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Kell High School Freshman Advisement.

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Presentation on theme: "Kell High School Freshman Advisement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kell High School Freshman Advisement

2 Agenda Introductions and Folders Graduation Requirements 4 Year Plan
Promotion Requirements Report Card vs. Progress Report Student Success Additional Information

3 Folders 4 Year Plan Graduation Requirements
Information regarding individual academic areas

4 Graduation Requirements
Math- 4 Credits English- 4 Credits Science- 4 Credits Social Studies- 3 Credits CTAE, Fine Arts, Foreign Language- 3 Credits Health/ Personal Fitness- 1 Credit Electives- 4 Credits TOTAL= 23 Credits

5 Cobb County School District
Four-Year Plan of Study

6 Multicultural Literature
English 9th 10th 11th 12th Multicultural Literature World Literature On Level Track American Lit. 9th Lit. 10th Lit. Honors American Lit. AP Language Honors World Lit. AP Lit. Honors Track Honors 9th Lit. Honors British Lit.

7 Mathematics 10th 11th 12th 9th On Level Track Honors Track 1
CCGPS Analytic Geometry On Level Track CCGPS Advanced Algebra Fourth Year Math GPS Algebra Honors Track 1 Fourth Year Math AcceleratedMath 1 Accelerated Math 2 AcceleratedMath 3 HonorsTrack 2 Georgia Tech Calculus (Or other AP) AcceleratedMath 2 Accelerated Math 3 AP Course

8 Environmental Science Environmental Science
9th 10th 11th 12th Physics Environmental Science Chemistry Physics Environmental Science On Level Track Science Elective Biology Honors Track Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Physics Science Elective Please refer to Science information in folder for grade placement requirements.

9 Government/ Economics Honors Gov./ Honors Econ.
Social Studies 9th 10th 11th 12th On Level Track Government/ Economics World Geography World History US History Honors Track 1 Honors World History Honors US History Honors Gov./ Honors Econ. Pre AP SS Honors Track 2 AP Human Geography AP World History AP US History AP Gov./ AP Econ.

10 1 Credit Health/ Personal Fitness
Health (0.5 credit) Personal Fitness (0.5 credit) Sports Eligibility Must pass 2.5 credits per semester *Weight Training, Team Sports, Lifetime Sports, and Outdoor Education are PE Electives*

11 CTAE, Fine Arts, or World Language
3 Credits Total Can be a mixture of credits

12 Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)
Kell offers 10 CTAE Pathways Business Computing Marketing Engineering and Architecture Video Production Education Culinary Arts Graphic Design Government and Protective Services Navy/Army ROTC

13 Fine Arts Fine Arts Electives are divided into 3 categories at Kell:
1. Band, Orchestra, Chorus and General Music Electives 2. Theatre Arts Electives 3. Visual Arts Electives

14 World Language Spanish French German Latin
**Students who wish to attend a 4 year college/university in the state of Georgia must have 2 consecutive credits of World Language**

15 Electives Additionally, students are required to take 4 units of electives. Includes support and study skills classes

16 Promotion Requirements
9th Grade to 10th Grade MUST PASS: Both semesters of 9th Literature Both semesters of Biology Math (YL= Year Long) 2 Credits TOTAL OF 5 CREDITS

17 Additional Information
Math = 1.0 (year-long) credit All other subjects = 0.5 (per semester) credits EOCT’s (End Of Course Tests) account for 20% of the students grade (for those core courses in which an EOCT is mandated) Must successfully complete all EOCT Courses required for graduation ALL requirements must be completed to participate in Graduation A passing score on the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) is also required for graduation

18 Levels of Courses AP Honors College Preparatory

19 Report Card vs. Progress Report
Report Card is at the end of Fall Semester and Spring Semester Report Card has FINAL grades that will post onto your student’s transcript Progress Report is given out every 6 weeks Progress Report does not have FINAL grades

20 Student Success Set realistic academic goals with your student
Attend all parent meetings at school and stay connected Provide a quiet place to study and set an expectation for study time Participation in HOMEWORK is key ATTENDANCE

21 Student Success Check Pinnacle regularly
Rewards and Consequences are your most effective tool Set limits and boundaries Encourage healthy eating and plenty of sleep LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN! LEAP

22 Contact Administrators School Counselors Lynnette Griffin A-D
Viola Lussier E-K Stephanie Caine L-Ri Peggy Jerden Ro-Z Administrators Peter Giles Assistant Principal/9th Grade Susan Stoddard Assistant Principal/Curriculum and Instruction Camille Gomez Assistant Principal/Testing

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