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GREEN STEPS for Environmental Literacy Istanbul 27 November 2005, Athens Gülru Hotinli, Serap Basol.

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Presentation on theme: "GREEN STEPS for Environmental Literacy Istanbul 27 November 2005, Athens Gülru Hotinli, Serap Basol."— Presentation transcript:

1 GREEN STEPS for Environmental Literacy Istanbul 27 November 2005, Athens Gülru Hotinli, Serap Basol

2 Non profit organisation working since 1989 Initially established by a few experts on environmental issues Working on small scale projects with a very limited budget All members are volunteers Yearly budget : max.2000 euros

3 Medies member Water in Mediterranean educational package “Art of Waste” Waste in Our Life – in translation

4 “Art of Waste” a continous program Poster calender with 30 issues on Environment and Sustainability A guide book for primary schools on environmental activities.

5 STUDIES at UNIVERSITY level Every year we hold a conference at ITU Faculty of Architecture on “ecosustainable architecture” followed by workshops on “functional desings out of waste” and “reusing waste areas for creative projects” all of which are evaluated and exhibited as term projects.


7 Presentations to the public schools on environmental issues and sustainable development. An Env. Education Guide Book for the Army. Supporting local NGOs with guide books, education programs, trainings. Trainings to various groups in the society.

8 Efficacy with a limited resources : As a part of our policy: We have members from other NGOs’ in various fields (ex.Tema, Greenpeace, WWF, Doga Dernegi, Soros Foundation, Child Rights Groups, Women Groups, School PTAs, Unions, Chambers) Now, having active members from various fields especially artists, biz sector, writers, musicians,doctors, city planners, pscyhologists..etc.

9 We gather different actors of the society together just to share their experiences and discuss EE ESD informally “ Happy hours” Close relation with other NGOs. Receiving lots of demands from other NGOs-to support/design EE activities in their area of work. Other participators from different sectors, who are interested in our activities welcomed to discuss the need for education in their work groups and create ideas to raise awareness.

10 Members are free to start any EE activity, to choose their working group, to plan their time table and activities...(in line with our mission statement and principles) The core group acts as a support entity

11 Lots of efforts are given to capacity building of volunteers/groups for activities related to education interpretation communication advocacy for raising Environmental Awareness

12 Examples: -2005 – GSEL worked with EU “Fener- Balat District Rehabilitation Project” group in Istanbul to raise awareness on waste management of children and of the local women. -Seminars given to Child Rights Coalition members on using the learning of environmental issues as a part of their program, -Seminars in one of the major University Hospitals to doctors on how to cooperate with environmental NGOs to support children’s health.

13 - A study has been started with the Society of Psychologists of Istanbul, to include environmental issues in their volunteer activities -We called GMO platform to support them in their activities (planned for 2006) - Our member from Min.of Env. And Forestry invited to general town governors meeting for a seminar.

14 - Cooperation with contemporary artists to work on environmental issues - Campaigns for donation of environmental books to the groups in need - A small summer camp as a model for sustainable living for teenagers started to operate by one of our members.

15 Awards Reputation Media relations High number of supporters

16 Shortly: Instead of growing as an institution we are in increasing our activities through multiplying ourselves...

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