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Describing Consonants

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Presentation on theme: "Describing Consonants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Describing Consonants
Aspects of Articulation Voicing Place of articulation Manner of articulation

2 Manner of Articulation
Stop [t] Fricative [ʃ] Affricate [ʧ] Nasal [n] Liquid [ɹ] Glide [j] Flap [ſ]

3 Voicing What is happening at the LARYNX?
Vocal folds spread apart = voiceless Close together and vibrating = voiced Front Vocal folds Glottis Back

4 voiced voiceless

5 Voiced  Voiceless [p][b] [ɵ][ð] [k][g] [s][z]


7 Place of Articulation Bilabial [p] (pit, tip, spit)
[b] (ball, globe, amble) [m] (moose, lamb, ample) [w] (with, mow, queen) [w̥ ] (which, what, where, why)

8 Labiodental Interdental [f] (foot, laugh, coffee)
[v] (vest, dove, gravel) Interdental [ɵ] (through, teeth, ether) [ð] (their, mother, either)

9 Alveolar [t] (tag, stick, backed) [d] (dip, card, loved)
[s] (soap, cats, descent) [z] (zip, roads, Xerox) [n] (know, snow, winter) [l] (leaf, feel, alight) [ɹ] (rabbit, here, around) [ſ] (butter, madder, matter)

10 Palatal [ʃ] (shy, mission, ash) [ʒ] (measure, vision)
[ʧ] (choke, match, feature) [ʤ] (joke, region, judge) [j] (you, feud, beautiful)

11 Velar Glottal [k] (character, exceed, pack) [g] (guard, longer, dig)
[ŋ] (lung, finger, think) Glottal [ʔ] (uh-oh, hatrack, Batman) [h] (who, hat, whole)

12 Natural Class Nasal consonants [m, n, ŋ] Affricates [ʧ, ʤ]
Voiceless Stops [p, t, k, ʔ] Voiced Stops [b, d, g, m, n, ŋ]

13 Natural Class Front Vowels [i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ] Central Vowels [ə, ʌ]
Back Vowels [u, ʊ, o, ɔ, ɑ] Tense Vowels [i, u, o, e]

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