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Results and plans of the KamLAND experiment
Let me talk about `Results and plans of the KamLAND experiment’ Yoshihito Gando (RCνS, Tohoku Univ.) for the KamLAND Collaboration Chung-li, Taiwan, 4 October 2005
Various Physics Targets with wide energy range
0.4 1.0 2.6 8.5 Visible energy [MeV] neutrino electron elastic scattering inverse beta decay Neutrino Astrophysics verification of SSM Neutrino Geophysics verification of earth evolution model Neutrino Physics Precision measurement of oscillation parameters Neutrino Cosmology verification of universe evolution 7Be solar neutrino geo-neutrino reactor neutrino supernova relic neutrino etc. future 2nd phase Nature 436, 28 (2005) 1st results PRL 90, (2003) 2nd results PRL 94, (2005) Solar PRL 92, (2004)
KamLAND detector Photo - coverage: 34% ~ 500 p.e. / MeV 13m 1000m
Cosmic ray 's are suppressed by 1/100,000. 20 inch : 225 13m 1,000 ton liquid scintillator Dodecane : 80% Pseudocumene : 20% PPO : 1.5g/l Mineral oil Dodecane : 50% Isoparaffin : 50% 1.75m thickness KamLAND is located 1000m underground in Kamioka mine, and muon event rate is about 0.34Hz. The detector consist of 1000 tons of ultra-pure liquid scintillator and 1879 PMTs 17 inch :1325 20 inch : 554 ~8000 photons / MeV λ: ~10m Photo - coverage: 34% ~ 500 p.e. / MeV
e ν detection in KamLAND e- Greatly removes backgrounds e+ Position
e+ + n e (0.51) Prompt e+ signal e e- e+ Te++annihilation =Eν - 0.8MeV Te+ p E1.8MeV (0.51) n (2.2 MeV) p Delayed γ by neutron capture ~210μs Position Time correlation delayed energy information Neutrinos are detected by the inverse beta-decay reaction. Space and time correlations of prompt and delayed signal provide effective background reduction. d Greatly removes backgrounds
Reactor Neutrino As a first physical topic, I want to talk about reactor neutrinos.
Reactors near the KamLAND
80% of total contribution comes from 130~220km distance effective distance ~180km This map shows the location of the Japanese power reactors and KamLAND. And this figure shows distances from KamLAND to reactors and thermal power of reactors. 80% of total contribution comes from 130 ~ 220km distance. KamLAND group also calculate effects from reactors of other countries, Taiwan effect is about 0.1% Reactor neutrino flux, ~95.5% from Japan ~3% from Korea (2nd result period) Reactors in Taiwan have ~0.1% contribution.
Event Selection μ 9Li Delayed Coincidence: 0.5 < ΔT < 1000μsec
ΔR < 200 cm 1.8 < Edelayed < 2.6 MeV Prompt Energy Window: 2.6 < Eprompt < 8.5 MeV Fiducial Volume: Rprompt < 550 cm (500 :1st result) Rdelayed < 550 cm (500 : 1st result) μ Spallation Cuts: ΔTμ < 2 msec ΔTμ < 2 sec (showering muons) or ΔTμ < 2 sec (showering muons) ΔL < 300 cm (non-showering) In order to select reactor neutrinos, we applied these event selection, delayed coincidence, fiducial volume, 3m 9Li Isotope Halflives Decay Mode 9Li/8He 178.3ms/119.0ms β- + n Efficiency : 89.82%(I,II), 89.83%(III)
Time Variation of Reactor ν
Expected event rate First result Expected signal : 86.8±5.6 BG :1±1 Observed : 54 Neutrino disappearance at 99.95% Observed event rate I want to show you the results of reactor neutrino analysis. This figure shows time variation of observed reactor neutrinos and expected event rate. We observed 258 events, expected signals are about 365 and estimated backgrounds are about 18. Observed / expected ratio is and this shows neutrino disappearance at % confidence level. R = ±0.044(stat) ± 0.042(syst) ⇒ neutrino disappearance at % C.L. High statistic from 1st result oscillation study
Energy Spectrum This figure shows energy spectra of KamLAND data, no oscillation expected, scaled no oscillation expected, and backgrounds. From the hypothesis test of scaled no-oscillation, spectral distortion is 99.6% confidence level. And we use rate with shape information, no oscillation is excluded at % confidence level. Hypothesis test of scaled no-oscillation: χ2/ndf = 37.3/18 ⇒ spectral distortion at > 99.6% C.L. Rate + Shape: no oscillation is excluded at % C.L.
