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Group 4 Kim Chen 587202797 Stacy Hsu 587201810 Peggie Liu 587201638 Olivia Tseng 587201640 Alicia Chen 587201717 Marcelo Chen 586201382 Aileen Fang 488031263.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Kim Chen 587202797 Stacy Hsu 587201810 Peggie Liu 587201638 Olivia Tseng 587201640 Alicia Chen 587201717 Marcelo Chen 586201382 Aileen Fang 488031263."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Kim Chen 587202797 Stacy Hsu 587201810 Peggie Liu 587201638 Olivia Tseng 587201640 Alicia Chen 587201717 Marcelo Chen 586201382 Aileen Fang 488031263

2 Commercial Film Norton 1. Marketing Research 2. SWOT Analysis 3. Marketing

3 Market Research Segment: Educational institution ( school, cram school) Goal: Arose audiences’ curiosity Expand the market to the different field of audiences

4 SWOT Analysis Strength: High quality Weakness: heavy, not portable Opportunity: Data-Bank Version, Bilingual version, Ring-Binder version Threat: copying stores, other publishers, internet E-text

5 Marketing LOGO: SLOGAN: Knowledge is Power

6 Promotion: Commercial Films DM Magazine advertisement Discount Literature works symposium

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