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Introduction to Millennium Acquisitions (MilACQ) - ORT Training – (ORT - On-line Request Transmission)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Millennium Acquisitions (MilACQ) - ORT Training – (ORT - On-line Request Transmission)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Millennium Acquisitions (MilACQ) - ORT Training – (ORT - On-line Request Transmission)

2 Goals Today: Getting started in MilACQ (login) Screens, drop-down menus, and toolbars Search and view records View Funds Create new ORTs Attach an ORT to an existing bib Printing

3 Things to be aware of… Slides show how program looks now— There may be minor differences in Rel. 2005 Functionality will change with each release. New releases are expected annually. You’ll be notified of changes that affect the ORT workflow.

4 Before we begin… Data is the same - only the look of MilACQ is different Telnet for ORTs disappears when Rel. 2005 is loaded: around Feb. 28, 2006. You may experience a delay in display of MilACQ screens or new data due to network response time issues. Patience….. In the beginning…proof read, proof read !

5 Double click Millennium icon on desktop Username = cmma1 / Password = pott34 / No other initials are needed (PLEASE NOTE: Username and Password are case sensitive) Click OK (or hit ENTER twice) Getting Started: INITIALIZING MILLENNIUM

6 Operating Suggestion Do not close the C:\Millennium\iiirunner.exe screen Keep it open so you can toggle between Acquisitions, Circulation and other Millennium modules.

7 TOGGLING BETWEEN MODULES Click on Millennium icon Click icon in pop-up box to switch to another module

8 Drop-down menus Toolbar icons Programs : ex. Orders; Funds, Create Lists… MilACQ Basic Display “Active” box is outlined in GREEN

9 Left column: Acquisition Activities (just like the icon sidebars in MilCIRC) - Click on the icon to go to that activity - Funds = View all funds in the system - Orders = Create an ORT - Create Lists = Boolean review files

10 DROP-DOWN MENUS: - Don’t be afraid to investigate drop-down menu options - If you are not passworded for an activity, it will be greyed out - Menus include all toolbar icon choices, plus more Keyboard equivalents Quit / Close record / close window Note: “ESC” does not work in Millennium

11 DROP-DOWN MENUS, continued…

12 Online HELP is always available …and there are two ways to get to it! HELP! Online Available from any Millennium screen OR you can use the URL:

13 Online Help Menu - Every screen has a drop-down menu for HELP - Select MANUAL; key your initials/password - Click SEARCH icon

14 - Type in keyword or phrase to find information in MANUAL - Click SEARCH or hit enter Note: This is the system manual; it does not contain OSU-specific data or procedures

15 - Both Innopac (telnet) and Millennium results display - Select Millennium help screens only! - MANUAL covers all areas: ACQ, CIRC, Lists, etc.

16 Print from the Manual - Find section of manual to print - Right click on mouse - At pull-down menu, select PRINT - Select printer from pop-up menu; click PRINT

17 INSERT: any field Example: Internal Notes SAVE: save changes VIEW: view bib record in non-editing capacity SUMMARY: go back to bib/order record display BROWSE: search feature PRINT: print screen Scroll right / left bar CLOSE: functions as exit key in Felix Back to… TOOLBARS AT TOP OF MILACQ SCREENS - will vary depending on which screen you are in - convenient…duplicates the most used pull-down options - icon will be grey if that function can’t be performed

18 NEW: create a new bib record LIMIT: limit search by location, year, material type, language, words in author, title, subject, and publisher. Note: Choices are highlighted only when you are able to use them TOOLBAR: ORDER ACTIVITY Note: Icons displayed differ on each screen

19 STEP 1: Basic Searching

20 Select: Orders Note: This screen automatically appears when you log in using your acquisitions login (cmma1) - A BASIC SEARCH -

21 SEARCH Select a Search Index from pull-down menu Key book title, ISBN, author, etc. Click SEARCH (= hit ENTER) Scroll up or down for more options

22 Scroll up or down to see more matches Double click title to see the record

23 Only ORDER records will automatically display in this login Select VIEW ALL to see if there are item or checkin records You must VIEW ALL to see if there are other attached records! VIEW ALL ATTACHED RECORDS

