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Real-Time Databases Krithi Ramamritham, “Real-Time Databases,” International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(2), pp. 199-226, 1993. J.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time Databases Krithi Ramamritham, “Real-Time Databases,” International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(2), pp. 199-226, 1993. J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time Databases Krithi Ramamritham, “Real-Time Databases,” International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(2), pp. 199-226, 1993. J. Stankovic, S. H. Son, and J. Hansson, " Misconceptions About Real-Time Databases," IEEE Computer, vol. 32, no. 6, pp 29-36, June 1999.

2 Outline Motivation Characteristics of data in RTDB Characteristics of transactions in RTDB Relations between active DB and RTDB Transaction processing in RTDB Research issues

3 Motivation Many applications involve: –time-constrained access to data –data temporal validity –examples: agile manufacturing, stock trading, e-commerce, command and control, network management, target tracking,... Requirements –Timely transaction/query processing –Use fresh, i.e., temporally consistent, data

4 Traditional Databases (Traditional) DBs –Deal with persistent data –Transactions access (persistent) data, while maintaining the consistency –Serializability is the correctness criterion –Support a good throughput and response time

5 Background: Serializability Correct criterion for concurrent transaction executions Why concurrent transactions? –Better performance than serial executions Deifinition –A concurrent execution of transactions is equivalent to a serial execution of the transacions –A correct concurrent execution of the transactions produces the same result as they are executed one at a time

6 Background: Conflict Serializability Two operations conflict if: –they are issued by two transactions; –they access the same data; and –at least one of them is a write Two transaction schedules are conflict- equivalent if all conflicting operations are in the same order in the two schedules A concurrent schedule is conflict-serializable if it is conflict-equivalent to a serial schedule

7 Background: Conflict Graph Conflict graph –Nodes: transactions –Directed Edges: conflicts Example: schedule S = w 1 (x)r 2 (x)r 3 (y)w 2 (z)r 3 (z)w 3 (y) r 1 (y) A schedule is conflict serializable if there’s no cycle in the conflict graph T1T1 T2T2 T3T3

8 Background: Concurrency Control - Locking A transaction should get a lock on a data before accessing it Shared lock: More than one transaction can get a shared lock on a data at the same time Exclusive lock: Only one transaction can get an exclusive lock on a data at a time If a data has a shared lock, other transactions can get a shared lock to read the data If a data is already locked through either a shared or exclusive lock, another transaction cannot get an exclusive lock on the same data -> It has to block This simple mechanism doesn’t necessarily support conflict-serializability

9 Background: 2PL (Two Phase Locking) for Conflict Serializability A transaction execution can be divided into two phases: –Growing phase: The transaction can only acquire locks –Shrinking phase: It can only release locks Strict 2PL: Hold an exclusive lock until the transaction committs #locks

10 RT systems Meet timing constraints Deal with temporal data that become outdated after a certain time Recall real-time ≠ fast: See the next slide

11 Real-time ≠ Fast Time-cognizant transaction scheduling & concurrency control required!

12 Why RTDB? RT applications may deal with many data, e.g., for target tracking, agile manufacturing, stock trading,... DB can facilitate: (a)description of data – schemas help avoid redundancy of data (b)maintenance of correctness & integrity of data (c)efficient access to data - indexing (d)correct execution of transactions in spite of concurrency and failures – ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

13 RTDB Features Not all data are permanent but temporal, e.g., sensor data or stock prices Temporally-correct serializable schedules are a subset of serializable schedules Timeliness is more important than correctness –Tradeoff btwn timeliness & serializability –Tradeoff btwn timeliness & atomicity Motononic queries and transactions supported by the milestone approach –Tradeoff btwn timeliness & data temporal consistency Data similarity concept Adaptive update policy Both real-time scheduling & database technologies can be applied to real-time data management

14 Data Characterics in RTDB Temporal data consistency: Keep track of the real world status –Absolute consistency btwn the state of the environment, e.g., manufacturing or market status, and its reflection in databases –Relative consistency among the temporal data used to derive other data Relative consistency of stock price data used to derive SP500 index

15 Absolute consistency Denote a temporal data item in RTDB by d: (value, avi, timestamp) –d value denotes the current value of d –d timestamp denotes the time when the d was updated –d avi denotes d’s absolute validity interval, i.e., length of time interval following d timestamp during which d is considered to have absolute validity –d is absolutely consisntent if current time ≤ d timestamp + avi

16 Relative Consistency Relative consistency set R: a set of data used to derive a new data Each set R is associated with a relative validity interval (rvi) Example: –SP500 index is an average of 500 stock prices –Target position can be computed using, e.g., aircraft heading, air speed, wind speed & direction, barometric pressure,...