L/E plot with data for geo-ν analysis
(759 days, 5m fiducial) low energy window best fit reactor + geo-neutrino model prediction Oscillation pattern with real reactor distribution Lo = 180 km is used for KamLAND There is clear Oscillatory behavior (peak and dip) oscillation parameter is determined.
several orders -> less than 10%
Oscillation Analysis KamLAND best-fit (rate + shape) KamLAND + Solar assuming CPT invariance Next is oscillation analysis. Left figure shows allowed region contour for oscillation parameters. When we combine KamLAND data and solar global data, allowed region is singled out to LMA1 under the assuming CPT invariance. several orders -> less than 10% Precise determination of oscillation parameters made possible to use neutrinos as a new probe.
Geo - Neutrino Next topic is Geo – Neutrino analysis.
As I presented before, we have oscillation parameters. Therefore we can analyze geo-neutrinos without oscillation uncertainty.
Earth Energetics Terrible earthquakes, eruptions, etc. are originally caused by mantle convection driven by heat. Terrestrial magnetism is caused by a core movement, it requires some heat source. Observed Surface Heat Flow : ~44TW (31TW : re-evaluation) Radiogenic Heart : ~20TW ? U-chain 8TW / Th-chain 8TW / 40K 3TW??? (BSE model) Radioactive heat sources contribute to about the half of the total heat outflow of the earth. Geo-Neutrino is Produced by β-decay of radioactive element in the earth I said radiogenic heart is 20TW, but it is also important topic. Mantle conversion, terrestrial magnetic field etc. are driven by heart. And it is said that radioactive heart sources contribute to about the half of the total heart outflow of the earth. If we observe geo-neutrinos, we can identify one of the major heart source.
Methods of research about inside of the earth
Seismic analysis Meteorite analysis Composition of the earth (Proto material ) is presumed by meteorite analysis BSE (bulk silicate Earth) model McDonough et al.(1995) Th/U mass ratio ~ 3.9 It expect that 20TW comes from radioactivity There are no direct measurements In order to understand the earth, these methods have been used at geophysics. For the physical composition, seismic analysis is most important method. This analysis shows density, elastic parameter etc, in the earth, and indicate mantle conversion. But, it don’t tell chemical composition. For the composition of the earth is presumed by meteorite analysis. It is called BSE model and this model predict these information, average composition on the earth, Uranium / Thorium mass ratio, 20TW comes from radioactivity. But, there are no direct measurement. Next methods is boring. It is direct measurement. But, it is only up to 7 km. So, we want direct measurement in the earth. Physical parameter (density, elastic parameter etc…) It does not tell chemical composition Direct measurement is desired!!
Geophysics with Neutrino
Determination of the amount and distribution of U, Th in the earth from geo-ν observation - Test for BSE model Verification of basic paradigm of geochemical earth formation and generation - Determination of heat balance Information for earth dynamics, evolution, terrestrial magnetism - Understanding of chemical composition of deep interior of the earth Determination of chemical structure model (mantle model) From the geo-neutrino measurement, we can provide these information. If we can determine quantity and distribution of U / Th ratio, we can test for BSE model. BSE model is verification of basic paradigm of geochemical. And from this verification, we can understand the earth generation process. Next is determination of heart balance. It provide understanding of dynamics, earth development, mechanism for production of magnetic field. And from the understanding of chemical composition of deep interior of the earth, We can determine chemical structure model.
Mantle = Meteorite (BSE model) - Crust
Reference Earth Model Upper continental crust U : 2.8ppm / Th: 10.7ppm Middle continental crust U : 1.6ppm / Th: 6.1ppm Lower continental crust U : 0.2ppm / Th: 1.2ppm Rudnick (1995) continental crust Oceanic crust U: 0.08ppm / Th: 0.32ppm Th/U ~3.9 Radiogenic heat ~16TW To estimate geo-neutrino expectation, we used this earth model. Uranium / Thorium ratio of each crust is calculated as these value, and Mantle composition is calculated by BSE model and crust model. U: 0ppm / Th: 0ppm Ionic radius of U/Th are large Core is very high density do not exist mantle Core U: 0.012ppm / Th: 0.048ppm Mantle = Meteorite (BSE model) - Crust
U/Th distribution maps in Japan
Average component of upper continental crust Geological map + rock sample (Togashi et al.) To estimate uncertainty of geology heterogeneity near the detector, rock sample and map is useful information. From the assumption that the surface uranium / thorium distribution extends to 5km in depth, Uncertainty is estimated as 3%. U : 2.32 ppm Th : 8.3 ppm Assume the surface U, Th distribution extends to 5km in depth Geo-neutrino flux is calculated from global and local U, Th composition
Geo-Neutrino spectrum
From the BSE model, expected geo-neutrino fluxes are shown as this figure. Red line shows neutrino flux from uranium-series, green is thorium-series, and blue is potassium. The energy threshold of inverse-beta decay reaction is here, so we can detect these energy region.
