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THE MOBILE PROCESS EDGE Christer Carlsson IAMSR / Åbo Akademi.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MOBILE PROCESS EDGE Christer Carlsson IAMSR / Åbo Akademi."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MOBILE PROCESS EDGE Christer Carlsson IAMSR / Åbo Akademi

2 Mobile Commerce 2001 Background IAMSR found in 2000 that the core of what could be done in m-commerce was not well defined and that the market hype could destroy an activity which could be vital for 3G. IAMSR formed both a national consortium and an international network to work out the core of m- commerce. The IST2001 in Düsseldorf proved the point about m- commerce, but was still talking about ”killer applications”

3 Mobile Commerce 2001 Partners IAMSR, Nokia MP, Sonera, Sampo, Ålandsbanken, Turku TV Operations [national Tekes project] HHL (Leipzig), Bertelsmann, 12Snap, McCann Erickson, Netdoktor + more to come ENPC (Paris) + corporate partners pending CityU (HK) + corporate partners pending North Carolina State University (Raleigh) TLX, NETS programs Focus:Prime mover advantage in mobile commerce

4 Mobile Commerce 2001 Projects in Mobile Commerce 3.71 Empirical research program (Germany, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA (North Carolina) [running] 3.51 M-Commerce Foresight with scenario agents (Finland + added input from partners) [running] 3.12 MExE, virtual support platform (Sonera, Nokia) [running] Planned: 3.11 DigiTV & smart phones, 3.63 Mobile eHealth, 3.21 Virtual teamwork

5 Mobile Commerce 2001 Theory-Oriented Research Mobile commerce core issues & value-added Research consortium seminars, white papers 14 th Bled E-Commerce Position paper [Carlsson-Walden-Vogel] Mobile DSS HICSS 2002 workshop, DSS journal [Carlsson-Keen-Wagner] Multiagent technology for mobile support platforms Soft computing and mobile support Real options theory & m-commerce projects Quality, Foresight, eProcesses, eHealth, B-to-B,....

6 Mobile Commerce 2001 The Virtual Support Platform [3.12] Worked out on the Sonera e-Management portal Scanning software agent technology developed by IAMSR since 1997, now a 4th generation version The scanning agents combine with search and scenario agents to form a multiagent environment Interpretation agents (based on approximate reasoning) the next members of the ”family” Soon to run also from PDA + WLAN and Nokia 9210 Brings relevant data in a useful form from reliable data sources to the point of decision

7 Folders are used to organize documents into logical categories or sub categories. Each folder may contain either other folders or profiles. In this case Patent monitoring consists of 4 folders: m-commerce, GPRS, 3G, WLAN. By clicking on a folder you can view the content of a folder which may either contain other folders or documents. We can also see how many documents are read/unread in each folder that contains documents.

8 In case the folder contains of documents we get a small description of each document found in that category (folder). By clicking on the documents link we get to view the content of the document. Show tree displays the tree structure of the folders. The same page that was viewed in slide 1. Find in folder searches for something specific in the current folder. The user can click edit button in order to be able to add/remove/edit profiles/folders for a folder The user can type in a keyword in order to get a subset of documents in order to find the most interesting documents.

9 Here we can see the content and other information of the document. There is also a link that links back to the original document where this information was found. By clicking back the user can return to the folder where he came from. By clicking on one of the folders on the folder path the user can go to a higher level on the folder tree. In this case either: Start, Patent monitoring or m-commerce.

10 Here we are editing a profile. We give it a name and a descrption and select the datasources that should be scanned. Depending on what sources we want to scan the amount and content of search data fields may vary. Search data is data that identifies the profile and gives the documents that we are interesting in. In case we are interested in GPRS the logic query would probably be GPRS. If we are only interested in GPRS technologies invented by Nokia or a person working on Nokia we might want to specify Nokia as inventor or the person name. (In hence we know that kind of information)

11 Mobile Commerce 2001 The Virtual Support Platform [3.12] The Decision Organizer was worked out as a group support platform for virtual teams, which work on the same task but in different locations, even in different time zones Jointly working on decision alternatives: brainstorming, rating, ranking and deciding Runs very well on iPAQ + WLAN and (a bit slowly) on Nokia 9210 Can interact with PC + intra/internet

12 The Decision Organizer running on Nokia 9210 and iPAQ

13 The session-list (main) screen.

14 Add a new sessionAdd a new event to a session

15 The Event list

16 The Users & Groups screens

17 The Ratings input screens

18 Screens for visualization of results

19 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents IAMSR Agents Research Scanning, search, description, scenario, interpretation agents: IAMSR has built prototypes, which were fully validated and tested Alko, Imagine21, Waeno (Fortum, m-real, Outokumpu, Rautaruukki), Mobile Commerce (Sonera [+customers], M-Commerce Foresight) Runs on Sonera mobile portal [e-Management] Commercial versions: Document Tracer, Fare Tracer, I-Tracer [Agentum Inc]

