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Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope Project Status Simon Radford 2005 October 10.

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1 Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope Project Status Simon Radford 2005 October 10

2 Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope2 Study Status Now concluding Concept and Feasibility Study –MOU between Cornell and Caltech –JPL participation as part of Caltech Study budget:$2 million Study completion –Report publicationmid December 2005 –Review presentationmid January 2006 Peer review panel Formal report for administrations and partners –Detailed and accurate cost estimate Major objectives of this phase –Identify a telescope concept –Investigate feasibility and assess probable cost –Identify critical risks –Propose plan for entire project

3 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope3 Project Principals Riccardo GiovanelliProject Director, Cornell Terry HerterProject Scientist, Cornell Jonas Zmuidinas Project Scientist, Caltech Tom SebringProject Manager, Cornell Simon RadfordDeputy Proj. Mgr., Caltech Paul GoldsmithJPL lead Not meant to devalue other participants!

4 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope4 Study Tasks Committees –Overall leadership by Project Scientists –Science: Overall Science Objectives and Requirements –Instrumentation: Defines Instrument Suite –Operations: Operations Plans and Cost Est. Internal Studies –Technical Tasks Undertaken by JPL, Caltech, Cornell –Provide Specific Design, Analysis, and Reports to Study Contracts –Seven Industrial Study Contracts in Place Facility, Dome, Mount, Mirror Panels (3), M2/M3 mechanisms Detailed Reports, Presentations, and Cost Estimates We Are On Course to Complete the Feasibility Concept Study as Planned

5 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope5 Chajnantor Plateau (5000 m) Dietrich/Caltech CBIAPEX CCAT 5590 m ALMA

6 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope6 Site selection status Chajnantor plateau (5050 m) better than Mauna Kea –CBI, APEX, ALMA; twice as much time for 350 µm Sairecabur (5500 m) better than Chajnantor plateau –30% more 350 µm; 1 km from Bolivia, outside science preserve Expect Cerro Chajnantor (5590 m) similar to Sairecabur –Radiosonde measurements of water vapor profiles –Permission to deploy characterization equipment pending –Japanese planning to deploy equipment for IR telescope Baseline plan: Cerro Chajnantor (5590 m) Fallback:Chajnantor plateau, near APEX Option: Sairecabur (5500 m) Quantify relative costs, benefits Continue quantitative measurements of other sites

7 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope7 M3 Engineering & Technology, Tucson –Have designed facilities for most recent US observatories –Familiar with Atacama region through work on the ALMA project Mountain top facility –Minimum size for functions –Use Chilean construction methods & materials –Includes oxygen enrichment Base facility –Near San Pedro de Atacama –Similar to APEX base Facilities

8 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope8 Dome AMEC Dynamic Structures, Vancouver –Designer of largest astronomical domes –Experience with large moving structures Calotte Design –Unique motions –Structurally efficient – lowest cost –Highest reliability –Very Large… 50 m diameter! Study results –Structure, shutter, mechanisms –Concepts developed and designed Cost estimate –~$13 million, consistent with allocation Next Phase –Anticipate cost reduction by integration of commercial systems and structures Polyurethane Radial Roller Steel Normal and Uplift Rollers Bogie Frame Normal Pivot Bearing Central Mount

9 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope9 Telescope Mount Vertex RSI (General Dynamics) –Built many radars, radiotelescopes, and optical telescopes –Particular expertise in servo control for pointing and tracking CCAT mount challenges –Precision pointing and tracking required –High acceleration for scanning motions –Large 25 m primary mirror Study results –CAD model, mass estimate –Includes primary mirror truss –Control analysis Mount will probably meet scanning and pointing requirements Cost estimate due this week

10 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope10 Primary Mirror Mirror divided into annular groups of segments Only six different segment types Suggests replication from masters Supported by bolted steel truss

11 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope11 Three Approaches to Segment Fabrication CFRP-Al Sandwich –CMA, Tucson, AZ –Used successfully in SMT –Very lightweight and stiff SiC with nanolaminates –Xinetics, Devens, MA –Doesn’t meet cost, weight, or schedule Formed borosilicate glass –ITT, Rochester, NY –Lightweight core –Emerging technology Glass and CFRP merit further development 0.56 m diameter glass panel 5.3 kg m –2

12 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope12 Other Study Areas Initial Instrumentation Suite –Large format bolometer array imager –Medium resolution spectrometer Sensors for telescope –Calibration sensor for initial segment and M1/M2 alignment (JPL) –Operations sensors to maintain segment alignment Hybrid approach: opto-electronic and laser metrology (JPL/Cornell) –Optical guider for precision pointing and tracking (Cornell) Operations planning –Logistics, shipping, staffing –High altitude risk mitigation Systems engineering –Error budgets, analysis, simulations (Caltech & Cornell)

13 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope13 Project Schedule More detailed schedule being developed as part of current study Schedule is controlled by partnership and funding development Critical path analysis and optimization are part of the next phase, Engineering Concept Design

14 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope14 Program Funding Target: $100 M Two science instruments Contingency: 10% Rates notional –probably correct

15 2005 October 10Surveys with a 25 m Submm Telescope15 Summary The current Feasiblity and Concept Study is well along in meeting the objectives of the Cornell Caltech MOU Investigation to date shows that CCAT is technically feasible and can be built for a cost of $100 million Efforts underway to secure funding for the next, Engineering Concept Design phase ($3 million) Development of full partnership and strategy to get to full funding should have the highest priority Identification of forefront science indicates CCAT will be an extremely significant asset in astronomical research

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