Event Selection (Geo-ν)
Delayed Coincidence: 0.5 < ΔT < 1000μsec ΔR < 100 cm 0.9 < Eprompt < 2.6 MeV 1.8 < Edelayed < 2.6 MeV Fiducial Volume: Rprompt < 500 cm Rdelayed < 500 cm ρxy > 120 cm Spallation Cuts: ΔTμ < 2 msec, total volume (for all muons) ΔTμ < 2 sec, total volume (showering muons) or ΔTμ < 2 sec, ΔL < 300 cm (Non-showering muons) Efficiency U-Series : 69.2% , Th-Series : 68.0%
(α, n) Background αcomes from 210Po decay (daughter nuclei of 222Rn)
Unfortunately, we inputted 222Rn at the construction After applying event selection, most of backgrounds could be rejected. But backgrounds from alpha n reaction of carbon 13 could not be rejected, because these backgrounds make delayed neutron capture event. Therefore we estimated these backgrounds statistically. For the reactor neutrino analysis, this backgrounds are estimated as 10.3 events. On the other hand, these events are background for geo-neutrino. Recent paper shows few % lower cross section of alpha n reaction of 13C, So we could reduce about background estimation. And our collaborator plan to measure this reaction, so we may be able to reduce uncertainty of this reaction. Recent paper shows few % lower cross section of 13C (α,n) 16O (Harissopulos et al, nucl-ex/ ) We could reduce about B.G. uncertainty
Expected spectrum reactor BG + Geo-ν BG total Reactor ν (α,n) reaction
Th-chain geo-ν U-chain geo-ν Accidental coincidence
Expected + observed spectra
749.1 live days Observed 152 B.G. 127.4±13.3 Signal 24.2±17.9
Rate + Shape analysis N U+ N Th :
C.L. contours for detected U and Th geo-s. Th/U Mass ratio=3.9 Th/U mass Ratio=3.9 90%CL NU+NTh 2 54.2 4.5 (NUNTh)/(NU+NTh) Prediction from the BSE model NU+NTh N U+ N Th : Consistent with prediction of BSE model. We observed geo-neutrinos with 90%C.L 99% C.L. upper limit :70.7 events
Geo-ν after purification
Assume 210Pb : 10-5 level (α,n) reaction and other radioactive backgrounds are negligible 749days data error : 54% % (statistical error of reactor neutrino is dominant) Significance : 99.96% precise measurement fiducial volume : R < 5m m detection efficiency : 90%
Signal v.s. heat We will contribute to geology
Fiorentini et al. (hep-ph/ ) Re-calculation with new cross section for (α,n) reaction for 13C 99% C.L. upper limit from KamLAND data Signal (U+Th) [TNU] Relationship line from geochemical and geophysical constraints Analysis improvement B.G. reduction More statistics BSE Fully radiogenic Heat (U+Th) [TW] We will contribute to geology
Future Plan
Next target of KamLAND 7Be ν : neutrino electron elastic scattering
0.4 1.0 2.6 8.5 Visible energy [MeV] neutrino electron elastic scattering inverse beta decay Neutrino Astrophysics verification of SSM Neutrino Geophysics Neutrino Physics Neutrino Cosmology 7Be solar neutrino geo-neutrino reactor neutrino supernova relic neutrino etc. 7Be ν : neutrino electron elastic scattering e (We couldn’t use delayed coincidence methods) Very low level background is required
KamLAND-II : toward solar 7Be neutrino detection
4 m radius fiducial 1.2 m cylindrical cut Total 210Po 85Kr 210Bi 7Be 11C Required Improvements : Pb : 10-4~10-5 85Kr, 39Ar: ~10-6
LS Purification 2, 3, … , times distillation (1time : ~ 1 month)
Distillation System : Test Bench N2 gas purge (N2/LS = 25) Rn: ~1/10 Kr : ~1/100 Distillation (110 ℃, 37 hPa, 1time) Pb: Rn: ( ) ×10-3 Kr : <10-5 2, 3, … , times distillation (1time : ~ 1 month) We will achieve required performance
Purification Outline We will start purification at next year
The specification of the purification system was already decided. And the tender of the system was started. We will start purification at next year and 7Be neutrino observation!!
