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New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 1 Observation of Anomalous e + e (nS) h + h Production at (5S) Energies November 8, 2007, HEP Seminar @ NTHU
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 2 In memory of C.C. Hou (8/06 (Lunar), 1928 –9/19, 2007) Professor of Economics, and International Trade
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 3 Outline Motivation (4S), (3S) (1S) + Template Dataset on (5S) Event Selection for (nS) h + h Results Discussion Summary Preliminary All Results Preliminary arXiv:0710.2577 To be submitted soon to PRL
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 4 Motivation
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 5 Motivation I: because it’s there ee ≃ 0.27 keV ee ≃ 0.13 keV ≃ 110 MeV ≃ 20.5 MeV Belle has ~ 20 fb 1 (5S) data expect limits only... ~ 1.7 x 10 5 477 fb 1
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 6 Motivation II: Enhancement? PRD 74, 017504 (2006)
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 7 Motivation II: Enhancement? PRD 74, 017504 (2006) Conceived during FPCP2006 April ’06 in Vancouver
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 8 Motivation of Motivation I sat through this SLAC Expt’l Seminar...
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 9 Motivation of Motivation Shuwei YE
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 10 Motivation II: Enhancement? Y(4260)
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 11 Shuwei YE Note to myself ~ 7/13/05
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 12 Shuwei YE
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 13 Shuwei YE
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 14 lattice Mass: Use QQg hybrid (CLEO favored) lattice work to illustrate - 10600 - 10900 MeV (Michael) Could scale down, ∵ ccg prediction typically higher than Y(4260) Could show up in ISR on (5S) ➯ Could show up in ISR on (5S) - 10900 – 11000 MeV (Juge, Kuti, Morningstar) Predicted ccg state ~ 4260 Prefers Higher Energy Scan ➯ Prefers Higher Energy Scan Width: 100 MeV (~ Y c = Y(4260)) plausible Product BR: Assume ~ Could be smaller or larger Guestimates BaBar/CLEO ─ ─ ─ 10865
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 15
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 16 Motivation II: Enhancement?
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 17 Backdrop: Data on (5S) 1985: CUSB, CLEO @ CESR ~ 116 pb 2003: CLEO III @ CESR ~ 0.42 fb 1 June 2005: Belle @ KEKB ~ 1.86 fb 1 engineering run June 9-31, 2006: Belle @ KEKB ≅ 21.7 fb 1
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 18 1.86 fb 1 (2S) (3S) (4S) (5S) Rough study ~ 9/2006 (post summer) Hint of events above background Took a year to analyze 21.7 fb 1, solely because of “computing”.
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 19 (3S), (4S) (1S) + Template Old subject
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 20 (3S) (1S) + Understanding 2.9 fb 1 1.14 fb 1 75 PRD 75, 072001 (2007) (for (3S) + + nothing) 98 PRL 98, 132001 (2007 )
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 21 (3S) (1S) (2S) (1S) (3S) (2S) 3S 2S 1S More can be done at Belle... 528 ± 24 1315 ± 39 4556 ± 70 Data from (3S) Run
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 22 (2S) (1S) (3S) (1S) (3S) (2S) Brown-Cahn Model Moxhay Model CLEO Model 75 PRD 75, 072001 (2007) ☞ allow E E term ! Much better data than CLEO CLEO Model Data from (3S) Run
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 23 (4S) (1S) + Template 2S 3S 4S 477 fb 1 211 fb 1 75 PRD 75, 071103(R) (2007) 96 PRL 96, 232001 (2006 ) ~ 10 4
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 24 (2S) (1S) (3S) (1S) (4S) (1S) CLEO Model Brown-Cahn Model Data on (4S)
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 25 (3S), (4S) (1S) + Template Published papers by Belle, BaBar and CLEO So, (5S) straightforward.
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 26 Dataset on (5S)
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 27 14 countries, 55 institutes, ~400 collaborators IHEP, Vienna ITEP Kanagawa U. KEK Korea U. Krakow Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Kyoto U. Kyungpook Nat’l U. EPF Lausanne Jozef Stefan Inst. / U. of Ljubljana / U. of Maribor U. of Melbourne BINP Chiba U. U. of Cincinnati Ewha Womans U. Fu-Jen Catholic U. U. of Giessen Gyeongsang Nat’l U. Hanyang U. U. of Hawaii Hiroshima Tech. IHEP, Beijing IHEP, Moscow Nagoya U. Nara Women’s U. National Central U. National Taiwan U. National United U. Nihon Dental College Niigata U. Nova Gorica Osaka U. Osaka City U. Panjab U. Peking U. Princeton U. Riken Saga U. USTC Seoul National U. Shinshu U. Sungkyunkwan U. U. of Sydney Tata Institute Toho U. Tohoku U. Tohuku Gakuin U. U. of Tokyo Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Tokyo Metropolitan U. Tokyo U. of Agri. and Tech. INFN Torino Toyama Nat’l College VPI Yonsei U. International Collaboration: Belle
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 28 e + source Ares RF cavity Belle detector World record: L = 1.7118 x 10 34 /cm 2 /sec SCC RF(HER) ARES(LER) 8 x 3.5 GeV 22 mrad crossing ~ 1 km in diameter Mt. Tsukuba KEKB Belle since 1999 First successful op. of Crab cavities The KEKB Collider
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 29 / K L detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe Central Drift Chamber small cell +He/C 2 H 6 CsI(Tl) Aerogel Cherenkov Counter n=1.015~1.030 Si Vertex Detector 3(4) lyr. DSSD TOF SC Solenoid 1.5T 8 GeV e 3.5 GeV e 16X ACC (PID) ECL SVD KLM CDC Belle Detector
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 30 Dataset on (5S) Main Purpose e.g.