20 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents IAMSR Fuzzy Logic Research Fuzzy optimization, fuzzy multiple criteria optimization, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning, fuzzy linguistic optimization Soft computing, soft decision analysis, software agents with AR schemes Fuzzy bullwhip model, fuzzy real options, fuzzy real option valuation methods Fuzzy Reasoning in Decision Making and Optimization [Springer 2001]

21 Collaborative Software Agents Data, Reports Data, Reports INTERPRET SCENARIO Filters SEARCH SCAN Source 1 Source m Source 2 Source 1 Source n Source 2 Planning, problem-solving, decision making platform [Web, PDA & WLAN, Nokia 9210] Planning, problem-solving, decision making platform [Web, PDA & WLAN, Nokia 9210]

22 Collaborative Software Agents Collaborative Agents System The scanning agent searches 100s of data sources with profiles tailored to the data sources; trusted Internet sources; automatic 24/7 – only new material The search agent searches 100s of internal data sources with profiles tailored to the data sources; automatic 24/7 The scenario agent drives the scanning and search agents and continuously updates scenario etc. documents; will be supported with the new interpretation agent to find “significant etc” material

23 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents Why Collaborative Fuzzy Agents? Collaborative: simpler, faster, lighter agents Fuzzy agents: incomplete data, information can be used Collaborative fuzzy agents as support front-ends Designed to help several categories of users: (i) professionals with integrated environments, (ii) people in need of support for fast applications, (iii) children, (iv) elderly and disabled, and (v) for focused business applications on PDA + WLAN, Nokia 9210 and intra-, extra- and internets

24 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents How Collaborative Fuzzy Agents? Scanning with fuzzy logic (AR schemes) to add sensitivity to “similar material” Search with fuzzy logic for the same capability Interpretation can be done with filters using AR schemes to (i) find significant material, (ii) to trace deviations from expectations, (iii) to “summarize” and “abstract” AR schemes on the platform to guide the collaborative agents system; to update scanning and search profiles and interpretation filters

25 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents Cooperation EUNITE on smart adaptive systems BISC [UC Berkeley] on intelligent systems BTExact on agents for personalized information management Sonera, Nokia, Sampo, Ålandsbanken, CityUHK, UPMC

26 Collaborative Fuzzy Agents Expected results on agent abilities To work as ubiquitous modules in mobile commerce products & services [b-to-b, b-to-e, b-to-c, p-to-p] To work as supporting user interfaces to mobile commerce products & services, partially implemented on mobile devices, partially on servers To work as parts of mobile portals mainly for b-to-b products & services to improve information logistics To work as support for b-to-e applications, mainly focused on time management and the productivity of working time

27 Generic M-Com Software Designs Mobile Commerce (2001) Hype: killer applications, service integration Reality: information systems, which should be designed to conform with (i) user needs, (ii) existing IT infrastructures (including payment systems), and (iii) mobile platform technologies Digital products & services Digital product Digital service Digital product with service Digital service with product

28 Mobile Commerce PRODUCER PERSPECTIVE: Modularity, Layers, Bundling PERS – Personalisation LOCAL-Localisation UBI-Ubiquity TIME-Timeliness CON-Convenience PRICE-Pricing PROD 1 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE PROD 2 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE SERV 1 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE SERV 2 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE Modules Layers Bundle

29 Generic M-Com Software Designs Mobile Commerce (Principles) Modules: composite products & services Layers: tailored products & services for markets segments, user groups; tailored pricing models Bundles: combinations of products & services User interfaces: collaborative fuzzy agent interfaces to build/support (i) localization, (ii) personalization, (iii) timeliness, (iv) ubiquity and (v) convenience

30 Mobile Commerce Design PERS – Personalisation LOCAL-Localisation UBI-Ubiquity TIME-Timeliness CON-Convenience PRICE-Pricing PROD 1 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE PROD 2 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE SERV 1 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE SERV 2 PERS LOCAL UBI TIME CON PRICE Modules Layers Bundle Data, Reports Data, Reports INTERPRET SCENARIO Filters SEARCH SCAN Source 1 Source m Source 2 Source 1 Source n Source 2 Planning, problem-solving, decision making platform [Web, PDA & WLAN, Nokia 9210] Planning, problem-solving, decision making platform [Web, PDA & WLAN, Nokia 9210]

31 Generic M-Com Software Designs Fuzzy collaborative agents Generic constructs, can be extended and enhanced to two categories Looking for data, facts, information Interpreting data, facts, information Agent profiles are based on (i) personalisation, (ii) localisation, (iii) time, (iv) ubiquity and (v)I convenience User value is created in the user interface to the m- commerce product & service

32 Generic M-Com Software Designs Mobile Commerce (Results) Ubiquitous, fast, invisible and affordable mobile systems components Will run on PDA + WLAN, Nokia 9210, intra-, extra- and internets Will add value and/or form mobile commerce products & services May be/become key components for global mo bile commerce First movers: Finnish companies & partners

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