After the purification…
Solar 7Be neutrino observation with few % accuracy Solar 8B neutrino observation (<5MeV) Solar pep , CNO neutrino (with 11C tagging) Geo-neutrino improvements - no backgrounds from (α,n) reaction of 13C - accidental coincidence will be reduced - larger fiducial volume
Summary Rector neutrino
- Rate + Shape analysis excluded no-oscillation at % C.L. - Spectrum distortion (L/E) shows oscillatory behavior. - Oscillation parameters are precisely measured: Geo-neutrino - It was proven that KamLAND can detect Geo-Neutrino for the first time. - We observed geo-neutrinos with 90%C.L. KamLAND-II - For the solar 7Be neutrino detection, purification studies have been advanced. - We will start purification at next year.
LS Purification and Radioactive Impurity
In order to reduce radioactive backgrounds, liquid scintillator was purified by water extraction. After the purification, uranium, thorium and potassium were reduced to be these levels. And, these background level can be measured by only KamLAND itself. before U: ~10-10 g/g, Th: <10-12 g/g, K: 7×10-11 g/g after U: 3.5×10-18 g/g, Th: 5.2×10-17 g/g, K: 2.7×10-16 g/g measurable only by KamLAND itself !
Detector Calibration Radio-Active Source Deployment Muon Spallation
Products Vertex Resolution Detector calibration is performed by radio-active source deployment and muon spallation products. Energy Resolution Fiducial Volume Error: 4.7%
Detector Activity (Singles Spectrum)
Normal Trigger Range Low Energy Region Major Background Sources: LS impurity (210Pb, 85Kr, 39Ar) extrinsic gamma (40K, 208Tl) muon spallation (10C, 11C, 12B, ...)
Event Display : Low Energy Event
Event Display : Muon Event
Event Selection(1) Delayed Coincidence: 0.5 < ΔT < 1000μsec
ΔR < 200 cm 1.8 < Edelayed < 2.6 MeV Prompt Energy Window: 2.6 < Eprompt < 8.5 MeV Fiducial Volume: Rprompt < 550 cm Rdelayed < 550 cm 12C captured γ In order to select reactor neutrinos, we applied these event selection, delayed coincidence, fiducial volume,
Event Selection(2) μ 9Li Spallation Cuts: 3m ΔTμ < 2 msec
Isotope Halflives Decay Mode 6He 806.7ms β- 7Be 53.24day EC 8Li 838ms β- 8B 170ms β- 9C 126.5ms β+ 10C 19.25sec β+ 11Be 13.81sec β- 11C 20.39min β+ 9Li/8He 178.3ms/119.0ms β- + n μ And spallation cuts. 9Li Spallation Cuts: ΔTμ < 2 msec ΔTμ < 2 sec (showering muons) or ΔTμ < 2 sec (showering muons) ΔL < 300 cm (non-showering) 3m
(α, n) Background Recent paper shows
After applying event selection, most of backgrounds could be rejected. But backgrounds from alpha n reaction of carbon 13 could not be rejected, because these backgrounds make delayed neutron capture event. Therefore we estimated these backgrounds statistically. For the reactor neutrino analysis, this backgrounds are estimated as 10.3 events. On the other hand, these events are background for geo-neutrino. Recent paper shows few % lower cross section of alpha n reaction of 13C, So we could reduce about background estimation. And our collaborator plan to measure this reaction, so we may be able to reduce uncertainty of this reaction. Recent paper shows few % lower cross section of 13C (α,n) 16O (Harissopulos et al, nucl-ex/ ) We could reduce about B.G. estimation
Accidental Coincidence Background
Off - time coincidence spectrum ⇒ ± 0.02 events
(α, n) Background 222Rn 210Pb 210Bi 210Po 206Pb α 13C (α,n) 16O
22.3 y 210Bi 210Po 206Pb 5.013 d 138.4 d stable α (5.3 MeV) 13C (α,n) 16O 13C (α,n) 16O* 16O*(6.13) → 16O + γ (6.1MeV) 16O*(6.05) → 16O + e+ + e-(6.0MeV) 14N (α,n) 17F 15N (α,n) 18F n + p → n + p (B.G for Geo neutrino) 17O (α,n) 20Ne n n + 12C → 18O (α,n) 21Ne n + 12C* 12C + γ(4.4MeV)
Backgrounds Summary
Correlation with Reactor Power
constrained to expected BG at present statistics is not enough to state something
(α, n) Background
Energy Scale Determination
Fiducial Volume Calibration
With Muon Spallation (12B)
Systematic Errors Summary (Reactor-ν)
Systematic Errors Summary (Geo-ν)