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 31 Event Selection for (nS) h + h h = , K
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 32 Event Selection for (nS) h + h Track Prompt: within 5 cm of IP in z (beam direction) 1 cm in transverse h h X 0 Muon ID;loose h = , K No other charged tracks with p T > 100 MeV/c 2 |M( - M( (nS))| < 150 MeV/c 2 (3 ) (nS) candidate cos < 0.95 reject e ’s faking ’s Electron ID h = K case Kaon ID Main bkg : + + e + e that mimic (1S)e + e Main bkg : + + e + e that mimic (1S)e + e (conversions) Remark: Looser than (4S) (1S) + analysis Crosschecks w/ (4S) and (3S)
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 33 [→ ee[→ ee 3S 2S 1S 21.7 fb 1 e + e (nS) h + h at 10.87 GeV Signal box to optimize on background
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 34 Results
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 35 2S 3S 4S 2S 3S 4S (4S) (1S) + Expect to vanish “ (5S)” (1S) + , (2S) + (2S) + 3S 4S > “ (5S)” (1S) + Striking ! 1S 2S 3S
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 36 Remarks Structure at ~ 0.84 GeV/c 2 below 3S: “ (5S)” → (2S) + ↳ (1S) + X “ (5S)” “ (5S)” : single E CM energy at 10.87 GeV No clear indication of radiative tail 2S 3S 4S e + e (1S) + > “ (5S)” some other reflection ?
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 37 “ (5S)” (nS) + , (1S) K + K (1S) + (2S) + (3S) + (1S) K + K 3.2 square box gives ~ 3.9 14 20 4.9 Signal box to optimize on background
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 38 Yield: Unbinned extended ML Fit signal yield bkg yield signal PDF [two Gaussians bkg PDF [linear ⇐ optimze box 20 14 4.9 3.2 (1S) + (2S) + (1S) K + K (3S) +
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 39 Brown-Cahn Model phase space M( ) and cos Hel Distributions (1S) + (2S) + Efficiency estimate: re-weighted MC according to data N.B. other two modes use B-C model due to limited statistics cos Hel CLEO’07
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 40 Systematic Uncertainty Source Source (1S) + (2S) + (3S) + (1S) K + K Tracking 4.1% 4.6% 5.6% 4.1% Lepton Ident. 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Electron rejection 0.2% 0.2% 0.4% 3.6% Fitting 1.5% 3.7% 1.7% 1.4% model 4.4% 6.8% 3.2% 13.6% M( ) selection 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% Bhabha rejection 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% Trigger 0.9% 3.1% 4.5% 1.0% Luminosity 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% Cross-section 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% (nS) → bf 2.0% 8.8% 9.6% 2.0% Total 9.0% 14.4% 14.0% 16.1%
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 41 Summary Table N.B. Resonance cross section 0.302 ± 0.015 nb at 10.87 GeV PRD 98, 052001 (2007) [Belle] Cf (2S) (1S) ~ 6 keV (3S) 0.9 keV (4S) 1.8 keV Echoes Y(4260) Need Mechanism Is this (5S), or the Y b state? Assume “ (5S)” = (5S) PDG value taken for (nS) properties Need Scan to tell N.B. (5S) e e ≃ 0.13 keV normal
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 42 Discussion
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 43 Scan ? Y b !? 10.75 10.8 10.85 10.9 10.95 11.0 98 PRL 98, 052001 (2007 ) 6/2005 “scan” 5 points, 30 pb each (stat error) fit with = 110 MeV ~ 8 fb Compare (1S) + , (2S) + vs Hadrons
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 44 No Indication ! Certainly “Anomalous” !
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 45 Y(4320) More Y’s from BaBar and Belle
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 46 Y(4360) = Y(4320) ? Y(4360) = Y(4320) ? Y(4660) ! Y(4660) ! Two Y’s ?
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 47 Scan ? Compare (1S) + , (2S) + vs Hadrons Y b !? 10.75 10.8 10.85 10.9 10.95 11.0 98 PRL 98, 052001 (2007 ) 6/2005 “scan” 5 points, 30 pb each (stat error) fit with = 110 MeV ~ 8 fb Scan could uncover richer structure !
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 48 477 fb 1 Corrected (4S) (1S) + Uncover from this study - Data and signal yield correct - Efficiency estimate for signal normalization was wrong 112 fb New preliminary Result: Based on new data skim (112 fb ) w/ 4x efficiency Now consistent w/ BaBar Revised publication coming soon
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 49 Observation of “ (5S)” (1S) + , (2S) + Evidence for “ (5S)” (3S) + , (1S) K + K Assuming (5S) properties, B ( (5S) (1S) + ) = B ( (5S) (2S) + ) = B ( (5S) (3S) + ) = B ( (5S) (1S) K + K ) = w/ partial widths 0.52 – 0.85 MeV ⇐ Very Large New preliminary Bf for (4S) (1S) + Summary arXiv:0710.2577 Cf. ~ 0.018 MeV for (4S) (1S) +
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 50
New (5S) decays from Belle George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU HEP, 11/08/2007 51
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