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Introduction Welcome! Who am I? Who are you? 25 words or so: name? school? what do you teach? Course web site:

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2 Introduction Welcome! Who am I? Who are you? 25 words or so: name? school? what do you teach? Course web site: (on syllabus) Plan for the course

3 Plan for TEP 231 10 class meetings First part of class meeting a tutorial/presentation/conversation Short break at about 6:30: 15 minutes: food & drink in commons (no food or drink in the lab) Second part of class meeting a time for you to do what we just talked about, with support from me and the rest of the class

4 Project-oriented course Daily projects: on syllabus, but check the web version each class meeting - subject to minor revisions Major project

5 Office hours Right before class (4-5) except for the three days we have guests (June 24, June 28, June 29), when it will be right after class (8-8:30)

6 Educational uses of the web: “From surfing to serving” Initially people see the Internet as a vast source of information The web as a distributed hypermedia

7 Hypertext & Hypermedia Our class web page as a hypertextOur class web page What is hypertext? Text that can be read in multiple ways Print hypertexts? Hypermedia: hypertext+graphics+sound+video+animation+etc. = hypertextual multimedia

8 The World-Wide Web A distributed hypermedia Different parts can be on different computers all around the world, with hypertextual links via the Internet

9 Web surfing Web “surfing” –Advantages –Disadvantages

10 Surfing to Serving Web Serving: –Advantages –Disadvantages

11 Search Engines Databases of web resources Two kinds –Directories (human classified) - Ex: YahooYahoo –Web crawler-based (not human classified) - Ex: ExciteExcite Which to use? –Use whichever ones you find useful –When you don’t find one useful, switch to another

12 Understanding URLs A unique address for each web resource Structure: what + which computer + which file Example: What kind of resource: http:// -> Web file Which computer: Which file: courses/tep231/su99/default.html

13 Understanding Computer Names Domain names: used both for computer names in URLs and in email addresses (whatever is the to the right of the @ sign) Like a postal address, but with “.” instead of new line as separator Most general to most specific, right to left

14 From the right: edu -> US higher education institution –com --> US commercial institution –gov --> US federal government –org --> US non-profit –us --> US –mx -> Mexico –au -> Australia –Country code list:

15 Next to the left: ucsd –University of California, San Diego Email example: –University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign

16 Next to the right: www-tep –A particular computer in the room next door Another example: –ed --> computers in the Education Building at UIUC –www --> a particular computer in the basement of the Education Building

17 Sending/saving URLs Have to get the URL exactly right (sometimes case mAtTeRs; no spaces ever) Copy & paste is best Emailing from your web browser –Advantages: can do anywhere –Disadvantages: need to set & then unset email preferences Emailing yourself

18 Using URLs to evaluate web sites Largest level vs. … Subdomain elements:.ed.uiuc vs..cs.uiuc Directory elements: /students/joe/ vs. /facstaff/chip/ Institutional vs. personal pages: /~jlevin/ vs. /deans/

19 Photo op During the second half of the course, get your individual picture taken with the digital camera Group picture right after break

20 Break time! Meet back here in 15 minutes: at 6:25

21 Group photo Individual photos: sign your name when you get your picture taken To be used (if you choose to do so) on your personal web page

22 Next class meeting Tomorrow: June 22, same time, same place Office hour tomorrow: 4pm-5pm, next door (Production Lab)

23 Personal web page assignment Each team of two is to find two exemplary personal web pages - a personal web page is a web page created by a person about him/herself (this assignment will help you create/modify your own personal web page, which you’ll do next class meeting)

24 Exemplary personal (cont.) Email the URLs, short descriptions, and why your group found them to be exemplary (do this during the second half of today’s class) See the list of team members displayed later and...

25 Exemplary educational web sites find 5 exemplary educational web sites which you might use in your teaching, and 5 exemplary web sites you might want your students to use, then email me the two rank ordered lists, with URLs, short descriptions, and explanations of why you think they are exemplary. and...

26 Reading for tomorrow read the Bruce & Levin paper at & Levin paper email me one or more questions about this reading to address tomorrow in class (put this in the same email as your exemplary educational web site message)me

27 Personal web page pairings Jean Dinah Andrea Ann Kim Kristi Donna Shawna Jennifer Stephanie Su Lisa April Liz Joyce Colleen Jodi Joanne Mary Annie Carla Dan Sharon Dave

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