17 Relative Consistency Assume a data d in R (relative consistency set) d has a correct state iff –d value is logically consistent – satisfy all integrity constraints –d is temporally consistent absolute consistency: (current time – d timestamp ) ≤ d avi relative consistency: For arbitrary d’ in R, |d timestamp – d’ timestamp | ≤ R rvi

18 Relative Consistency Examples –temperature avi = 5, pressure avi = 10, R = {temperature, pressure}, R rvi = 2 –If current time = 100, temperature = {347, 5, 95} ({value, avi, timestamp}) & pressure = {50, 10, 97} are temporally cosistent temperature = {347, 5, 95} & pressure = {50, 10, 92} are not because (95-92) > R rvi = 2, although temperature and pressure meet the absolute consistency requirements

19 Relative consistency At time 100, temperature = {347, 5, 95} & pressure = {50, 10, 92} are not temporally consistent because (95-92) > R rvi = 2, although temperature and pressure meet the absolute consistency requirements Is this good? Users may expect relative consistency is satisfied if the abosolute consistency of all the data in R is met! avi of pressure should be reduced to 5 to meet the required rvi of 2 and the updates of pressure and temperateure should always be done within 2 time units A better metric is required! But, not much work has been done to address this issue!

20 Transaction characteristics in RTDB Transaction types –Write-only transactions obtain the real-world status and write into RTDB (also called sensor transactions) –Update transactions derive and store new data in RTDB (also called derived data recomputations) –Read only transactions, i.e., queries Read sensor data and compute actuation signals –User transactions that read temporal data and read/write non-temporal data

21 Transaction characteristics in RTDB Example transactions –Sample wind velocity every 10s –Update robot positions every 20s –If temperature > 100, add coolant to reactor in 10s –If the average stock price of a user portfolio changes by more than 10%, sell the stocks within 5s

22 Transaction characteristics in RTDB Deadlines –Hard: Negative infinte value upon a deadline miss –Soft: Value decreases as time goes on after the deaadline –Firm: No value after the deadline miss

23 Transaction characteristics in RTDB How often do we need to execute a sensor transaction to update data x? –Period = 0.5 * avi(x): Half-half principle If period = avi: avix is stale If period = 0.5avi: avi x is fresh as long as the sensor transaction finishes within the period

24 Transaction characteristics in RTDB How often do we need to recompute a derived data? –More complex –Ideally, a derived data should be fresh if recomputed at every rvi –Alternatively impose precedence constraints on the transactions to confirm with the derived-from relationship

25 Relationship to Active Databases Basic building block in active DB: Event, Condition & Action (ECA) –On event If condition Do Action –Upon the occurence of the specified event, if the condition holds, then trigger the specified action –Good model for triggering periodic/aperiodic activities based on the events and conditions –Timing constraints are not explictly considered

26 Relationship to Active Databases Active DB has necessary features for real-time data management Timeing constraints should be considered Example On (10 seconds after “initiating landing preparations” If (steps are not completed) Do (within 5 seconds “abort landing”)

27 Transaction Processing in RTDB Key issue: predictability –Will the transaction meet its timing constraint? –Sources of unpredictability –Processing hard real-time transactions –Processing soft real-time transactions

28 Sources of unpredictability in DB Dependence of transaction exec sequence on data values –Very hard to predict the worst case exec time –Avoid to use unbounded loops, recursive or dynamically constructed data structures –In RTDB, the data items accessed by a transaction are likely to be known once its functionality in the controlled environment is known

29 Sources of unpredictability in DB Data & resource conflicts –Wait for data and resources, e.g., CPU & I/O device –Data consistency requirements exacerbate the problem Long blocking due to concurrency control Priority inversion Deadlock – 2PL is not free of deadlock

30 Sources of unpredictability in DB Dynamic paging & I/O –Demand paging in disk-resident databases –Very pessimistic worst case where all data need to be fetched from disk –Disk scheduling & buffering –Main memory databases eliminate these problems

