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Semantic Analysis Mooly Sagiv Schrierber 317 03-640-7606 Wed 10:00-12:00 html://

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1 Semantic Analysis Mooly Sagiv Schrierber 317 03-640-7606 Wed 10:00-12:00 html://

2 Outline What is Semantic Analysis Why is it needed? Syntax directed translations Semantic analysis in Tiger (Targil)

3 Semantic Analysis The “meaning of the program” Requirements related to the “context” in which a construct occurs Context sensitive requirements - cannot be specified using a context free grammar Requires complicated and unnatural context free grammars

4 Example Semantic Condition In C (and Tiger) break statements can only occur inside switch or loop statements

5 Partial Grammar for C Stm ::= Exp; Stm ::= if (Exp) Stm Stm ::= if (Exp) Stm else Stm Stm ::= while (Exp) do Stm Stm ::= break; Stm ::= {StList } StList ::= StList Stm StList ::=emptyString

6 Refined Grammar for C Stm ::= Exp; Stm ::= if (Exp) Stm Stm ::= if (Exp) Stm else Stm Stm ::= while (Exp) do LStm Stm ::= {StList } StList ::= StList Stm StList ::=emptyString LStm ::= break; LStm ::= Exp; LStm ::= if (Exp) LStm LStm ::= if (Exp) LStm else LStm LStm ::= while (Exp) do LStm LStm ::= {LStList } LStList ::= LStList LStm LStList ::=emptyString

7 A Possible Abstract Syntax for C typedef struct A_St_ *A_St; struct A_St { enum {A_if, A_while, A_break, A_block,...} kind; A_pos pos; union { struct { A_Exp e; A_St st1; A_St st2; } if_st; struct { A_Exp e; A_St st; } while_st; struct { A_St st1; A_St st2; } block_st;... } u ; } A_St A_IfStm(A_Exp, A_St, A_St); A_St A_WhileStm(A_Exp A_St); A_St A_BreakStm(void); A_St A_BlockStm(A_St, A_St);

8 stm: IF ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ stm { $$ = A_IfStm($3, $5, NULL) ; } | IF ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ stm ELSE stm { $$ = A_IfStm($3, $5, $7) ; } | WHILE ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ stm { $$ = A_WhileStm($3, $5); } | ‘{‘ stmList ‘}’ { $$ = $2; } | BREAK `;' { $$ = A_BreakStm(); } ; stmList : stmList st { $$ = A_BlockStm($1, $2) ;} | /* empty */ {$$ = NULL ;} Partial Bison Specification

9 void check_break(A_St st) { switch (st->kind) { case A_if: check_break(st-> u.if_st.st1); check_break(st->u.if_st.st2); break; case A_while: break ; case A_break: error(“Break must be enclosed within a loop”, st->pos); break; case A_block: check_break(st->u.block_st.st1) check_break(st->u.block_st.st2); break; } A Semantic Check (on the abstract syntax tree)

10 %{static int loop_count = 0 ;%} % stm: exp ‘;’ | IF ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ stm | IF ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ stm ELSE stm | WHILE ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ m stm { loop_count--;} | ‘{‘ stmList ‘}’ | BREAK ‘;’ { if (!loop_count) error(“Break must be enclosed within a loop”, line_count); } ; stmList : stmList st | /* empty */ ; m : /* empty */ { loop_count++ ;} ; Syntax Directed Solution

11 Problems with Syntax Directed Translations Grammar specification may be tedious (e.g., to achieve LALR(1)) May need to rewrite the grammar to incorporate different semantics Modularity is impossible to achieve Some programming languages allow forward declarations (Algol, Tiger, ML and Java)

12 Example Semantic Condition: Scope Rules Variables must be defined within scope Dynamic vs. Static Scope rules Cannot be coded using a context free grammar

13 Dynamic vs. Static Scope Rules procedure p; var x: integer procedure q ; begin { q } … x … end { q }; procedure r ; var x: integer begin { r } q ; end; { r } begin { p } q ; r ; end { p }

14 Example Semantic Condition In Pascal (and Tiger) Types in assignment must be “compatible”'

15 Partial Grammar for Pascal Stm ::= id Assign Exp Exp ::= IntConst Exp ::= RealConst Exp::= Exp + Exp Exp::= Exp -Exp Exp::= ( Exp ) Refined Grammar for Pascal

16 %... stm: id Assign exp {compat_ass(lookup($1), $4) ; } ; exp: exp PLUS exp { compat_op(PLUS, $1, $3); $$ = op_type(PLUS, $1, $3); } | exp MINUS exp { compat_op(MINUS, $1, $3); $$ = op_type(MINUS, $1, $3); } | ID { $$ = lookup($1); } | INCONST { $$= ty_int ; } | REALCONST { $$ = ty_real ;} | ‘(‘ exp ‘)’ { $$ = $2 ; } ; Syntax Directed Solution

17 Features of Tiger Static scoping Possible forward declarations of (recursive) functions and structures Name Type Compatibly

18 function f(a: int, b: int, c: int) (print_int(a+c), let var j := a+b var a := “hello” in print(a); print_int(j) end; print_int(b) ) Static Scoping of Tiger env 0 env 1 =env 0 + [a  int, b  int, c  int] env 2 =env 1 +[j  int] env 3 =env 2 + [a  string] How to implement?

19 Forward Declarations of Fields type intlist = {hd: int, tl: intlist} type tree = {key: int, children: treelist } type treelist = {hd: tree, tl: treelist}

20 Forward Declarations of Functions function treeLeaves(t: tree): int = if t = nil then 1 else treeListLeaves(t.children) function treeListLeaves(L: treelist): int = if t = nil then 0 else treeLeaves(L.hd) + treeListLeaves( type tree = {key: int, children: treelist } type treelist = {hd: tree, tl: treelist}

21 Name Type Compatibility let type a = { x: int, y : int} type b = { x: int, y : int } var i: a :=... var j: b :=... in i := j let type a = { x: int, y : int } type b = a var i: a :=... var j: b :=... in i := j

22 Type Checking Module Top-down traversal on the syntax tree /* semant.h */ void SEM_transProg(A_exp exp); Imperative hashing symbol tables (two environments) Use C equality for type checking Process “headers” of recursive declarations first Generate code for expressions (will be studied later)

23 Summary Several ways to enforce semantic correctness conditions –syntax –syntax directed –traversals on the abstract syntax tree –later compiler phases? –Runtime? There are tools that automatically generate semantic analyzer from specification (Based on attribute grammars)

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