24 OR– At beginning of session, set options to display all types of records (order, item, checkin) - Go to VIEW - Select Record View Properties - Select All - Click APPLY - Click OK

25 ORDER RECORD DISPLAY Acquisition login automatically displays only order records Click SUMMARY tab to see all attached records

26 Millennium and OSCAR information is the same Where the information displays is different Note: STATUS is in different place on screen

27 When done looking at a record… Click CLOSE to quit Bib/Order and return to search screen

28 SEARCH -- BY BIB OR ORDER NUMBER To search by record number, select pull-down index:.RECORD NO Key record type: o, i, or c, then number (do not include “.” period) Click on SEARCH (or hit ENTER)

29 STEP 2: Viewing Funds

30 VIEW YOUR FUNDS - Click on FUND icon at left - Funds display alphabetically - Double-click fund name for more details

31 Individual Fund Display - Tabs offer display options

32 - Pie chart -

33 - Bar chart - - Click to show graph in dollars

34 - Recent Activity Report -

35 - Fund Summary Report -

36 - To see funds by collection manager, scroll down to HIERARCHIES - Double click: HIERARCHIES - Double click name to see all funds for that selector

37 Fund information by collection manager Double click on fund type to see individual fund name

38 STEP 3: Creating a new ORT

39 HOW TO CREATE AN ORT… - After searching for duplicates…you decide to create an ORT - Click NEW icon - Follow prompts

40 - ORT TEMPLATES - It’s automatic! ORT bib and order templates are automatically applied when you log in using cmma1 Just follow the prompts to create your ORT

41 FOLLOW ORT PROMPTS Enter data at each prompt Click NEXT Finish all BIB prompts Order prompts will automatically follow Note: Click NEXT if you have no data to enter

42 Click NEXT

43 Type in Language, Country, and Author Click NEXT or hit enter KEY PROMPTED DATA

44 Continue prompts for TITLE, EDITION, IMPRINT, SERIES, OCLC # and ISBN Click NEXT, after answering each prompt

45 Key in loc, fund and # of copies Click NEXT Note: Click NEXT not ENTER; ENTER adds another field Note: Put split fund instructions in an Internal Note

46 Key in EPRICE Use pull-down for currencies other than $ (U.S. dollars) Click NEXT

47 Verify original data entered is correct. Click NEXT

48 Adding Variable Length Fields Fill in Volume, Requestor, and Internal Note To add a non-Marc field: –Click icon to: Insert –Select field name from menu Editing is easy; just like word processing

49 Not sure of a value or code? - Double click on white field to get a pop-up menu of options - Or, Hit shift and ? - Or, Key in a letter or number

50 Beware the mouse wheel! Brushing the mouse wheel can accidentally alter data in the ORT if the cursor is still on that field Proof read, proof read, proof read! When done, SAVE and CLOSE

51 SAVING BIB and ORDER RECORDS Click on SAVE icon Click YES to save the record Bravo! You have created an ORT in Millennium

52 While keying ORT, tab says “New Record” After saving ORT, tab shows Order number assigned to the new record


54 STEP 4: Attach an ORT to an existing bib

55 Find BIB to which ORT will be attached In SUMMARY tab, select ORDER from drop-down menu Click ATTACH NEW ORDER Answer prompts (…same as create new Order) Input Order data, Insert Notes, Proofread, SAVE, CLOSE ATTACH AN ORT TO AN EXISTING BIB

56 How to Print in MILACQ

57 - TO PRINT in MILACQ - Click on printer icon Select printer to be used for that login session (1 st use sets default) Note: Change Page Setup choices only if needed Click PRINT button in pop-up menu Click on PRINT icon again

58 Change printer or e-mail address … Go to: FILE / SELECT PRINTER / STANDARD PRINTER Select: E-MAIL PRINTER / Click OK Fill in email address and header notes / Click OK Note: This just changes the selected printer or e-mail address Then Click the PRINT icon AGAIN to transmit to printer!

59 What about create lists (booleans) and statistical reports? Training Advisory Council is doing the boolean (Create List) training Contact TAC for dates and locations

60 Thank you for your time! If you have any questions, Please contact your MOD searcher or Marsha Hamilton 7-7461(, Deidra Herring 2-6314(, Dana DeRose 2-6314(

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