Cross section Livetime Fiducial volume Trigger efficiency (U / Th / Reactor) / 0.09 / 0.007 Spatial Cut Efficiency Timing Cut Efficiency Total
νdetection efficiency (Reactor)
Space correlation Time correlation MC simulation Vertex resolution: 30cm/√E(MeV) Capture time of spallation neutron 211.2±2.6μs 99.84% ΔR(<2m) cut Parameter Efficiency(%) Space correlation 91.32±1.49 Time correlation 98.89±0.05 Trigger efficiency - Delayed energy 99.98 Neutron capture 99.48(I,II),99.48(III) Total 89.82(I,II),89.83(III) 91.32±1.49% Fiducial cut
Detection efficiency (Geo-ν)
Neutron capture 99.5 % Trigger U-Series: % Th-Series: % Spatial Correlation U-Series: % Th-Series: % Reactor: % (α,n): % Time correlation 90.4% Energy of delayed event 99.97% Spatial Correlation (MC) MC/Data Comparison total U-Series: % Th-Series: 68.0%
Event Selection (Geo-ν)
Delayed Coincidence: 0.5 < ΔT < 1000μsec ΔR < 100 cm 0.9 < Eprompt < 2.6 MeV 1.8 < Edelayed < 2.6 MeV Fiducial Volume: Rprompt < 500 cm Rdelayed < 500 cm ρxy > 120 cm Spallation Cuts: ΔTμ < 2 msec, total volume (for all muons) ΔTμ < 2 sec, total volume (showering muons) or ΔTμ < 2 sec, ΔL < 300 cm (Non-showering muons)
Backgrounds (Geo-ν) total 127.4±13.3
Cosmic ray muon Neutron (inner of detector) negligible Fast neutron (external) < 0.1 Spallation (9Li) ±0.047 Radioactive contamination accidental coincidence ±0.0077 spontaneous fission < 0.1 correlated fission negligible (α, n) reaction ±11.1 (γ, n) reaction negligible Reactor neutrino ±7.2 Long lived nuclear (spent fuel rod) ±0.2 total ±13.3
Time variation of reactor neutrino flux
1 / 2 Time Neutrino flux from distance of ~160km decreased. 190km Oscillation pattern depend on this variation. 160km
L/E Analysis χ2/ndf GOF spectrum shape test 24.2/17 11.1% 35.8/17 0.7%
24.2/ % 35.8/ % 32.2/ % Next figure shows L/E analysis. Horizontal axis is L/E and vertical axis is observed/expected. Red dots show KamLAND data and this line is best-fit oscillation expected. You can see oscillatory behavior. Observed / expected
11C Tagging
Neutrino Propagation through the Earth
Mantle or Oceanic crust?
Seismic wave velocity anomaly KamLAND Subducting plate Low speed (high temp.) Accumulation of cold slab? Subducting plate thickness ~50km (oceanic crust ~6km) Cold slab Oceanic crust : mantle = 1 : 9 For the calculation of geo-neutrino flux, we should consider some uncertainties. BSE model assume uniform chemical composition, but there is seismic wave velocity anomaly under the Japan. This analysis, high speed region exist under the Japan, and it is similar to subducting plate. Uranium / Thorium composition of oceanic crust is higher than mantle, so it makes uncertainty. We estimated this uncertainty is about 2% high speed (low temp.) Effect of the high speed region gives ~2% uncertainty of the total neutrino flux
Distance and Cumulative Flux
Total <500km 50% Crust Mantle This figure shows distance and cumulative neutrino flux. 50% of the total neutrino flux originates within 500km. So, for the discussion of deep interior of the earth, we need understanding about surface geological features within 500km. Sediment 50% of the total flux originates within 500km. For the discussion of deep interior of the earth, we need understanding about surface geological features within ~500km
Result of KamLAND and Geochemical model
KamLAND result is consistent with prediction of BSE model. Fully-Radiogenic (44TW) is within 99%C.L., but out of 1σ. 99%C.L. limit is corresponding to 60 TW.
Spectrum Shape Analysis
number of events : (corresponding to TNU) 99% C.L. upper limit : 70.7 events (corresponding to 145 TNU) No sensitivity for U/Th ratio +15.6 -14.6 +32.0 -30.0
Extrinsic Gammas Screening
Current KamLAND Rate MC of extrinsic gammas (40K, 208Tl) 7Be ν: ~1μHz 40K: < 3.4μHz 208Tl: < 5.6μHz
Solar Neutrino Prospects
7Be neutrinos will be seen between 14C and 11C background 11C can be reduced with neutron tagging (pep and CNO neutrinos extractable???) 11C
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