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Rwanda base image (Hydrosheds version of the SRTM DEM). The background is a false-color Landsat mosaic from 2000. The area of Rwanda is 26,798 km 2, but.

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Presentation on theme: "Rwanda base image (Hydrosheds version of the SRTM DEM). The background is a false-color Landsat mosaic from 2000. The area of Rwanda is 26,798 km 2, but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rwanda base image (Hydrosheds version of the SRTM DEM). The background is a false-color Landsat mosaic from 2000. The area of Rwanda is 26,798 km 2, but hydrological modeling requires that all of the land surface that drains into Rwanda, as indicated by the blue line, be included. Spatial approach in Rwanda's Common Framework of Engagement

2 (Transboundary) Political Boundaries Landuse/Landcover Physical “Template” Dynamic Information Framework (DIF) ….. a practical engine, for organizing and processing multi-source information and decision needs - an “information laboratory and forum” - towards a readily accessible Decision Support Framework

3 TIME SCALE Model of Elevations Topography, Mask, River Networks Geological Model of Soils Depth-n, types/attributes) Decades/Centuries Model of Surface Climate Precip, Temp, Rn, W Daily/Seasonal Model of Vegetation & Biodiversity Types, Attributes (“physiology”) Seasonal/(Inter)Annual “Models” Movement of water, energy Express as a geospatially-explicit/process-based (set of) models

4 Hydrosheds SRTM 3" (~90m) DEM Rwanda elevations run from 914m to 4457m (in GIS) on Mt Karisimbi.

5 FAO world soil suborder data

6 MODIS satellite land cover

7 TRMM rainfall quarter-degree grid at daily (actually 3-hour) intervals

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