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Hassan Nadeem CS 491B Presentation. Project Develop a Music Web Site.

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Presentation on theme: "Hassan Nadeem CS 491B Presentation. Project Develop a Music Web Site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hassan Nadeem CS 491B Presentation

2 Project Develop a Music Web Site.

3 Project Motivation Interest in Music. Wanted to do something related to SQL. Needed an excuse to work with Flash. Could not think of any other Project.

4 Tools Used. Java. MySQL. Flash. Action Script. JDBC.

5 Design Flow User registers First User Logs In Gets Access to site features like “Shopping cart” SQL (Backend)

6 Features Implemented Login/Logout. Shopping Cart. Sample Player. (Flash Player made) Comments. Calendar. (For Music Events, etc)

7 Lessons Learned Hard to follow a Schedule. Learned Flash & ActionScript. Working with “Flash 8” can be torture. Learned new things/technologies.

8 Future Work Work on the interface and add extra new features.

9 Conclusion Not totally satisfied, but an oki job. Learned new things.

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