31 Aborts, rollbacks, and restarts Transaction aborts, rollbacks, and restarts –A transaction can be aborted and restarted several times before it commits Total exec time increases. If #total aborts cannot be controlled, it can be unbounded Resources & time needed to deal with aborts & restarts can be denied to other transactions

32 Preanalysis of transactions Get an estimate of a transaction’s exec time & data/resource requirements Impossible for complex transactions Two-phase transaction exec –Pre-fetch phase A transaction is run once, bringing in the necessary data into main memory Access invariance [15]: A transaction’s exec path does not change due to possible concurrent changes done to the data by other transactions, while the transaction is going through its pre-fetch phase No writes are performed Conflicts with other transactions are not considered Determine computation demands

33 Preanalysis of transactions Two-phase transaction exec –Try to guarantee the transaction will commit by its deadline in the 2 nd phase –Ensure the necessary data & processing resources are available at the appropriate times via planning If access invariance holds, a transaction will complete by its deadline No recovery such as undo is necesary if a transaction is unable to execute How much overhead?? Worth it?

34 Dealing with Hard Deadlines Must meet all deadlines Requirements –Transactions should be periodic –WCET & resource requirements must be determined –Many restrictions on the structure & characteristic of RT transactions -> RT scheduling techniques can be applied

35 Dealing with Soft Deadlines More leeway Most DB applications are not hard but soft real-time Meet as many deadlines as possible Abort a transaction upon its deadline miss –Don’t waste resources for tardy transactions –Always good? Different application semantics? Real-time scheduling and conflict resolution are required

36 Scheduling EDF Least slack first –Schedule the transaction with the least slack (i.e., deadline – current time – remaining exec. time) first –High overhead –Priority changes very often Highest value first Highest value density (value/exec time) –How to determine value??? Longest executed transaction first

37 Conflict resolution: 2PL variations Priority inheritance –If a high priority is blocked due to a low priority transaction, a low priority transaction inherits the high priority –Reduces blocking time; however, –Blocking time = Duration of a transaction under strict 2PL Priority abort –A high priority transaction aborts a low priority transaction upon a data conflict –Better real-time performance than priority inheritance –2PL-PA/2PL-HP well accepted in RTDB –Low priority transactions may suffer repeated aborts and restarts, which can be a problem in, e.g., e-commerce

38 Conflict resolution: Optimistic concurrency control Assume there’s not data conflict during a transaction execution Keep executing a transaction Upon finishing every operation in a transaction, enter the validation phase If validation succeeds, the transaction commits Otherwise, it is aborted

39 Conflict resolution: Optimistic concurrency control Backward validation –A validating transaction is aborted if it conflicts with transactions already committed –Characteristics of a validating or ongoing transactions cannot be considerd for conflict resolution Forward validation –A validating transaction aborts ongoing transactions if there’s a conflict –More applicable to RTDB –Wait-50: A validating transaction blocks as long as more than half the transactions that conflict with it have earlier deadlines

40 Distributed RTDB Very little work has been done Challenges –Transaction commitment protocol, e.g., 2PC (Two Phase Commit), has high overhead –Unpredictable network delay Opportunities –Data & resource availability at remote nodes –Load balancing –Fault/intrusion tolerance

41 Two Phase Commit (2PC) Protocol Supports the integrity in distributed databases used in, e.g., airline reservation, banking, and stock trading All participating databases must either commit or abort and rollback Prepare phase: Each database informs the coordinate whether it will commit or abort a transaction Commit phase: Commit if every database intends to commit; otherwise, abort & rollback Drawback –If only one database is unavailable, all the other databases cannot commit –Too much overhead for real-time applications –Better approaches are required!

42 QoS Tradeoff & Overload Management APPROXIMATE –Montonically increase the accuracy of the answer to a query as more exec time is spent –Provide an approximate answer, if necessary, to meet the deadline Epsilon serizability –Allow transactions to read data while concurrent writes are going on –Bound the error to be below the specified epsilon Timeliness & security tradeoff –Apply a weaker security mechanism under overload

43 Research issues QoS guarantees in RTDB –Transaction timeliness & data freshness Distributed real-time data management Security –Access control for RTDB? New applications –e-commerce: QoS guarantees given dynamic workloads –Embedded applciations: Timeliness, data temporal consistency, energy-efficiency, composability, security, real-time data-centric routing and sensor data aggregation,...

44 Questions?

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