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City of Worcester Task Force on Public Health Presented to the City Manager on 11/30/90 Slides prepared by Katherine Shocas, Director Special Projects,

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Presentation on theme: "City of Worcester Task Force on Public Health Presented to the City Manager on 11/30/90 Slides prepared by Katherine Shocas, Director Special Projects,"— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Worcester Task Force on Public Health Presented to the City Manager on 11/30/90 Slides prepared by Katherine Shocas, Director Special Projects, UMass Memorial

2 2 Task Force Purpose Worcester DPH staff and services cut drastically in May 2009 due to steep declines in state aid and local revenue City Manager O’Brien convened Task Force in June 2009 Task Force charged to redefine mission, vision, capabilities, and services of DPH

3 3 Task Force Structure Two Co-Chairs Five Member Executive Committee Twenty-Two Member Full Committee Four Sub-Committees – Mission and Structure – Measures and Metrics – Best Practices – Community Resources

4 4 Task Force Membership List Dennis Irish John O’Brien Michael F. Collins, MD, FACP Leonard Morse, MD John Smithhisler Carlton Watson, MSW Jan Yost, EdD Frances Anthes, MSW Abigail Averbach, MS Patricia Bruchmann, MS, RN Suzanne Cashman, ScD Dawn Clark, PhD Octavio Diaz, MD, MPH Sheilah Dooley, RN, BSN, MS Jack Dutzar, MD Erik Garcia, MD Karen Green, BSN, MA David Hillis, FACHE, FACATA Michael Hirsh, MD Catarina Kiefe, PhD, MD Robin Klar, DNSc, RN Dale Magee, MD, MS Antonia (Toni) G. McGuire, RN, Charles F. Monahan, Jr. (Represented by Deborah O’Malley, JD) William O’Connell, MA, LCSW Michele Pugnaire, MD Laurie Ross, PhD Professor Clara Savage, EdD Steven Ward, MPH, REHS/RS

5 5 Task Force Methodology Sub-Committees researched and developed recommendations Full Task Force reviewed and commented Future State Workgroup* drafted goals, priorities and recommendations Full Task Force refined and approved final goals and recommendations *Chairs and Vice Chairs

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8 8 Proposed New Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Public Health, in collaboration with community and government partners, is to improve and protect the health and safety of those who live, work, visit, and study in Worcester.

9 9 Proposed New Vision Statement To lead an efficient, effective and equitable public health system that serves as a national model and enables all who live, work, visit, and study in Worcester to be healthy and safe.

10 10 Strategic Goals 1 - Improve Organizational Effectiveness 2 - Mobilize a Coordinated Community Approach 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions 4 - Build a Road to Sustainability

11 11 Goal 1- Improve Organizational Effectiveness Design a new Department of Public Health Strengthen governance and leadership Advance knowledge of public health practices Create innovative and responsive community and public health approaches Achieve accreditation by 2015

12 12 Goal 1 – Priorities Restructure Board of Health to strengthen governance Expand public health leadership Integrate traditional public health services Build capacity to manage new functions Identify areas for improvement Pursue the highest quality performance

13 13 Goal 2 - Mobilize a Coordinated Community Approach Lead a connected and effective local public health system by establishing new and strengthening existing collaborative partnerships and creating strategic alliances.

14 14 Goal 2 – Mobilize a Coordinated Community Approach Priority One: Leverage the local public health system Convene and monitor public health system Create bridges and links between community and government Focus on policy, education, communication Improve communication with Mass DPH

15 15 Goal 2 – Mobilize a Coordinated Community Approach Priority Two: Expand community and government partnerships Institute formal community partner survey every five years, starting 2010 Create new partnerships and collaborations Develop contracts and agreements Manage and monitor partnerships

16 16 Goal 2 – Mobilize a Coordinated Community Approach Priority Three: Build the future public health workforce Strengthen and expand collaborations with academic health programs Expand public health learning opportunities, i.e. internships, field education, service learning, clerkships, research

17 17 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Build the capacity and capability to measure, monitor, and report health status and health risk, to identify health priorities, and to evaluate effectiveness.

18 18 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority One: Develop a 24/7 surveillance system. Complete work in process and finalize data sources. Build the system - protocols, processes, communication standards Align with DPH, Common Pathways, HIE Evaluate and improve

19 19 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority Two: Collect population health data. Develop system for collecting primary and secondary data Expand inventory of low cost data sources Learn MassCHIP Use advanced data analysis, including GIS Collaborate with data sources – national, state, community, HIEs

20 20 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority Three: Involve community in assessment, planning, and evaluation. Develop and implement qualitative methods – focus groups, interviews, community forums Work with community stakeholders around specific public health policy

21 21 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority Four: Report on health status of the community Evaluate competency and capacity needed to analyze surveillance and population data Develop ongoing capacity to report Collaborate with Common Pathways and other partners

22 22 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority Five: Use data to assess need and set priorities Conduct Community Health Status Survey every 5 years, starting in 2010 Analyze data to identify baseline, problems, disparities, service gaps Report data geographically Train and engage stakeholders in planning

23 23 Goal 3 - Make Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decisions Priority Six: Use advanced information technology. Assess current and future IT needs and available solutions Develop and implement IT plan

24 24 Goal 4 - Build a Road to Sustainability Expand all sources of funding and pursue regionalization through shared services and cooperative agreements with area towns.

25 25 Goal 4 – Priorities Pursue all fee revenue opportunities Pursue private funding and partnerships Pursue regionalization to improve effectiveness, maximize resources, and reduce duplication Pursue grant and other opportunities

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