600…700 Hz  On the other hand consider a cow: step length is 30…60 cm a cow moos at 100…200 Hz

8 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler8 Cows and Ducks in a Plot

9 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler9 Enter the Chicken

10 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler10 Classifying you using kNN  Each of you belong to a group: [F|STS|Int Masters|Exchange Students|Other]  Let’s classify each one using 1-NN and 3-NN  How do we select our distance measure?  How do we decide which of 1-NN and 3-NN is best?

11 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler11 Things to Consider for the Assignment  Preprocessing What are the ranges of the different measurements? Is one characteristic more important than another?  If so, how can we reflect this?  If not, do we need to do something else? You can assume: no missing points, no noise  Selecting training and testing data and choosing K Is the data sorted in any way? If so is this good or bad? Are there different ways of subdividing the known data? How do we know if the value of K is good or bad?

12 2015-06-21Erik Zeitler12 Things to Consider for the Assignment  Classifying unknown data Do we need to preprocess the unknown data? Which data set should we use to classify the unknown data?  Complexity What is the offline part of kNN and what is the online part? What is the complexity for the offline and online parts of kNN?

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