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Carnivorous Ninja Warriors Critical Design Review Cameron Comeau, Katie Brissenden, Kat Bryant, Arley Hendrick, Aram Podolski, Hannah Williams 06OCT2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Carnivorous Ninja Warriors Critical Design Review Cameron Comeau, Katie Brissenden, Kat Bryant, Arley Hendrick, Aram Podolski, Hannah Williams 06OCT2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carnivorous Ninja Warriors Critical Design Review Cameron Comeau, Katie Brissenden, Kat Bryant, Arley Hendrick, Aram Podolski, Hannah Williams 06OCT2009 Fall 2009 Rev A/b

2 Mission Overview –This project is designed to detect the levels of methane, CO, and UV light that exist at high altitude. –The possibilities of methane or CO levels becoming dangerous to human life as altitude increases will be analyzed –The effects of exposure to different atmospheric conditions –Expect higher levels at higher altitude

3 Mission Objectives 1.The BalloonSat is not to exceed 850 grams. 2.The BalloonSat will cost no more than $100. 3.The internal temperature of the BalloonSat shall remain above -10 degrees Celsius. 4.The BalloonSat shall carry a digital camera to record the satellite’s surroundings. 5.The BalloonSat shall carry six UV photodiodes, one methane gas sensor, and one carbon monoxide gas sensor to assess high altitude atmospheric conditions.

4 Objective Requirements 1.The BalloonSat will be constructed with light weight, durable foam core 2.The BalloonSat will be cubic in order to not use unnecessary foam core and to ensure that heat easily reaches all components. 3.No structural testing shall be done with sensors inside. 4.The heater shall be powered by its own batteries. 5.The heater shall be put on its own switch. 6.The camera shall be positioned so that there are no other satellites to disrupt the image. 7.The gas sensors shall be embedded on top of satellite to avoid unnecessary wind resistance 8.One UV photodiode shall be on every face of the structure to ensure constant data.

5 System Requirements Heater must be tested prior to launch to ensure that it is working properly and keeping temperature above -10 degrees Celsius. Camera must be programmed to take images every 10 seconds and store them on the memory card. UV photodiodes shall be encased in tubing to provide additional strength. The methane gas sensor must be calibrated to set off an alarm once it detects 50,000ppm -150,000ppm prior to launch. The carbon monoxide sensor must be calibrated to set off an alarm once it detects 50ppm prior to launch.

6 Design –6 UV photodiodes on each face –1 Methane gas sensor on top –1 Carbon monoxide sensor on top –Parts Ordered/Obtained –Foam Core, AVR microcontroller, Digital Controller, Resistor Heater, HOBO, Insulation, CO sensor/module, CH4 sensor/module, UV photodiodes, American Flag To be ordered –Tubing, wires –UV photodiodes in tubes –Gas sensors embedded in foam core




10 Budget

11 Testing Experiment Testing (October 11) –Black light, butane hair curler, propane Camera Testing (October 15) Functional Testing (October 17) –Drop, Kick, Whip Mission Testing (October 24) –Systems

12 Expected Results More UV radiation at higher altitudes –UVA Dangerous levels of methane gas –50,000ppm – 150,000ppm Dangerous levels of carbon monoxide –50ppm

13 Organization

14 Worries Time Management –schedules Testing of sensors –Black light (exact UV emission) Calibration –High enough level –Alarm recording

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