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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ********************************** Implications of Retention Issues Chairs’ Retreat June 28,

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ********************************** Implications of Retention Issues Chairs’ Retreat June 28,"— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University ********************************** Implications of Retention Issues Chairs’ Retreat June 28, 2007

2 Chairs' Retreat 20072 RETENTION We All Play a Role Deans Chairs Faculty Staff Students Parents

3 Chairs' Retreat 20073 RETENTION We All Play a Role Chairs Understand implications of attrition Find out why students leave Develop retention strategies Lead the change

4 Chairs' Retreat 20074 POOR RETENTION Why is it? Symptom of other problems: Lack of information (advising) Academic environment (target recruitment, raise admissions standards, provide scholarships)

5 Chairs' Retreat 20075 POOR RETENTION Why is it? Symptom of other problems: Lack of adequate preparation and placement (provide supplemental instruction, tutoring, labs, etc.) Instruction (redesign courses, revise teaching methods)

6 Chairs' Retreat 20076 RETENTION Why is it Important? Moral obligation Social obligation Reputation Faculty Space Budgets

7 Chairs' Retreat 20077 RETENTION Why is it Important? Moral Obligation We implied to students when we admitted them into one of our programs that they could succeed.

8 Chairs' Retreat 20078 RETENTION Why is it Important? Social Obligation We have a social obligation to educate citizens, especially African Americans, to take leadership roles in society.

9 Chairs' Retreat 20079 RETENTION Why is it Important? Reputation We want to be known as one of the best institutions in the system for retaining our students. We want positive press coverage.

10 Chairs' Retreat 200710 RETENTION Why is it Important? Faculty Even before we lose the student: If a student does not complete a course he/she takes two seats in your course. If you get enough of these repeats, you must offer another section, which requires more faculty.

11 Chairs' Retreat 200711 RETENTION Why is it Important? Space UNC will find it difficult to fight for new space for us if we cannot hold on to our students. We will have to allocate space based upon student credit hours (SCHs) and majors.

12 Chairs' Retreat 200712 RETENTION Why is it Important? Budgets State funds appropriated based on SCH generation State supported positions based on SCHs A&T already allocates new money based on SCHs and majors.

13 Chairs' Retreat 200713 RETENTION Why is it Important? Budgets – Title III Funds allocated based on graduates, and low retention equals low graduation rates. Congress concerned that years of Title III allocations have not resulted in higher graduation rates at HBCUs.

14 Chairs' Retreat 200714 Budget Allocations New money each year is based on SCH generation. All SCHs are not equal. A PhD SCH is worth more than a master’s SCH, which is worth more than a bachelor’s SCH. There are four levels of disciplines.

15 Chairs' Retreat 200715 SCH per Instructional Position GroupUGMastersPhD I643.72171.44138.41 II487.37249.94146.74 III364.88160.93122.95 IV230.52102.45 70.71 I = English, Math, Social Work, Social Sciences, Humanities II = Education, Biology, Business, Interdisciplinary Studies III = Agricultural, Technology, Computer Science, Physical Sciences IV = Engineering, Nursing

16 Chairs' Retreat 200716 Retention Costs in Budget Each percentage point in class-to-class retention equals approximately: 1 faculty position $200,000 in A&Ts budget

17 Chairs' Retreat 200717 RETENTION Why is it Important? Moral obligation Social obligation Reputation Faculty Space Budgets

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